Who can look at your cell phone???



  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    I don't really have anything to hide but if the phone got stolen the person taking it would not be able to use it because it is locked. I conduct a good bit of business on my phone but I don't have anything on it that would be viewed as juicy. i am pretty bland
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    Anyone can look at mine. No screen lock or anything. I'm too fat to take nudies anyways.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    Wife and kiddo's are always grabbing my phone for something I don't care. I do have a password protected photo vault for naughty texting material though lol.
  • Owlie45
    Owlie45 Posts: 806 Member
    Only me and my parents, as I am on their cell plan.
    Ive yelled at friends who look at it.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    My cell phone sometimes gets used by me and my fiance when he has no minutes between paydays. I don't care if he uses it or looks in it or even goes through my text. I trust him he trust me.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    Only me and my parents, as I am on their cell plan.
    Ive yelled at friends who look at it.

    I do the same as well. If you need to use my phone ask first but don't pick it up going thru my messages thats plain rude.
  • lindsy721
    lindsy721 Posts: 350 Member
    My husband can look at my phone, and I can look at his. I've never felt the need to go through it, but if I wanted to, it wouldn't be a problem. He's never asked to go through mine, but I wouldn't have any problem with it.
  • Willthemedic
    Willthemedic Posts: 84 Member
    I have a 17,16,14 they all 3 know I can look at there phone anytime I want. AND I DO. My phone and my wifes phone is just that our own. But we leave them laying around the house so it isn't like we are hiding anything.
  • Cameron_1969
    Cameron_1969 Posts: 2,857 Member
    That night she passed out and left her phone unlocked was the beginning of the end for my marriage. .
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    For my hubby and I, phones aren't really a big deal. He can look all he wants and vice versa. The kids, well that's another story. There are things on there they have no business with. I do let them play games on it but under my watchful eye. As far as my teen goes, I will look at his phone whenever I feel the need. As of right now he's grounded and without it so it's non issue.
  • CaptChad75
    I downloaded the " fake a text" app for my Iphone it's great.. you can type a text add any name you want the text to show up as and set a timer for when you want the text to show on your phone. I sent a text to my phone from a very attractive lady that I have teased my gal about saying if you ever leave me I'm going for that. (we have a very trusting and joking relationship) So the text said "If your not happy with her I'd like to take a shot" and so when my woman picks up my phone that I left on my console of my truck while strategically pumping gas she gives me the "i'm gonna F you up look" after she realized it was a joke she made sure I knew she was the woman for me :wink:
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    My cell phone is private. Although it doesn't matter if people look at it. I don't text anyone so the only messages in the text messaging history are system messages from Verizon, and I don't generally add people to my contacts because I have no problem with remembering phone numbers. In any case, though, I like to keep certain things private. I need to know that my privacy is being respected in order to feel that I am being respected. Maybe I'm being funny about it, but unless I give someone a legitimate reason to doubt their trust in me I would expect them to respect my privacy. To go looking through private things makes me feel disrespected and violated.
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    I don't like anyone taking my phone. I feel like it's extremely disrespectful and my family always valued privacy. My parents knocked and asked permission before they came in my room, and I NEVER went in theirs unless they asked me too. I didn't like my friends going in my room either. I feel like it's my personal space. That goes for my phone; it's something personal of mine.

    I'm not hiding anything. I don't let my husband just take my phone; I'll get really pissed off. Same goes for my friends and family.
  • ElizaRoche
    ElizaRoche Posts: 2,005 Member
    me,myself and I
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    Hubby and I have each others' iPhone passcodes and occasionally we trade phones (like if my battery is about dead and his is full, etc). We also share the same passwords for our email, facebook, MFP, and other social sites. I don't snoop on him, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't snoop on me (I wouldn't care if he did).
    It's just that we are best friends. After 13 years and six kids together, there just isn't much we don't share. Some people might not be comfortable with that sort of intimacy, but it works well for us.
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    My phone is personal. I dont want anyone looking at it ever, even though I dont have anything to hide. (I dont have a lock on my phone). It belongs to me just like my car and I dont let anyone else drive my car without asking permission.

    Its like my mail , let me open it please. I dont want anyone opening my e mails either. Are you trying to deprive me of these little pleasures in my life? If so why?

    Only a control freak or a suspicious jealous person needs to look at another persons personal e mails or phone or open their mail. Leave my stuff alone! I dont feel the need to share everything I have with someone else.


    I have nothing to hide, but I want to be ME. I have always believed 'when you give up your privacy, you are no longer an individual'. I grew up pretty much raising myself, so yes, I kind of live in my own little world. I am VERY independent.

    Like another poster said, "if you want to play a game on my phone, I will open the app for you, if you want to see a pic, I will find the pic, and show it to you, if you need to make a call, I will bring up the keypad for you" other than that, keep your grubby mitts off my stuff.

    I have a lot of respect for people in general (for the most part), I have no need to look thru their phone/purse/car/wallet unless they ask me to get them something from said object.
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    My cell is also my work phone and it is extremely protected. Its quite annoying to be honest - but its a requirement. My main screen does allow for phone calls out, so should I ever drop it or something happens to me - the person can eassily see the last person(s) dialed. My hubby does not have access (I'd be in big big trouble if he had the password) - not anything to hide in there and he can look if/when its unlocked. Its just rarely unlocked unless i'm working.
    My iPod on the other hand is also PW protected as I have a lot of stuff on it. Hubby has the passcode and can look at it whenever. Nothing to hide and we respect each others privacy. I don't touch his phone and he doesn't need to look through mine.
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I would absolutely flip my **** if my husband got on my cell phone and went snooping around. Maybe not so much in incoming outgoing calls and things like that, but my texts are MY private conversations. Me and my sister talk **** about people, then I talk **** about my one sister to my other sister that I was just talking **** about her. Lol, so, I'm not going to say I don't have anything to hide, cuz I do!! Not like relationship ending things, but private personal conversations that are not for anyone else's eyes but mine and the recipient!!!
  • fotogenieguy
    Mine is an old flip phone, nothing special. Lost it recently at Disney and it was mailed back to me. There is no telling who looked at it. I did check to make sure it wasn't used to call overseas...
  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member

    He calls me nosey because I tell him what the messages on his phone say but if I don't, he'll leave them sit there for weeks and never read them... and then people will call me and ask if he got their message so I just find it easier that way.

    No one else is allowed in my phone. No one. If you need to see something in there, I'll show you. If you want to use an app, I'll open it for you. That's how it works.

    Seems a bit one sided. I would certainly call you nosy too and sorry but your excuse for reading his stuff is lame.
    My friends and I have another friend with a wife like you and we never send him stuff because she reads everything we send, or used to send until we found out what she was doing. He misses out on a lot.