No loss in two weeks...



  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    What's upsetting me is that people assume I eat Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is absolutely not the case. Pizza is a once a week thing because of family (if I have a piece the following day it's a leftover and I always try to budget it). McDonalds maybe once a month. Krispy Kreme this was my first time in months. So many people are looking at my weekend and assuming it's absolutely typical of me.

    I am definitely trying to budget my calories better. I get really pissed at myself when I go over, but when I do go over I try my damndest not to go any higher than 1500 (the upper limit recommended to me by SparkPeople when i was there.) And yet even within this thread people tell me to eat my BMR of 1800???
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    ...really? Ok, I hear you on the Blizzard... bad decision, but even without that I'd be over. And it's bad to eat one serving size of Jolly Ranchers as a treat?

    Not on the same day you eat 900 calories of taco bell and a donut for breakfast.

    Your biggest problem seems to be differentiating "treats" from "meals". Treats are once a day or less.

    I have never had a blizzard on the same day as Taco Bell and donuts. In fact I never had Taco Bell and donuts on the same day. Saturday was my first donut in a month and then we had Italian and I made a poor choice there.

    I'm referring to your statement: "And it's bad to eat one serving of Jolly Ranchers as a treat?"

    Donuts and taco bell in one day:

    Sorry for shoving your nose in this. I think once you get over your anger toward people here, you might be able to look at your food choices more objectively. Eating fast food and donuts and candy is a choice. If you cannot live without them, then don't, but if you can't live without eating them several times a day, you are choosing to eat those things in spite of the fact that they are causing you to be unhealthy and/or overweight.
  • crazylovergrl
    crazylovergrl Posts: 97 Member
    It's hard to relearn what to eat... I was in your boat years ago and I've lost over 100 lbs since then. I didn't get to where I am overnight nor do I eat perfectly. My goals change and many a day I say screw it and eat what I want. You should try....

    Eating your main meals with whole foods
    Like a previous poster said, a foreman grill and chicken breasts can work wonders! There are so many spices and marinades to use. Buy frozen veggies and just steam them with salt and pepper in the microwave. A typical meal takes me 15 minutes to make. Eat a variety of things. If I ate salads all of the time for main meals, I would go nuts. Go slow and find what works for you.
    Up you cals!
    Your not eating enough. It's not good for your metabolism.
    Try to make a point to work out
    It will boost your metabolism, tone your body and work wonders in all aspects of your life!
    If you're feeling deprived or reach a plateau, up your cals to maintenance for a while and then get back to the grind. Don't get used to eating junk for all meals though. Make sure you're getting enough fiber because that stuff sits around in your gut and can make you very sick.
    Be easy on yourself!
    It's a process. You're learning. Don't be as hard on yourself as some of these people are on you.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member

    I checked your history, and none of it is good. Do you really need candy every day for a snack? (A large amount, I might add).

    I eat candy pretty much everyday.

    Also, the days that the OP went over, it was over her tiny goal of 1200 calories. She still stayed UNDER her BMR. And while there are some "junk food" items in there, she also has lots of perfectly normal foods that are pretty nutritious. There was only one day that I saw where she went way over. She could definitely add more veggies. (I struggle with that as well.) Eating salt and sugar does NOT prevent fat oxidation. Period.

    Did you look at her fat intake? That certainly doesn't help fat oxidation.

    I'm sorry, but when your caloric intake from candy MATCH the caloric intake of your lunch or dinner, that is a problem. That isn't a snack, that is a problem. I eat candy all the time but not 42 pieces. That's all I was trying to say. :laugh: I'm a KitKat fiend. Can't keep it in the house. :tongue:
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.
  • bvinette31
    bvinette31 Posts: 15 Member
    It seems to me from what you're eating that you're not ready to completely cut out the junk food. Yes, maybe this week was hard because it was Halloween and there were lots of goodies around. I admit i had about 5 Reeses peanut butter pumpkins this week, and only made it to the gym twice this week. I maintained my weight, and those are the two reasons. VERY similar to why you did not lose. From what I've seen of you last week: too much candy (=too much sugar not enough protein), too much carbs (too much sugar not enough fiber) and only one day of exercise (no calorie burning= no sugar burning= no fat burning= storing fat).
    My suggestion: Since you're not ready for a full blown diet yet, try having two cheat days where you eat whatever you want/ go out to dinner with your parents. I know how hard it is to stay home when everyone is going out, and eating healthy when you are out is hard because of peer pressure. If they go out more than twice, sit those out and make something at home. Stop eating candy on those normal days, Halloween is over. Get to the gym. Don't just go on the elliptical or treadmill and weights, go take classes so you are around people. When you go do whatever you want willy nilly it is harder to approach other people and build friendships. If you consistently go to a class (like yoga every week) the people around you become more approachable since you are all doing the same thing. It becomes more of a team work atmosphere which would boost your social levels. You may meet a friend who might want to work out together or go out to dinner with. Those kinds of friends will also make healthy eating choices and you'd be more apt to getting a salad rather than a huge bowl of pasta.
    Good luck!
  • booboo68
    booboo68 Posts: 302 Member
    Why not make a healthy menu plan and show it to your parents and ask them to jump on board. Make sure to include plenty of veggies and healthy proteins. (This will benefit all of you.) Volunteer to do the grocery shopping if they will try your menu.

    Also, if time is an issue, grill several chicken breasts and boil a dozen eggs at the beginning of the week as well as prepare several snack size bags of veggies and almonds to keep handy. You have to look out for you. And if you grill/cook the chicken and boil the eggs while you're peeling your veggies and portioning out your almonds, you will be done with a weeks worth of lunches in an hour or less. It really doesn't mean that you have to spend an hour a day cooking.

    Another idea: You don't have to rule out going out to dinner wiuth your family BUT take a little time and do some online menu searches for the places you all go most often in your town so you have these options in your head and don't make poor choices.

    Trust me, it's not easy to lose weight. I have been craving ice cream for a week SO I looked up the amount of calories in the ice cream portion I want and then BEFORE I HAVE IT, I ran off 4 times the amount of calories that will be in that portion of ice cream. And if by chance I decide I don't want the ice cream, well, I just burned off a boatload of calories! Win/Win. If I want a treat, I make sure I burn AT LEAST double the amount of calories in it IN ADDITION to my regular daily workout.

    I'm sorry, I'm rambling, I just want you to know that you are not alone BUT YOU ARE THE ONE IN CONTROL and the only way to succeed is BY HOLDING YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE. Good luck!
  • IDCY843
    IDCY843 Posts: 78 Member
    Just looked carefully at your food diary. OMG, its appalling......either make some major changes and get serious or dont bother with the are doing yourself no favors.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    Having a Jolly Rancher vs. 42 pieces of Hershey's chocolate is WAY different, girl!

    I have never eaten 42 pieces of Hershey's! I had 15 individual Kisses one day! A serving is 9!

    I checked your history, and none of it is good. Do you really need candy every day for a snack? (A large amount, I might add).

    I eat candy pretty much everyday.

    Also, the days that the OP went over, it was over her tiny goal of 1200 calories. She still stayed UNDER her BMR. And while there are some "junk food" items in there, she also has lots of perfectly normal foods that are pretty nutritious. There was only one day that I saw where she went way over. She could definitely add more veggies. (I struggle with that as well.) Eating salt and sugar does NOT prevent fat oxidation. Period.

    Honestly, OP, I think that adding 30 minutes of walking every day will help, but more importantly, don't stress out and be patient. Stress itself can prevent fat oxidation because it increases cortisol levels. I went back and looked over a month, and you are doing ok. I did see one weekend where you didn't log at all. So make sure you log everything. Definitely eat more vegetables though. Like for the shrimp pasta you had, broccoli would have been perfect for that. Also, it looks like you have changed your calorie goal several times. I would slowly increase your calories to 1800, then after you have eaten a net of 1800 calories consistently, *then* see what the scale says. It's important to stay consistent and to be patient.

    Thank you for being one of the more positive and reasonable people! My goal this week is to hit the gym EVERY day. I once lost five pounds in a week at college by ONLY going to the gym every day and not changing my eating habits.... but then Thanksgiving break happened.

    I actually never changed my calorie goal.

    The weekend I didn't log was the weekend of Comic Con. I don't think I want to know what that came to... It would've been over... but I don't think as bad as this Saturday at least.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    Also, do you measure most of what you eat? You could be severely underestimating how much you're consuming and overestimating how much you're moving. Just a thought.

    You're getting mad because people who have had major successes are all pointing to the same advice... but you're right, they probably have no idea what they're talking about.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    What's upsetting me is that people assume I eat Krispy Kreme, McDonalds, and Pizza Hut EVERY SINGLE DAY. That is absolutely not the case. Pizza is a once a week thing because of family (if I have a piece the following day it's a leftover and I always try to budget it). McDonalds maybe once a month. Krispy Kreme this was my first time in months. So many people are looking at my weekend and assuming it's absolutely typical of me.

    I am definitely trying to budget my calories better. I get really pissed at myself when I go over, but when I do go over I try my damndest not to go any higher than 1500 (the upper limit recommended to me by SparkPeople when i was there.) And yet even within this thread people tell me to eat my BMR of 1800???

    I eat pizza at least once a week, sometimes more. See my comment above. I think you should be eat at 1800 and be consistent about it. Eating too little can be as detrimental to your health as eating too much. And consistency is the key. Your calorie levels are erratic, and it could be because you are trying to stop yourself from eating enough out of fear of not losing.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    Having a Jolly Rancher vs. 42 pieces of Hershey's chocolate is WAY different, girl!

    I have never eaten 42 pieces of Hershey's! I had 15 individual Kisses one day! A serving is 9!

    MY bad. 48 pieces of Junior Mints. My mistake.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I briefly looked over the thread so it may have been said before:

    OP, when you eat badly for two weeks I'm not sure why you are surprised that you had no loss for those two weeks. This is why everyone is focused on your poor food choices for the past two weeks. Because those two weeks are what you are saying you're confused as to why you didn't lose any weight.

    As far as relying on your parents for meals at the age of 24, that's a poor excuse. I'm 22 years old and live with my Mom & Stepdad while saving money. I currently buy pretty much all of the groceries for our household and I usually make dinner every night during the work week, as well as my lunches.

    Cooking doesn't mean hours laboring over the stovetop. Research on here like I did and find easy, quick, and healthy meals. You can throw a salad together quickly. You can cook up some chicken breast and serve with a side of veggies in under 15 minutes. Make a sandwich, have breakfast for dinner, soups, etc. There are so many options and you don't need to be a gourmet chef.

    I have treats, such as ice cream, almost daily. But I make sure that they still fit into my macros for the day. I try to not load up on fast food, but I do have it on occasion. It should be sustainable, yes, but there is a difference between that and just taking the easy way out.

    You need to have the drive to want to change all of these things. Until then, no one can help you.
  • shells2963
    shells2963 Posts: 35 Member
    If you know where you are going out to eat ahead of time look up the restaurant on MFP. Just type in the restaurant and see if there is something you like that is listed that won't totally side track your results. However, you do need to have moments when you eat those foods you crave or you will end up binging on something that will side track you for days.

    My calorie goal is also 1200 calories for the 2 pounds a week I would like to lose and I can say that is not enough food in one day if I plan to exercise so if I find myself feeling hungry I make smarter choices. Stay away from the candy, carbs etc and go for a Fiber One 90 calorie brownie instead of a Little Debbie brownie. Less calories by more than half and you get fiber to boot. Good for you and helps with the cravings.

    It is almost like a game or personal challenge to myself, if I know I am going to go to the bar and have a few beers I will make sure I exercise enough to cover the beers I plan to consume. I like to leave at least a few of the calories in the bucket at the end of the day - so in order to do that I exercise.

    I know there are a lot of Jillian haters out there but if you want to kick in the fat melting I suggest her No More Trouble Zones video from start to finish with the warm up and stretching at the end it is between 50 and 55 minutes. Yes we cuss her - as well as the girl in the back row that doesn't keep her weights back behind her butt during one of the exercises (the darn cheater LOL) But I am seeing results - my hips are slimmer than I can remember them ever looking and I have lost 2 inches on my upper arms (each side)

    Hang in there and the weight will move just remember exercise is key - it isn't always fun but if you find someone to suffer through it with you it makes it all worth while. Take your lunch - I take a sandwich daily that is 180 calories and then have a fresh fruit or applesauce along with that. :wink:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member

    I checked your history, and none of it is good. Do you really need candy every day for a snack? (A large amount, I might add).

    I eat candy pretty much everyday.

    Also, the days that the OP went over, it was over her tiny goal of 1200 calories. She still stayed UNDER her BMR. And while there are some "junk food" items in there, she also has lots of perfectly normal foods that are pretty nutritious. There was only one day that I saw where she went way over. She could definitely add more veggies. (I struggle with that as well.) Eating salt and sugar does NOT prevent fat oxidation. Period.

    Did you look at her fat intake? That certainly doesn't help fat oxidation.

    I'm sorry, but when your caloric intake from candy MATCH the caloric intake of your lunch or dinner, that is a problem. That isn't a snack, that is a problem. I eat candy all the time but not 42 pieces. That's all I was trying to say. :laugh: I'm a KitKat fiend. Can't keep it in the house. :tongue:

    Dietary fat does NOT prevent fat oxidation. I go over on my fat quite often. Check my diary last week for how many KitKats I ate. I still burned an inch of fat off my hips and a half inch off my belly.
  • LeggyAmericanGirl
    LeggyAmericanGirl Posts: 285 Member
    According to the nutritionist im using.

    1. Over estimating your calories
    2. Over exercising
    3. Not being truthful in logging everything
    4. Not resting your body enuff.
    5. Improper macro levels for YOUR body, you have to adjust them they will need to change over time
    6. Poor choices that do not offer your body optimal nutrition (which is the whole purpose of food)

    In my case I over exercising. I was logging anywhere from 6500-12000 (yes 12K in exercise) weekly. Yes the first 25 lbs were easy, it has been a struggle to lose the last 15lbs. I never rested my body for the first 6 months I worked out 7 days a week around 2-3.5hrs total daily broken up into small sessions.

    This is what helped me over the hump
    1. Rest your body its hard work running your body systems and breaking down fat
    2. You have to limit (didn't say give up) processed foods, take out food and food sources high in sodium and empty nutrition
    3. Limit workouts to 30 minutes a day with 2 days of complete rest. She stresses weight training over cardio. I lift heavy to get the cardio effect of working out hard b/c im addicted the challenge of a hard workout.
    4. Track your weight, macros and exercise levels over a period of time to see the effects on your body. I do mine in excel.

    I have been on this plan for 2 weeks now, prior to that I have only lost 4.6lbs in 3 months. First week alone I lost 4.2lbs. There is a point of doing harm to your body and you will not know how to fix without tracking it to see the problem. Every body is individual there is no magical answer to make it easier.

    You are welcomed to look at my profile my nutrition plan is listed out their in detail.

    The hardest part is eating more, netting higher net calories and rest days but its worth the effort.

    Good luck to you its damn hard work.
  • Klopford
    Klopford Posts: 129
    I'm referring to your statement: "And it's bad to eat one serving of Jolly Ranchers as a treat?"

    Donuts and taco bell in one day:

    Sorry for shoving your nose in this. I think once you get over your anger toward people here, you might be able to look at your food choices more objectively. Eating fast food and donuts and candy is a choice. If you cannot live without them, then don't, but if you can't live without eating them several times a day, you are choosing to eat those things in spite of the fact that they are causing you to be unhealthy and/or overweight.

    Ah, that day. That was a bad one too. I miscalculated my plan for Taco Bell, and my coworker brought the donut holes. At least i didn't have a Blizzard...
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.

    That's too bad. There are actually some good choices at Taco Bell.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I did give up Taco Bell in the name of being thin and healthy.

    I really miss it too.

    But it's worth it.

    Now I'm hungry.

    That's too bad. There are actually some good choices at Taco Bell.

    Yes, but I don't like those!
  • jeddy3mcc
    jeddy3mcc Posts: 177 Member
    I hear you that this thread has gotten pretty hostile and i see your point and where your coming from, but to the person who sacrifices day in and day out for their goal of weight loss, you do not seem as dedicated as your original post. However we are not in the situation when you make decisions so who cares what everyone else thinks. You want help? The best thing that I can tell you is to really sit down and *kitten* how dedicated you want to be to this. You have been here for only about a month. Give your body time to adjust to this new thing you are taking on. I would say try to maintain a healthy diet with a lot of water and excercise and see what you get at the end of November.

    I appreciate that you at least take some responsibility for your actions but this thing called health and fitness is a daily process of decisions and your body cannot change overnight. Give it some time and give a solid go at it and i gurantee you will see results, but you have to continue to be your toughest critic...I know that is hard with some of the ppl in the forums, but you have to be the one to say, "Well I didnt do as well as I would have liked to this week" or I need to focus on these areas for the next 2 weeks"

    Also another thing I am not certain what your weight is, but I would say that make sure that you are weighing yourself at the same time everyday. Based upon your total weight, it will fluctuate between 2-5 pounds a day and so if you weigh first thing in the morning one day and after lunch the next, you are going to get some very skewed numbers.

    If you are really looking for support and help you can send me a message and I will be happy to answer any question I know the answer to and any question I don't I will try to refer you to someone who has the answer.

    Stay Motivated, You are not beat yet!!!