The Walking Dead Ep 4 Discussion....beware Spoilers.



  • Angie_1991
    Angie_1991 Posts: 447 Member
    I do not like the other group at all...Not sure why they killed Lori off...I love this show....I'm not sure why Rick was so upset when he was hardly speaking to her at all....cry me a river.

    I feel bad for the's it going to survive? And T should not have been killed...bad move writers.........
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Didn't get phased over Lori. I cried for Rick - realizing his son had to kill his mom. But this is kind of Rick's fault. I couldn't figure out why he locked that kid outside with the walkers anyway. The kid was just running, wasn't trying to kill anyone. He let the other two survive. The kid looked like he went over the edge, just wanted his revenge.

    I agree. If you want to stay safe, eliminate the threats. Or at least stay to make sure the threat is dealt with.
  • Tiff4378
    Tiff4378 Posts: 45 Member
    Since they never actually showed Carl shooting Lori can we only assume he did? I mean, yeah, we heard the gun shot but that doesn't really mean anything. And for the record, I love children but I could do without Carl's character.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    Felt sorry for Carl and Rick. Wondering how the baby is going to survive w/o food. I really can't stand Andrea because she just doesn't listen and the Govenor is so shady. Looking forward to the reunion of the brothers and wonder if they'll end up overturning the Govenor's rein.
  • raynavarro
    She'd better be dead after that 15 minute speech.
  • Shelbert79
    Shelbert79 Posts: 517 Member
    And I really don't think Carl shot his mom. Not saying that had to show it but because they didn't, I'm wondering if he actually went through with it or just fired a shot off to the side.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I do not like the other group at all...Not sure why they killed Lori off...I love this show....I'm not sure why Rick was so upset when he was hardly speaking to her at all....cry me a river.

    I feel bad for the's it going to survive? And T should not have been killed...bad move writers.........

    One black man limit. I am telling you. Token is immortal. Has there ever been more than one black man on the show atb any given time? Okay, there is one in woodbury too, so, I black man per camp.
    I'm still snotting and crying.. broke my heart!
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I also cried, I always liked Lori, I know, I know, but I still liked her. I don't understand the 'sacrifice' though. Do you know the odds of a baby surviving in a time like that? How are they going to feed it? She took it's milk with her! It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also, I'm not a doctor either, but I've had a couple of kids myself, and been in the delivery for a few more, you don't have two contractions and start pushing. If you start pushing too early, you will certainly bleed as you would tear your not yet ready cervix. It wasn't so much a sacrifice as it was stupidity.

    But would she have died from the blood loss?

    Oh wait, you meant when they first cut her?! No, that didn't kill her, the writers of the show said they did research that showed that she would have passed out immediately. She wasn't dead when Carl shot her in the head, only unconscious.

    how do you know he shot her? they didn't show it. maybe he chickened out and fired off a warning shot and left her for dead. maybe she's gonna wake up, alive, and alone in a future episode.
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I also cried, I always liked Lori, I know, I know, but I still liked her. I don't understand the 'sacrifice' though. Do you know the odds of a baby surviving in a time like that? How are they going to feed it? She took it's milk with her! It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also, I'm not a doctor either, but I've had a couple of kids myself, and been in the delivery for a few more, you don't have two contractions and start pushing. If you start pushing too early, you will certainly bleed as you would tear your not yet ready cervix. It wasn't so much a sacrifice as it was stupidity.

    But would she have died from the blood loss?

    Oh wait, you meant when they first cut her?! No, that didn't kill her, the writers of the show said they did research that showed that she would have passed out immediately. She wasn't dead when Carl shot her in the head, only unconscious.

    how do you know he shot her? they didn't show it. maybe he chickened out and fired off a warning shot and left her for dead. maybe she's gonna wake up, alive, and alone in a future episode.

    Unless that door is locked that is quite a security risk.
  • alinakaras
    alinakaras Posts: 51 Member
    I must say, it was the most distressing episode EVER. I was terrified, nervous, scared, emotional, sad - all within one hour! I cried so much, felt so sorry for T-Dog and Rick and Carl.... I was numb after this episode, I couldn't say a word.
  • Double_Tapp
    I am sad they killed off T-Dog, he was one of my favorite characters. Not so sad about Lori, but I do think she will be back in a future episode.
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,735 Member
    I also cried, I always liked Lori, I know, I know, but I still liked her. I don't understand the 'sacrifice' though. Do you know the odds of a baby surviving in a time like that? How are they going to feed it? She took it's milk with her! It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also, I'm not a doctor either, but I've had a couple of kids myself, and been in the delivery for a few more, you don't have two contractions and start pushing. If you start pushing too early, you will certainly bleed as you would tear your not yet ready cervix. It wasn't so much a sacrifice as it was stupidity.

    But would she have died from the blood loss?

    Oh wait, you meant when they first cut her?! No, that didn't kill her, the writers of the show said they did research that showed that she would have passed out immediately. She wasn't dead when Carl shot her in the head, only unconscious.

    how do you know he shot her? they didn't show it. maybe he chickened out and fired off a warning shot and left her for dead. maybe she's gonna wake up, alive, and alone in a future episode.

    Unless that door is locked that is quite a security risk.

    she's not in the part of the prison they inhabit. besides, as a zombie she might whine so much to the other zombies that they kill themselves to get away from her. carl = hero. :wink:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I also cried, I always liked Lori, I know, I know, but I still liked her. I don't understand the 'sacrifice' though. Do you know the odds of a baby surviving in a time like that? How are they going to feed it? She took it's milk with her! It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also, I'm not a doctor either, but I've had a couple of kids myself, and been in the delivery for a few more, you don't have two contractions and start pushing. If you start pushing too early, you will certainly bleed as you would tear your not yet ready cervix. It wasn't so much a sacrifice as it was stupidity.

    But would she have died from the blood loss?

    From the c section, yes. Without someone knowledgeable to cut her right and sew her up correctly. From the torn cervix? Maybe, not necessarily. It would depend on the severity of the tear, where the tear was etc. But generally, if you just wait, your cervix will dilate to 10, it may take time though, and the baby will come. That's why some woman labor for 72 hours, these things take time.

    earlier in the season they said she had a c section with carl because she wouldnt dilate and thats why they were planning on her having another one.....which is why Hershel showed Carol. but sometimes you have to's just a tv show. And yes emergency c sections are performed when the woman's body won't let the baby come out the normal way, so the baby doesn't die in the womb.
  • hg5159
    hg5159 Posts: 76 Member
    I also cried, I always liked Lori, I know, I know, but I still liked her. I don't understand the 'sacrifice' though. Do you know the odds of a baby surviving in a time like that? How are they going to feed it? She took it's milk with her! It didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. Also, I'm not a doctor either, but I've had a couple of kids myself, and been in the delivery for a few more, you don't have two contractions and start pushing. If you start pushing too early, you will certainly bleed as you would tear your not yet ready cervix. It wasn't so much a sacrifice as it was stupidity.

    But would she have died from the blood loss?

    Oh wait, you meant when they first cut her?! No, that didn't kill her, the writers of the show said they did research that showed that she would have passed out immediately. She wasn't dead when Carl shot her in the head, only unconscious.

    how do you know he shot her? they didn't show it. maybe he chickened out and fired off a warning shot and left her for dead. maybe she's gonna wake up, alive, and alone in a future episode.

    Unless that door is locked that is quite a security risk.

    She's dead. I read an article with Robert Kirkman where he confirmed that Carl did kill her.

    Does anyone think Carol is still alive? They jumped to conclusions that she was dead, but I think she's still in the prison somewhere. Poor TDog though. :o(

    I did cry about Lori, but only because I couldn't stop thinking about my son/me while she was saying goodbye to Carl. Heartwrenching!! This might make me a bad person, but I also think that she should have sucked it up and tried to get back to Herschel to get help and a proper csection. I'd take the chance of the baby dying while trying to get help before I let them cut me open and kill me to birth a baby that will have a hard time surviving without its mother!

    Shocking episode, especially since it wasn't a mid season or season finale.
  • stefanieanne14
    stefanieanne14 Posts: 119 Member
    My main issue was with Lori's speech to her son. Your contractions don't stop just because you need to say something. If she *had* to push, and I've been there, then those are some close and painful contractions. Magically, not a one came during her little speech...

    Andrew Lincoln (Rick) was amazing in this episode though!! His acting at the end definitely had me tearing up.

    As someone said earlier...the Governor is really forcing his tea on the peeps in his compound. I can't wait to see what that is all about.
  • readthat
    readthat Posts: 136
    After a certain point , if the baby cannot come out vaginally (maybe it was breach or whatever the issue may be) it does go into stress and can die without a C section. Why do you think babies and mothers died from child birth in the old days?

    I don't know how they can care for a baby the way they live. Can you imagine when it starts crawling??!!

    I saw the actor who plays Tdog on "The Talking Dead" after show. So sad he had to go. I would have liked him to have a bigger part all along.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    I'm sad about T-Dog too - he was the voice of reason in Ep 4. The part with Lori made me tear up - even though I didn't like her much after she got mad at Rick for killing Shane. I agree that Lori should have sucked it up and tried to make it to Hershel and/or Carol.
  • rrneal625
    rrneal625 Posts: 69 Member
    I was thinking that maybe Carl didn't finish Lori off by shooting her in the head and that she'd return as a walker, thus, putting Rick into a situation like Hershel was in with family turned walkers locked up somewhere - not having the heart to get rid of her.....

    Having worked in Obstetrics for years, I'd say there's no way Lori would have survived the brutal incision that was made (in a non-sterile environment no less! :)

    I'm also looking forward to seeing how they feed the baby given that they don't have so much as a lactating goat....
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Loved loved loved this episode... I've been chanting for them to kill off Lori since mid-way through season 1. I hate her. Wasnt to upset about T since my friends and I had pegged him as someone who would possibly be dying this season anyway. But I was just like shut up and cut her already. The only part that got me upset was Rick's reaction. Btw who making the run to walgreens for some powdered formula for the baby lol... As to the baby crying thing american Indians trained there children from birth not to cry by pinching their noses when they started. It was to keep them from being detected during war time or something.

    I've been saying the Gov has been pushing that tea to hard for 2 episodes now. Also Andrea wins the award for worst taste in men ever. First Shane now the Gov if I were Micholete(sp) I would leave her *kitten* and take off :grumble: