6 year olds and iPads...



  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    my 3 y/o neice has an iphone (not connected) so she can play games etc and also uses "her" iPad regularly... I've noticed quite a technology dependancy issue
  • rst12267
    rst12267 Posts: 85 Member
    OK call me the worst mother in the country, but I let me 4-year-old use my ipad. No I'm not made of money; he just took it one day and took to it like crazy. We've downloaded some fun apps that he loves, but there are a couple of areas you should know about. (I wish I had thought ahead myself before unleashing the BEAST!) 1. He'll get addicted to the great graphics and sensitive screen and you won't be able to get him on any "kiddie" electronics anymore. 2. Many of the apps have inapp purchases and he could be charging up a storm on your dime. Think amazon's one-click purchase! 3. Supervision is a must because even if you see him using appropriate app...in a matter of seconds he could be on some you tube video that is inappropriate even for you to see! Yes, that did happen to us.

    Good luck!
  • rachgarm
    rachgarm Posts: 39 Member
    My son has autism and the iPad has helped him more than anything else. They use them in therapies and special education classes now. I understand the concern with them, and all games/iPods/tv/etc. but they really can be a fantastic learning tool. The only way I can get him from having a meltdown in public is by giving him an iPad or my phone. I get a lot of nasty looks for it, but I know I'd get just as many nasty looks if he was being "a brat" like I usually hear whispered when I don't. And I don't care what others think because if it can help keep him from being overloaded I will take the stares and comments any day!
  • Kaydee1084
    Kaydee1084 Posts: 4 Member
    My kids can play with my iphone and my kindle they have a page of apps just for them. I wouldnt buy them an ipad but my kindle is more of a "family present" than one just for me. They both have protective cases on them and I supervise when they have them so i'm not worried about them hurting it.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    As a Special Ed teacher IPADS are an EXCELLENT tool for learning. There are a TON of aps that are fantastic for language development, speech, math, science , interactive games, and it's great for getting kids engaged BC they can touch it. If schools could get IPADS for every kid we would they are amazing tools in the classroom
  • TexasTroy
    TexasTroy Posts: 477 Member
    NO! Id buy the child some sports equipment or outdoor games and tell them to get off their *kitten* and get outside! But im prolly the only one thats "old school " that way.
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    i'm going to point out one thing here:

    for those of you who responded and have NO CHILDREN, just bite your tongue now. we'll meet again when you have your OWN kids and see where you stand on the matter.

    i was the person, who before i had children, had all sorts of ideas and "fantasies" about how i was going to raise my child. yeah...pffffttt! all those ideas were thrown out the window! EVERYTHING changes when you have a child. everything you said you would NEVER do? trust me...you will consider doing it when you have a child.

    with that said, i am not perfect. there are days where i literally want to lock my bathroom door shut because my 3 year old wants to watch me take a piss or better yet, take a dump. yeah...privacy? what's that??? if i've gotta do some "landscaping" (aka bikini wax, brazilian...whatever y'all wanna call it) down "there", guess who watches me...my 3 year old SON!

    so iPad to the rescue! he watches 30 minutes of a disney pixar movie and mommy gets her landscaping done in peace!

    and no...he is not on the iPad 24/7. my son LOVES duplo/lego, he loves drawing and coloring, he loves flipping through pages of books/magazines and pointing things out to me. he goes to playgroup 2 days a week. the iPad is just part of the whole child-rearing package.

    it's all about moderation and finding a balance people! JUST LIKE EATING IN MODERATION and finding a balance between fitness and enjoying life.
  • fun_b
    fun_b Posts: 199 Member
    i'm going to point out one thing here:

    for those of you who responded and have NO CHILDREN, just bite your tongue now. we'll meet again when you have your OWN kids and see where you stand on the matter.

    There is nothing wrong with expressing an opinion! Yes I don't have children YET but the message did not say "For Parents Only!" I will think twice before responding to such posts in the future.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    "What? No. Get him a book and an etchasketch."


    Yes, because an etchasketch or book is so much more educational than a tablet. :ohwell:
    Motor skills.
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    If I had the money, I would. Just like anything else, you have to monitor what they're doing but why not if you can afford it?
  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    is it really for the six year old or is it a family toy for everyone? My daughter has asked for a ds and she is five at a quater of the cost I still thought it outrageous... however when I asked other parents then were unanimous and said I should have done it years ago as peace and quiet reigns when they are besotted with tech.
  • Julettashane
    Julettashane Posts: 723 Member
    id say "have you heard of a thing called the outdoors?" i understand there are learning tools but what happen to learning the old way? but its their money not money i give my opinion when asked but if theyjust say they are gonna get one ill just give a are you kidding me face. :grumble:

    and yes i have a child hes 3
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    When I was 13 I googled 'Teenage penpals'. And was promptly introduced to porn.

    So no. No child should have an iPad.

    They're not ready for porn yet.
  • My son plays with my iPad. He's 3 1/2. He's very good with it to. I feel like it has helped his hand-eye coordination and he has learned from it. We only allow him certain apps of course, but he can navigate his way through it with ease.

    I gave him my Kindle Fire and he uses it regularly. I don't see anything wrong with it. I have all the safety things set up on them to prevent him from randomly buying things or surfing the web so I feel ok about it.
  • kathijen
    kathijen Posts: 14 Member
    Depnds on the kid. We let our 6 year old play Daddy's iPad a lot. We put it on airplane mode so he can't get on line with out us knowing, and we pick the games he'd like. It's the times, man, they're taking their standardized tests on little mac airbooks nowadays.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    My son plays with my iPad. He's 3 1/2. He's very good with it to. I feel like it has helped his hand-eye coordination and he has learned from it. We only allow him certain apps of course, but he can navigate his way through it with ease.

    I gave him my Kindle Fire and he uses it regularly. I don't see anything wrong with it. I have all the safety things set up on them to prevent him from randomly buying things or surfing the web so I feel ok about it.

    Well, he's three now but let me tell you I could get around any parental controls by the time I was a teenager. :D

    It's not hard.
  • perfectingpatti
    perfectingpatti Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well, he's three now but let me tell you I could get around any parental controls by the time I was a teenager. :D
    It's not hard.

    That's why if you were my kid, you'd be constantly supervised. Now, go study!
  • raylenebrooks
    raylenebrooks Posts: 137 Member
    OH No way get an Ipad mini it is more size appropriate.

    Seriously we have 3 in my house none belong to me my 2 year old loves it andhas an ipod touch for car rides. But ifyo udo not want to pay for half for any reason I think it is a choice where to spend your money (unless court ordered)
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Well, he's three now but let me tell you I could get around any parental controls by the time I was a teenager. :D
    It's not hard.

    That's why if you were my kid, you'd be constantly supervised. Now, go study!


    But my parents didn't know to supervise me. :D I was too smart to let them know how evil I was. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! *true story though*
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    "What? No. Get him a book and an etchasketch."


    Plus, I'm not a fan of kids having nicer toys than ME
    I feel the same....then again, I'm really not a fan of kids......:laugh: