Worst Date Ever

spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
Have you ever been on a mind-blowingly awful date?
Spill the beans and tell us all about it :drinker:


  • WeekndOVOXO
    WeekndOVOXO Posts: 779 Member
    Whiskey ****.
  • This one time at band camp.......
  • I was 19 when I met this cool guy at our college fair (I studied in an exclusive all girl's school) & things got along pretty well between us. Then he asked me out for the first time. I asked where we'll be heading & he told me to a fine dining restaurant inside a five-star hotel which I was thrilled to hear. The "exciting" day came where he picked me up at home with his brand new car & I was really excited along the way only to find out later when we got there, it turned out that there was a business conference of a multi-level marketing company at that restaurant & this guy was a member of that company trying to recruit me. :grumble:
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Does it have to be a first date? Or can it be the one after you've been dating two months where they leave you and you end up feeling completely destroyed for a very long time afterwards?

    Hypothetically, I mean. Obviously.

    I don't think I've ever really had a bad first date, even the ones that haven't progressed beyond that have been perfectly tolerable, just with no spark.
  • Yes, i went to one, the bloke had recently split up with his wife, but obviously still in love with her, was even referring to her in present tense.

    He was so nervous he was hopping from foot to foot like a nervous kid who needed a wee, and had verbal diaorrhea for the whole two hours of hell. He even told me how Marine fish tank water got distilled differently than tropical fish tank water...step by step.

    We ate at Yo Sushi... and after two plates said hmm I'm stuffed and asked for the bill.. i was STARVING!

    I told him i had to get home and walk the dog, he asked if he could come with me... so i faked a call from the kids and said I'm really sorry got to go, byye.....then he insisted on walking me to the car and stuck his tongue down by throat and his erection into my leg... EWWWW. Traumatised.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    Yes, i went to one, the bloke had recently split up with his wife, but obviously still in love with her, was even referring to her in present tense.

    He was so nervous he was hopping from foot to foot like a nervous kid who needed a wee, and had verbal diaorrhea for the whole two hours of hell. He even told me how Marine fish tank water got distilled differently than tropical fish tank water...step by step.

    We ate at Yo Sushi... and after two plates said hmm I'm stuffed and asked for the bill.. i was STARVING!

    I told him i had to get home and walk the dog, he asked if he could come with me... so i faked a call from the kids and said I'm really sorry got to go, byye.....then he insisted on walking me to the car and stuck his tongue down by throat and his erection into my leg... EWWWW. Traumatised.

  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Ohh, ohh, I've got this.

    Two years ago I was going out with someone. It was already our fifth date and we decided to just order some pizza and watch a movie at his place, which was another phrasing for "first watching a movie and then having mind-blowing fun all night". We were enjoying the evening until something bad he ate started acting up and he spent the entire night with his head in the toilet.
    Not the worst one at all, though it was definitely much worse for him.

    The worst one was a first date with a guy which went quite well for the first hour, until he started telling me about his ability to communicate with his late grandfather and foresee the future.
    No second date there. :ohwell:
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I allowed myself to be fixed up by my boss. What I was thinking, I do not know.
    He asked where I'd like to go and I mentioned a Japanese restaurant that I really liked, so we met there. I ordered my favorite thing: The chirashi sushi bowl. He ordered sushi as well, When it arrived, I licked my chops and dug in. After a couple of bites I stopped and looked at him, he wasn't eating. He sat there with his hands politely folded. I asked him why he wasn't eating, and he told me that he didn't like sushi. I asked him why he ordered sushi then, and he told me that he ordered it because I did, and that he thought I might like that.

  • nickyfm
    nickyfm Posts: 1,214 Member
    After my ex had insisted that all 'nice guys finish last' while we were dating, I had made it my mission to give all nice guys that asked me out at least one chance before I got rid of them (LOL).

    So I went out for drinks with this one guy who seemed oh so strange, yet nice enough. Anyway, he bought me one drink, we chatted for about an hour, but because I was dead tired for work, I told him that it was time to call it a night. His response was "Okay, back to my place then?" And I was like "Umm, no? I'm going home." And he responded "What are you serious? We're going back to my place, obviously".

    He was literally gobsmacked that after ONE drink, I wouldn't bang him.

    So in the end, he wasn't very nice after all!! And he was not good looking in any way, and was extremely short (HUGE deal breaker for me), nor was I giving off any sexual energy, so he didn't even have any justification for being so upfront about it.

    So so gross.
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    After my ex had insisted that all 'nice guys finish last' while we were dating, I had made it my mission to give all nice guys that asked me out at least one chance before I got rid of them (LOL).

    So I went out for drinks with this one guy who seemed oh so strange, yet nice enough. Anyway, he bought me one drink, we chatted for about an hour, but because I was dead tired for work, I told him that it was time to call it a night. His response was "Okay, back to my place then?" And I was like "Umm, no? I'm going home." And he responded "What are you serious? We're going back to my place, obviously".

    He was literally gobsmacked that after ONE drink, I wouldn't bang him.

    So in the end, he wasn't very nice after all!! And he was not good looking in any way, and was extremely short (HUGE deal breaker for me), nor was I giving off any sexual energy, so he didn't even have any justification for being so upfront about it.

    So so gross.
    Ew. That freaks me out. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
  • Marvi120
    Marvi120 Posts: 24 Member
    When I was 17, I got asked out by a guy that I had liked for a long time. I was so excited. He picked me up and I didn't notice until we were driving that he was completely drunk. He was driving way too fast on country roads. For some reason, we ended up at his parents house. He left me in the car, went in the house and had a huge fight with his parents. He was dutch and his parents didnt want him dating a girl that wasnt dutch. They had a dutch girl in mind for him to marry. What kind of a guy picks someone up for a date enebriated. What a jerk! I was happy to get home safe.
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    I allowed myself to be fixed up by my boss. What I was thinking, I do not know.
    He asked where I'd like to go and I mentioned a Japanese restaurant that I really liked, so we met there. I ordered my favorite thing: The chirashi sushi bowl. He ordered sushi as well, When it arrived, I licked my chops and dug in. After a couple of bites I stopped and looked at him, he wasn't eating. He sat there with his hands politely folded. I asked him why he wasn't eating, and he told me that he didn't like sushi. I asked him why he ordered sushi then, and he told me that he ordered it because I did, and that he thought I might like that.


    LOL - that's just wierd!
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    Wow thought there would be more bad date stories out there than that!

    Thanks to everyone on here for sharing their stories though! :wink:
  • JenKillough
    JenKillough Posts: 474 Member
    Thread died already? Wow thought there would be more bad date stories out there than that!

    Thanks to everyone on here for sharing their stories though! :wink:

    I guess it isn't the most heart-warming thread ever :wink:
  • mjrkearney
    mjrkearney Posts: 408 Member
    No real bad date stories due to no real dates. Ever. Still don't know what they entail outside of movies.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    about 2 years ago I met a guy through a dating site. First he got lost coming to pick me up about 2 hours late. When he finally arrived he took me to a restaurant because I hadn't eaten yet. He asked me to order something for him and said he had something in the car for me. I waited and waited he never came back he left me there it was 11 pm. I eat and had to call a taxi to come and get me. I had a better time talking to the taxi driver. Never heard from him again.
  • After my ex had insisted that all 'nice guys finish last' while we were dating, I had made it my mission to give all nice guys that asked me out at least one chance before I got rid of them (LOL).

    So I went out for drinks with this one guy who seemed oh so strange, yet nice enough. Anyway, he bought me one drink, we chatted for about an hour, but because I was dead tired for work, I told him that it was time to call it a night. His response was "Okay, back to my place then?" And I was like "Umm, no? I'm going home." And he responded "What are you serious? We're going back to my place, obviously".

    He was literally gobsmacked that after ONE drink, I wouldn't bang him.

    So in the end, he wasn't very nice after all!! And he was not good looking in any way, and was extremely short (HUGE deal breaker for me), nor was I giving off any sexual energy, so he didn't even have any justification for being so upfront about it.

    So so gross.

    What is with all these guys who have no play? He should have been glad to have your company for an hour!
  • spozzybear
    spozzybear Posts: 216 Member
    about 2 years ago I met a guy through a dating site. First he got lost coming to pick me up about 2 hours late. When he finally arrived he took me to a restaurant because I hadn't eaten yet. He asked me to order something for him and said he had something in the car for me. I waited and waited he never came back he left me there it was 11 pm. I eat and had to call a taxi to come and get me. I had a better time talking to the taxi driver. Never heard from him again.

    That's awful! What a *kitten*. The guy obviously didn't deserve your time anyway!
  • Wow thought there would be more bad date stories out there than that!

    Thanks to everyone on here for sharing their stories though! :wink:

    so let's hear your story !!
  • Laddiegirl
    Laddiegirl Posts: 382 Member
    Mine basically started with him showing up 20 minutes late and pretty close to drunk, he kept staring at the basketball game on the wall at the Diner we went to dinner at (and didn't understand why that wasn't cool), was extremely rude to the waitress (she was fine, he was an *kitten*) and then tried to shove his tongue down my throat and grope my boobs when we got to his car. I put the brakes on that business and told him nicely that the evening wasn't working out so he started yelling at me, on the street in public and then flipped his lid when I wouldn't let him drive me home (there is no way that guy was going to know my address).

    The next morning I woke up to a nasty long email calling me every name in the book and ranting about how women only go out with guys for a free meal but never "pay for it" like they should. Yeah buddy, I'm really going to sleep with you on a first date after you show up late, drunk, grope me without permission on a public street and then yell at me because all of that isn't cool, all for a grilled cheese and fries. Not the fare trade you think it is.