what my skinny friends say

i hate when all of my skinny friends keep telling me '' oh !!! you've gained weight you should really lose the extra weight it's really not that hard do what we do , ''' god , i wish i could just tell them '' you are naturally thin , you girls are lucky you're blessed with high metabolism ''' I AM NOT LIKE YOUUUU '''


  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    number 1, your friends are kind of rude. and number 2, it's stupid to assume that because someone is skinny, they are just naturally that way and don't have to work for it.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    Do they not realize they're being rude? :explode:
    I would straight up tell them that what they're saying bothers you.

    Personally, Id get some new friends.
  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    w o w . . .
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    both you and your friends sound rude
  • tishka11
    number 1, your friends are kind of rude. and number 2, it's stupid to assume that because someone is skinny, they are just naturally that way and don't have to work for it.

    I agree! some skinny people work there arses off day in day out to look that way....always saying its just because they are 'lucky' or have a 'high metabolism' is often unfair and discredits their effort

    Some are naturally like that, but some work very hard for it
  • slywon
    slywon Posts: 85 Member
    [/quote] Ditto

    I agree! some skinny people work there arses off day in day out to look that way....always saying its just because they are 'lucky' or have a 'high metabolism' is often unfair and discredits their effort

    Some are naturally like that, but some work very hard for it
  • EatClenTrenHard
    EatClenTrenHard Posts: 339 Member
    I see alot of fit people in the gym.

    Do you think when they finish their daily business they go to overeat.

    also lol@ people who think asians have high metabolism.
    this guy who weight 110lbs, with about 90lbs of it being lean body mass, he eats less than my 40 pound dog. (and he thinks he eats alot)
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    I absolutely hate it when people assume that I'm thin because I'm just lucky! I work hard and don't eat a lot of things I see other people eating to maintain my weight. Just because you see me eating something at a dinner doesn't mean I haven't lived on veggies all day to be able to eat that. Most "naturally" thin people are really just way better at making food choices.
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I seriously seriously doubt your friends actually say this to you...
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Its rude for you to assume it is easy for them to maintain their weight. It is equally rude of them to point out you've gained weight. Be a better friend and you'll have better friends.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    with my personality, i'd just tell them 2 suck my *kitten*!:drinker:
  • emmajohnsonlive
    I think you wish you could say a lot more things than that. hehe ;)

    Well the fact that they have to point this out to you is a weakness. True strength would mean they would lift up their friends, not put them down.

    So really I would say you should lose the weight for your own well being, not to boost other people's ego/self image.

    Write down the benefits you will gain from losing weight and focus on them. See how that makes you feel. ;)
  • hannahamay
    hannahamay Posts: 77 Member
    Sounds like you need better friends. I'm thin and I've never called one of my friends fat or told them to lose weight. That's pretty messed up and no one deserves to have people like that in their life.
  • EvaMRein
    EvaMRein Posts: 14 Member
    Geez. With "friends" like those, who needs enemies? If I were you, I'd dump them and find new ones. Find the kind of people who will support you and nurture you thru anything & everything in your life.
  • emmajohnsonlive
    Joined Oct 2012
    Posts: 457
    Mon 11/05/12 06:08 PM
    I absolutely hate it when people assume that I'm thin because I'm just lucky! I work hard and don't eat a lot of things I see other people eating to maintain my weight. Just because you see me eating something at a dinner doesn't mean I haven't lived on veggies all day to be able to eat that. Most "naturally" thin people are really just way better at making food choices.


    well said. :)
  • lollyish
    lollyish Posts: 75 Member
    I noticed my 'friend' saying that 'oh, i have lost a lot of weight but still have a long way to go'
    I don't even listen to her anymore, she is threatened that I am finally better looking than her haha
  • Tyrone_S
    Tyrone_S Posts: 94 Member
    1) I would hope and expect my best friends to be the first to point out anything that I am doing wrong, they are straight up and they have my back.
    2) Same old metabolism excuse, comes up around here all the time.
  • likemeinvisible
    The OP is 20 yo and when I was that age I ate whatever I want (admittedly that wasn't much) and never went above 49kg (108 lbs). When you can do that, you just assume everybody can do the same and don't understand why people around you are eating more. Meet those girls 15 years from now and it will be the opposite, you'll ask them why they still eat like teenagers.
  • liza2110
    the only reason i said they are naturally skinny is that '' they are '' my friends '' neverrrr work out ''' they '' hate it '' , i live on the 2nd floor so when they come by my place they wait out side my building so that they wouldn't have to take the stairs, cuz the 2nd floor is too much for them '' p.s: it's what they say '' , walking in the street for them is just stupid cuz we can just take a taxi , so i am not trying to not give credit to all the peoplewho work hard to take care of their body or disrespect anyone but some people don't work out and they eat what ever they want and still they don't put on any weight
  • liza2110
    lol :D i should have