Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, you all lifted my mood and make me feel I had friends pulling for me! I have good news we got our power back last night! We were all so happy. We still have a lot of things to deal with, I need to go food shopping for all new food, and I am afraid of buying bad food....and the gas lines are miles and miles long. But with the lights on I can see what I am cleaning and eating and I can log my food again! I can't believe I loss 2 lbs. this week. Thanks you again for all the love. I need to go food shopping now so I will be on later.:smile::heart: :flowerforyou:
    Glad the power is back on. You are so inspiring eventhough you could be down and depressed (regardless of how you feel) you appear to be happy and upbeat. Bless Your Soul.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    My goal is to walk to the voting polls tonight and back home.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member

    Happy Birthday Kelley. All best wishes.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    happy birthday kelley
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Happy birthday!!!
  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    Lets see thursday truth: I still think I spend way to much time thinking about food. Part of it is my new passion for cooking, but I dont think "skinny" people spend the majority of their day looking at recipies and planning their next meals.

    I have found that this is (was) true for me-I would think about what I was going to make for dinner before I even ate breakfast. But now I rarely give a thought as to what I am going to eat-food has become fuel for my body instead of that crutch of making me feel better about everything as I was stuffing my mouth and not seeing the truth staring at me in the mirror. I only have 3 more lbs to loose and I'll have lost 100 pounds since the beginning of this path to a healthier me. It has taken me since Feb of 2010 to get here and I still have 70+ lbs to get where I would really like to be. For once I can honestly say I don't care what I am eating for my next meal as long as it is healthy and has the nutrients I need. My hubby might disagree but he sees and supports these changes I (we) are making.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Well, is everyone glued to their TV sets, watching the election results? I think I forgot to post yesterday, I was busy making white chicken chili and corn bread muffins for my small group Bible study. I'm back on track with my eating and exercising and feeling good.
    Thursday I'm making beef stew, corn bread muffins and apple pie cresent rolls for another Bible study group. I don't think I'll be doing much cooking again for awhile.

    Shirley, you have come to the right group! I have COPD, asthma, fibromyalgia, sleep apneia, restless leg syndrome, degenerative athritis, and depression. When I started my journey on MFP July 1, I couldn't walk more than a few steps without my cane or walker. Last weekend I walked 1.1 miles with my walker. When I first started walking I had to keep telling myself "just one more step..." Each week I would add alittle more to my walk. Now I usually take 2 walks a day for a total of 70 minutes. I also have been able to stop using my O2 while sitting and only have to use it while moving and sleeping. Losing 63 lbs and exercising is getting me healthier than I have been in years. If I could do this at 62 years old, you can certainly do this.

    Skinny, get well fast!
    Kelly, Happy Birthday!

    Sorry, friends but my mind just went blank on the others that I was going to reply to, guess old-timers is setting in again. Love to you all, take care.

  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    I really do not know why I vote I have picked the loser in the last 3 presidential elections.:noway:

    Skinnyjeanzbound – Have fun in Naw Leans, I loved it there. That was back when I ate whatever I wanted. I remember eating blackened prime rib stuffed with crab out on a balcony overlooking the French quarter. I had my first hurricane at Pat O'Brien's it was awesome.

    Ohpampered – glad you got your power back!

    Hope everyone is being healthy.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Skinny - praying youre well for your trip, and that your time in N"Orleans is awesome!

    Kris - yes, we can support each other thru the holidays! I agree we need the support especially these next two months. Just keep on showing up and I'll have a good word for you!

    Ohpampered - glad your power is back on. Sorry you're fighting the gas lines and rationing. That might last a while! Are you getting mail service? What kind of stuff can we mail you - let us know? THose of us interested in helping you will PM you for your address if we can help in ANY WAY .:flowerforyou:

    MowMow - you can do that Turkey Trot better than you are doing now if you keep trying and you will keep trying won't you! Three weeks is plenty of time to improve your speed, your stride, your gait. Remember to breathe, breathe, breathe.

    flowers of dawn :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Morgori - congrats on the weight loss

    walkingqueen - great idea walking to the polling place!

    Monarchris - your white chicken chili sounds scrumptious - can I get the recipe?

    I had company all - literally - all day. When they left I ate emotionally - ugh. Pfeffernusse cookies. TOO MANY :noway: And no walk today. And now I'm really sore and ready for bed. Must really have a whole new day tomorrow.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    @Kelly Happy Birthday!!
    @Christine your white chicken chili sounds so good would love a recipe if you are sharing.
    @Robin-I normally like company but sometimes when its all day like yours was it can be exhuasting.
    @Morgori congrats on the loss
    @skinny have a good time on your trip.
    @ohpampered glad to hear that your power is back on.

    Sorry if I am missing anyone but my mind is drawing a blank right now. Yesterday was a very long day work was good volunteer day so lots of walking but I notice the board for our assignments for today and I have one of the worst mixes of clients you could put together sort of stress about that. as I got home my DH was theire geary cause he wasn't feeling well turns out his bp was so high he had an upset stomach so i took him to the er and it was extremely high after running lots of tests there till almost 2 this morning to find out when his meds ran out he didn't bother to refill them . So they send him out with meds and we sign him up so he will recieve them in the mail. So as I am up now exhuasted my group seems overwelming to me I am attempted to take off work. but..I won't cause that's the way I roll. But I am very happy to have a job but somewhere would love one where I wasn't so stress out by it cause I feel scared.

    Wishing everyone a good day.

    Take care,
  • beachgirl613
    beachgirl613 Posts: 139 Member
    Happy Wednesday! I've been totally MIA with the weekend and then taking my daughter and her 2 friends to Justin Beiber on Monday night and then driving them home 2 1/2 hours away yesterday. My food choices were horrible but I'm back on track today.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Thursday's truth- I have lost track of doing for me and my sense of self with all the recent changes in my life. I feel like I am the built in babysitter at no matter what cost. I haven't seen my friends since I moved into my house and my friends won't come over due to how bad my BF kids act. I noticed that I am becoming depressed a little and need to get me back in order. I started by taking back my exercise routine even though it is just little quick walks around the block it's a start. I also starting to buy food only for me and cooking something different to eat for me being my new family memebers do not support my healthy life style. Today I am going back to tracking my food I realized that eventhough I couldn't always get it tracked by midnight that it helped me more than I thought.

    Skinny- Hope you get well soon and have a blast on your trip. That's on my list of places to go too.
    Liz- I am in your boat some days my job is stressful but I am so very happy to have one. Hang in there and find some time everyday for just you whether you read, watch tv or just take a quick nap.
    Kelly- Happy B-day
    Morgori- Voting is your right you do it so your voice can be heard.
    Christine- I always find your story about walking so inspirational it lets people know with determination anything can be done.
    Robin- Eventhough you emotionally ate cookies. I hope your company brought some fun into your day:smile:
    Kris- Last year I still tracked food through the holidays it kept me on track with portions and the amount I ate. I did go over a few times.
  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday wish:: That I would no longer have to deal with my monthly thing. I'm so tired of it. I get very irritated and emotional and many more things but it makes me get short with my daughter and I feel bad about it. But also wednesday wish...I wish I could find a way to get a workout in on the days my husband works and I have to take my daughter to the sitters and pick her up. I leave my house at 6:30am and get home around 5:30-6pm. Then I have to get home and clean up and then get dinner started around 7pm. Once school starts I really wont have anytime, unless I get a chance to take a walk after work before class. Either way I'm figuring it out. Got 2 good workout days in a row!

    1030/1000 calories burned
    2/3 cardio days
    5.6/3 miles
    20/50 squats

    Should finish my squats up today and then hoping to squeeze in the last cardio day tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day everyone!

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,124 Member
    Ok, I've been reading the posts and think I'm up to date now. Wednesday, middle of the week, yipes---another one is slipping away. I've accomplished quite a few things that needed to be completed but this list goes on and on. I'm sure you all know the feeling!

    Wednesday wish, to keep totally on track with getting healthier. Looks like insurance buying coops are indeed in the future. So wishing for vast improvement by July or August of 2013.

    Also wishing everyone well. Let's all get through the upcoming Holidays with success not regrets.


  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    wednesday wish, that my attitude improves. i'm not doing the best lately. not diet wise or anything. that's fine. people are just pissing me off. for everything. sigh. i need a moment of zen. or a lot of moments :laugh:
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    I'm baaaack. From UT that is. Had a great time in "Candyland," but glad to be removed from the mountains of chocolate.

    Morgori, I second your comments and am in deep mourning. As half of a retired couple who scrimped and saved to prepare for our senior years, I'm tremendously worried about our taxes which will DOUBLE in 2013. Guess I'm not getting those hearing aids I need so badly.

    On to a happier note--oh wait, there is no happier note.

    Better end before my bad humor infects everyone here. I'll write when I can find something nice to say.

    Meanwhile, have a healthy day everyone!
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Wednesday Wish(es) - I really like this day... it's my first time posting on a Wednesday Wish Day. :smile: So... I wish that I could bring my thoughts into action more. Its a constant goal for me, to do this in my work and home life.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    ok so I was sick and pissy yesterday and after filling my food log for it just now it was pretty ugly. I can dwell or move on. The old me would have dwelled and probably overate agin today. The new me is ging to try to work in a couple extra workouts the rest of this week to help compensate. My wish for this wednesday is for a short stretch of sunny weather so I can get my backyard and garage cleaned up. It is getting so bad in the garage I can barely get to the freezer we keep out there. Well I dont have much time today so I got to run. I am going to babysit my nephew for a couple hours. I hope everyone has a great day.:flowerforyou:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    wednesday wish, that my attitude improves. i'm not doing the best lately. not diet wise or anything. that's fine. people are just pissing me off. for everything. sigh. i need a moment of zen. or a lot of moments :laugh:
    Oops I posted for Thursday cause my brain is a day off. I am in this boat with you my attitude sucks lately and I need to regroup.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Just stopping in to say hi. I am enjoying my time in Portland. Right now I am waiting for my co-worker to hopefully finish her grades and another to arrive. Walked several miles yesterday and have already done some more today. I even started my day off by exercising before breakfast.

    Kelly- Happy Birthday.

    Karen- When do you go on your trip? Have a great time.

    Pampered- Glad you have power back.

    Need to run as I want to enjoy the sun while it is shining today. The last thing I want to come home with is a cold from being out in the rain.