things/people that BUG ME



  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    This is a very difficult one for me, because it involves my mother, who until i started making changes in my life.. we had a very good relationship.

    Whenever ANYONE says anything about my weight loss, for instance my dad said just the other day (i only get to see them about once every 3 months.. so they hadnt seen me since i started this.. and ive lost 33 pounds) "WOW, you look like you have lost half of your body weight!" -- untrue, but thanks Dad :heart: ---- my mom says things like.. "Have you noticed her hair has gotten longer?

    Or if dad says... "Im really prouf of you for making the better decisions for your health!" (as i am eating a salad from McDonalds, and everyone else is eating burgers or fries) and my mom says.. "Wow, look at this receipt.. YOUR dinner was the most expensive! (speaking to me) Um, I bought it, what does that matter??

    My mom has never had a problem with weight, so i dont know why this is becoming a problem for her, but it is.. =(
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    That really bugs me too. It is mainly one person that always does it to me. "Looks like it's a cheat day for you!"

    Eurgh.. this is the one thing that bugs me! My sister said this to me last night. (doing low carb and had a tiny bit of corned beef hash without the potato in!) and I just looked at her and said "shut up, least I'm doing something about my weight, instead of sitting there and moaning about it!"

    I dont let this one get to me.. I smile and say something like.. "Lucky me.. i can eat like this and STILL lose weight.. you cant?" and put on that crappy smile again. lol... that is usually enough to piss them off. Not exactly 100% true, but hey?! lol
  • pjsayler
    pjsayler Posts: 5 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :wink: Don't let anyone bug you! You are gorgeous and doing the right thing for your body! Obviously, because look at what you have achieved! Continue being awesome and just feel free to tell whoever is bugging you to stuff it! :heart:
  • dmcgrath81
    dmcgrath81 Posts: 9 Member
    I hate when people notice I am losing and ask me "What's the one thing you are doing?" Are you serious? Its not a one thing magic trick! Its hard work and dedication. I didn't cut carbs out, I am not on atkins, I am eating in moderation and getting more physically active....seems really hard for some people to understand.
  • kittyraj
    kittyraj Posts: 129 Member
    Me: Yay! I lost another pound last yesterday!
    Person X: Well done! I lose a stone (14 lbs) in a month! Easy!

    Me: fml...
  • GreyV
    GreyV Posts: 60
    I hate people who remember me when I was young and only weighed 95 pounds and look at me now at200 pounds and say " well it looks like you beat anorexia"

    Oh my God! That is an awful thing to say! Don't worry, karma will get them. I've heard she's a b*tch x
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    My friend told me I am losing too much weight. ???? Really?? I had only lost 1 pound since I had seen her last :laugh:
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    -people who eat too much salt and then freak that they gained weight
    -people who tell people who ate too much salt to drink gallons of water to get rid of the salt
    -people who are overweight but insist they can't eat a bite over 800 calories
    -people who are too lazy to just Google it
    -people who use medical conditions as an excuse to be fat
  • GreyV
    GreyV Posts: 60
    Skinny friend: "You look great, have you lost weight?"
    Me: "Thanks and yes 16lbs so far still got another 30-40lb to go though."
    Skinny friend: "What? You can't lose that much there'll be nothing left of you!"
    Me: "I'll take that as a compliment"
    Skinny friend: "No, I mean it! You'd look awful if you lost another 30lb!"

    Gee, thanks for your support.
  • miadhail
    miadhail Posts: 383 Member
    Butterflies freak me out o the point of going pale and breaking a sweat (bad childhood memory started that one haha)

    Holy cheese balls! I thought i was the only one with the phobia of butterflies.. seriously!
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    coworker: You look so good. How are you losing all the weight?

    me: I count calories and walk.

    coworker: Oh, I can't do that.

    me to myself: 'Okee Dokee"

  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    Currently?! Right this second, people that take pictures of obvious cigarette smoke or dust particles in the air, then get on a TV show and say they caught a picture of a ghost. Can you tell I'm watching Ghost Story, caught on camera?
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    when my skinny friend gives me and my salad a dirty look at lunch while eating her cheeseburger and asks "if im on my random diet"
  • kkclif
    kkclif Posts: 155 Member
    or when that friend who weights 100 pounds wants to talk about how fat they are.
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    Me: (answering a question)...I lost 20 pounds this year, thus far.

    Her: were doing so good in the beginning. Where do you think you went wrong?

    Me: Blank stare...this is a journey, not a race. Yes, the weight is coming off slowly, but I'm 20 pounds lighter and a bunch of inches less...which means I'm getting healthier and stronger daily!

    I hate when people try to discourage me with their words! Won't work for me:)
  • recee96
    recee96 Posts: 224 Member
    My MIL will always offer the biscuit tin round to everyone and bypass me, 'you're not allowed a biscuit are you?'. Because I'm losing weight she assumes that I don't actually need to eat. (the last time she did that to me I was just back from a four mile run!!!).

    WTH? See...don't monitor my food choices for me. You aren't the food police and last I checked, I was doing fine without your help! Ugggh.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    My MIL will always offer the biscuit tin round to everyone and bypass me, 'you're not allowed a biscuit are you?'. Because I'm losing weight she assumes that I don't actually need to eat. (the last time she did that to me I was just back from a four mile run!!!).

    WTH? See...don't monitor my food choices for me. You aren't the food police and last I checked, I was doing fine without your help! Ugggh.

    DH does this to me, he says he's trying to 'help' I say he's trying to see if I'm capable of murder in the 1st :smile:
    Totally just kidding, don't call the cops on me!
  • gkwatra
    gkwatra Posts: 431 Member
    i can't stand it when people try to force you to eat or drink something. i have a friend that is like this. she always wants you to try whatever it is she has made and has a hard time hearing no thank you. she just doesn't know that the more she presses, the more i dig in my heels. I'll even say no just bc I know she wants me to have it so badly. I don't do well w being controlled, forced, or manipulated....I make my own decisions.

    In many Eastern countries they get offended if you only eat one thing of what they offer. If you are at their house and you ate 2 cookies, for the next hour and a half the woman of the house will fuss over you, like, "Eat! Eat! Why aren't you eating?!?" :grumble:
  • Hi you guys are so funny, I just started my diet all over today... I'm crossing my fingers I do go I don't have a lot if will power. Not good at making friends , I just live for my husband and kids . I think I look like an impact lumps and always make fun at me when I go to the gym during my lunch break. Wish everyone luck
  • It annoys me when I tell people that I'm eating healthy, not drinking alcohol and working out 6 days a week and they say, "you look fine..." "I think you look perfect.." "You don't need to lose weight.."

    If all of those things were true, I wouldn't be doing it right now. I'd keep eating like crap, drinking 4 nights a week and never hitting the gym. I realize people wanna be nice, but sometimes I think people just need to be honest, I'd wished that when I got to my heaviest someone would have said, "Hey, have you put on some weight?" It might have hurt my feelings for 5 seconds but it would have smacked me into reality and into the gym quicker.