Why Are YOU Doing This??



  • Freidon
    Freidon Posts: 169 Member
    Stopping problems before they come up. My mother has diabetes and high blood pressure, my father thyroid and knee problems, both overweight. They were actuallly healthy when they when they were younger, only gaining weight after kids and a desk job. I'm almost twenty. I've been chubby all my life. While I'm relatively symptom free now, I need to stop it now while my metabolism and skin elasticity are on my side. I think losing weight is helping balance my hormones out, too. I've always been extremely irregular on my period. Since I've been losing weight, I've had it every month for the last three months, at the same time of the month, which is unheard of for me.

    And yeah. I want to be pretty. I'm not a girly girl, but for once in my life I'd to go to a formal event and take people's breath away. I want to wear clothes that don't just look nice, but look nice on me. I'd like to be known as the shy, sweet girl rather than the quiet, weird one.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    i'm 34, BMI 31, treading the fine line between just being fat and being pathologically overweight. with family history of diabetes ad hypertension i'm simply scared. another important thing is i want to have a baby without fertility treatment , at my age those extra kilos would not really help. i'm happy with my spouse and don't have body image issues, but creaking knees are not really enjoyable.
    i'm new here and looking forward to your support.
  • There are several reasons I want to lose weight. 1) So I can wear a bikini next summer. 2) So I look good in my cheer leading uniform when I start to cheer for wrestling in December. 3) Because I want to look good on stage at our state FCCLA meeting since I'm a state officer.
  • I want to be able to eat lots of food without getting fat.
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I want to be able to eat lots of food without getting fat.

  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Because i hated my body for too damn long and listened to people who told me i wasnt good enough.

    im not just good enough. im freaking awesome.

    I get to compete with who i was yesterday, last week, four years ago....and improve.

    also, i have add and ocd tendencies, working out makes me focus.
  • belladonna786
    belladonna786 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Because i hated my body for too damn long and listened to people who told me i wasnt good enough.

    im not just good enough. im freaking awesome.

    I get to compete with who i was yesterday, last week, four years ago....and improve.

    also, i have add and ocd tendencies, working out makes me focus.

    LOVE this answer!

    I just want to look amazing in my own eyes for once in my life.
  • guardian419
    guardian419 Posts: 391 Member
    I want to keep my job. No one likes a fat sailor (me included)

    Oh, and to make my family shut up about /\ :D
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    The other day, my 23 yr. old daughter was looking through our family phioto albums and remarked, "Mom...how come you aren't in ANY of these pictures?" II lied and said it was because *I'm* always the one behind the camera! The truth is, I can't bear to look at myself in mirrors, much less permanent photographs. :embarassed: And it made me sad to think that if I died - God forbid! - my husband and children would only have this one picture of me (my avatar) to remember me by. So, I guess my family is my #1 reason for losing weight.
  • I want to.beable to go to my closet and be confident that I don't have to spend an hour figuring out what looks best to hide the fat .want to like what I see in mirror.
  • AMHouse85
    AMHouse85 Posts: 285 Member
    I hated to go shopping and every time I had to buy bigger and bigger clothes that were just buy cause it fits not cause I like it. My Mother is obese and one day I looked in the mirror naked after a shower and was like WTF I'm turning into my MOM( I love her but don't want to be shaped like her). I hurt every day, stupid things like my neck and shoulders and I'm only 27!! Not cool at all. Here I am just at the 11 month mark and 60 lbs lost this year, I feel so much better, I am so much happier and I the only hurt I am now is the soreness that comes from working hard. 27 is almost as good as 17 was and I fully intend to look and feel my best as I proudly run into my 30's!!
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    I remember a period when I was in the best shape of my life, and it felt amazing.

    I may be a lot older now, but I want to be healthy and feel good about my body image. I'm already happy with my life, but I want to have a healthy BMI and feel confident about my appearance again.
  • Rockmyskinnyjeans
    Rockmyskinnyjeans Posts: 431 Member
    I want to be more confident, feel better about how I look, and always be beautiful on the arm of my husband. I am also doing this in hopes of improving my health =)
  • toottoots
    toottoots Posts: 67 Member
    Honestly, because it was my little boys birthday last month - i pretty much ruined every photo - the main memories of the day - and me with my fatness photobombed them.

    He will start school soon enough and if i dont do something about myself he will be ashamed to call me his mum in the playground - I want to be a mum he can be proud of.


    .......BUT lost 5 pounds since Friday (VERY small victory Lol)
  • Angie__1MR
    Angie__1MR Posts: 388 Member
    to look like this:
  • because we've been trying for almost 4 years to have a baby and been in medical treatment for over 2 years for it now... and nothing else has worked so far. i want to either get a baby out of this, or prove to myself that i did everything possible.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    to be at 225. When we got married 32 years ago i was around 180, then somehow i ballooned to over 320. Now I'm at 265 and wnat to be at 250 by christmas. Mostly to get healthy, i already feel so different.
  • ILoveTheBrowns
    ILoveTheBrowns Posts: 661 Member
    to get a girlfriend
  • Naked.

    ^^ this!
  • Calm_Lotus_06
    Calm_Lotus_06 Posts: 104 Member
    I am doing this to love myself. Losing weight is just a bonus! I have found I a stronger, have more faith and more abilities than I ever thought I did!
