Ladies I need your advise...



  • Danni3ll3
    Danni3ll3 Posts: 365 Member
    You could try subtle things like cook healthy dinners for her and why not to start things off, ask her to go for walks, just the 2 of you. Or biking like someone else mentioned on here. Do either of you like dancing? Maybe you could take a dancing class together. That's an awesome way to shed some pounds plus you can both get time together and you'll be getting a form of exercise in. If you keep incorporating the small things then maybe she'll jump on the bandwagon. she'll realize she's feeling better and possibly want to advance the workouts. Just don't be harsh because at the end of the day it is her body and if she is happy with it then you really can't do anything. Best of luck to you though. :)

    This above is a wonderful idea. Start cooking super healthily and invite her for walks or other activities that are low impact to start with. If you take over the cooking, shopping, and keep the junk food out of the house, the temptation won't be there. Good luck!
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    To get my husband to join, I had to ask him gently for 6 months if he wanted to join me for workouts. He'd always say he wouldn't be able to make it through (I was doing P90X) . So, we started small. He would join me for walks. And then we gradually started walking longer, faster. To the point that he started going on walks by himself as well. Then he started Zumba (weird I know, me doing the weight lifting and he doing the Jazzercise stuff, but our relationship was always backward).

    Just tell her you want her to join you. Don't pit yourself against her and definitely don't say it is to change her looks. She has to do it for herself and feel you are supporting her in her efforts to better herself for her own sake.

    Maybe offer to make dinner sometimes and just make healthy things, so she isn't eating bad things.

    Until someone really makes the decision for him / her self, the only thing you can do is gently nudge and ask. And lead by example (which it sounds like you're doing).
  • JeninBelgium
    JeninBelgium Posts: 804 Member
    I had a boyfriend once who showed up one day and brought me a bike and said he wanted to go cycling with me. It got me moving! Maybe the same approach would work with your wife? Start off small with "let's start taking walks together after dinner with/without the kids." Start making dates to do activities together. It could work. :)
    This and maybe once you have been walking more together or biking etc you could find a small race or charity walk to train for together- even if she doesn't lose weight from it she will be fitter and you will get some quality time together
  • sdavis448
    sdavis448 Posts: 195 Member
    "I'd really like you to be happy and you obviously arent at the moment, so why not join me in what I'm doing? We could spur each other on."

    This.... I *****ed constantly about wanting to lose weight..and would ask if he thought I should lose weight
    finally he responded.
    'I want you to love yourself as much as I do, and you don't. So yes, lose some weight, if thats what it takes. I love you however you come"

    thats probably paraphrasing more then a direct quote.. but you get me.
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    I completely disagree with most of this. Yes, a week's worth of healthy meals can be undone by a bad eating day. However, people who are not dieting, are less likely to make that binge. If she eats the way she normally does most of the week, but has a couple of healthier, lower calorie meals without even really knowing it, it is unlikely she will binge.

    I completely degree with all of this. A 150-calorie per day surplus is hardly a "binge", but do it for a bunch of years, and now you're 50 pounds overweight.

    Without a profound, intentional, mental shift made entirely of your own volition, or being starved, you can't lose weight.
  • JohnMessmer
    All you have to do is tell her about the very attractive woman that asked to start working out with you, so that you both could motivate each other. Then say you are considering telling her that is a great Idea unless you think you would like to start working out with me honey.

    Problem solved. :smokin:
  • tristalamothe
    tristalamothe Posts: 39 Member
    You can always tell her you feel so much better now that you've lost a bunch of weight and would love the company in eating healthier and potentially working out.
    When all is said and done though, she's going to be the one who decides whether or not she wants to do it. She needs that "push" to start, which you've already found.
    I wish you the best of luck :)
  • Hollycat
    Hollycat Posts: 372
    All you have to do is tell her about the very attractive woman that asked to start working out with you, so that you both could motivate each other. Then say you are considering telling her that is a great Idea unless you think you would like to start working out with me honey.

    Problem solved. :smokin:

    I'd be curious to know how that worked out for you if you actually tried it. Still married?

  • Lalouse
    Lalouse Posts: 221 Member
    I agree with what others said.. and honestly, you don't want to cause MORE self-esteem or confidence issues. She might not be sharing with you, but women have major issues regarding their bodies.. we are obsessed (and society makes sure that we stay that way).

    I say start with something easy. Ask her to go on a walk with you .. maybe every other day of the week, even if only for 20 minutes. If she does that, she'll eventually see some physical changes, even without a significant calorie change... and maybe she'll want more.

    Also, keep in mind that husband/wife weight loss don't usually go hand in hand. Men lose weight very differently than women. A friend of mine and his wife started eating healthy and going to the gym every day. He has lost double the weight that she has (nearly 70 lbs) even though they literally eat and exercise the same amount. He also started losing immediately, while it took her body about a month to start dropping.

    And also keep in mind that she might never lose all the weight you want her to lose. But you'll see the changes regardless; My husband notices if I lose 5lbs. And a friend of mine lost 30 lbs, and is now maintaining. She's still slightly overweight, and will never go back to her 20s, but she and her husband are both thrilled with her new bod. It's also a healthier and stronger body.

    Good luck!
  • soulfulsally
    When she's nearby, go over old photos of you and her before the kids came. Casually invite her to join you. Comment on the good times and how hot she is (IS is the key word, don't be like "you WERE hot back then" - unless you want to sleep in the doghouse :laugh:). Give her a kiss and be playful. Remind her of who she was before the kids came. Maybe she'll be inspired to get back to that.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    next time she says she is comfortable with her size, ask her with as much empathy and compassion as you can muster, why she then complains about her weight all the time. Tell her that what you hear is she isn't happy with it but maybe wants to be, and that you love her for who she is but if she'd rather try to lose it then accept it, you would be there to help and support her. Then if or when she is ready you could ask her for some guidance on what she needs and what her goals might be so she feels encouraged not judged.
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    I'd just tell her like it is... let her get pissed... then maybe once she's cooled off, the constructive criticism will register in her brain. Or not. Only you know your wife :flowerforyou:
  • soulfulsally
    All you have to do is tell her about the very attractive woman that asked to start working out with you, so that you both could motivate each other. Then say you are considering telling her that is a great Idea unless you think you would like to start working out with me honey.

    Problem solved. :smokin:

    LMAO. Either it'll go brilliantly and the wife will start working out with hubby or hubby will have a shoe shoved up his keister (hopefully for him not heeled or steel-toed).
  • shade0343
    shade0343 Posts: 59 Member
    Provided she is still committed to the relationship, do something together and help with the grocery shopping. Most of my married friends who had a similar situation started just walking and talking together. Help with the grocery shopping so better food choices are made. Is she getting a full nights sleep? That can be a real weight loss killer.
  • keakurls
    A couple people have mentioned bringing up how good YOU feel now. DON'T DO THAT. It can be discouraging.
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Get jiggy more often and burn off some calories :wink:
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    Have you changed your diet to compliment your exercise regime? If

    If you have, maybe you need yot start doing the grocery shopping. if there's only good stuff in the house, then only good stuff can be eaten. I don't know very many overweight people who eat a healthy diet.
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 392 Member
    Whatever you say, don't tell her "I miss your old body." Just ask her if she's considered doing what you've done, losing weight. Encourage her to join you... ask her what he goal would be... support her...
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    Even if she says she's comfortable with her weight, the fact that she returns to complaining about it leads me to believe that she's really just trying ton convince herself. Perhaps you can find a cardio class or a spin class or something and suggest going together. That way you aren't saying, "Hey, you need to work out," you're saying "Let's do something healthy together."
  • yardhouse08
    First of all, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting your wife to be healthier so she can live a long, happy,healthful life with you and the kids. I'm a woman (I think I was really supposed to be born a guy), but the same thing happened to me n the hubby. So, I bought my hubby workout clothes w/shoes to match. He asked, "why workout clothes"? and I told him, well these can be worn on the weekends or if u decide to hit the gym. Keep in mind We both hadn't worked out in over 7 years. So, I told him, "hey, how about we go to the gym for some US time" (we also have a 9 and 13 yr old). So we started going and let me tell you, there is nothing more motivating than having ur spouse helping you through your sets and while you're at it, you talk about things you would at date night. Maybe you could introduce her to the sauna and/or jacuzzi...does she have back problems? wink, wink!! I think if you explain to her it comes from love and take the focus off of how she used to look, it might motivate her to get health for her family. Maybe if you bought her some new kicks or apparel she likes that would work in the gym, that could be a motivator also. Just a thought!!