5 Pounds A Month March 2010 Challenge



  • oh this sounds a good challenge must give it a try :bigsmile:
  • Dorable
    Dorable Posts: 7
    Hey guys,
    umm I just started back here 2 weeks ago and by following MFP food diary and little bit of exersize and one sick day (of keeping nothing down) I have lost 5 lbs. Not sure if it is water or what not, I have been drinking plenty of water (which is another change to my diet).
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Good afternoon all! I am a Georgia girl, and it looks like we finally might have some warm weather that will stay! I had a horrible weekend calorie wise! My husband wanted BoneFish for dinner Friday and I just can't resist that bang bang shrimp!! Saturday was semi- decent. I got in about 30 min of cardio ( better than nothing, I suppose), and had a good dinner- my homemade mexican chicken lasagna. Sunday and Monday I didn't work out at all =( . I don't work on Monday's because I m a hairstylist and the salon is closed, so it's usually my housework day, and it's hard to find the motivation to go! But, today is a new day and I'll just work my butt off tonight! Good luck to everyone this week!
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Forgot to say Happy Birthday to your mom. Hope you had a good night out with her. Nice that you can spend time with your mom on her birthday.
    :wink: Phyllis
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi to all. Welcome to all our newcomers!

    My laptop cord broke yesterday so I have to use the desktop which is in an out of the way corner.

    I totally blew my lunch today (after such an awesome day yesterday) I made pizza for the kids and then when they were done I ate the rest of it. It was so good and I at until it was gone. But I did get on the treadmill during naptime and burn 700 calories and I did burn 325 before the work day began so hopefully I have at least negated those lunch calories.

    I will have to eat really healthy the rest of the day and maybe exercise after dinner.

    Have a great rest of the day!

    Be healthy!

  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I did really bad last night at dinner. I didn't stick to my plan for ordering and went WAY over on my calories. I have BBQ ribs and I also had some of the cake I made for my mom, but I really had a nice time out for dinner and she told me that she was very happy with the night so it was well worth it.
    Today I am having only veggies for lunch to make up for my splurge last night and Sunday and I will also do lots of cardio tonight while I watch my favorite show, The Biggest Loser! Two hours of stepping should burn some calories! yay
    I am going to try to do a lot of exercise this week and see if that will help me on the scale Friday. I better start being good about eating or I wont make my 5 lbs for March!

    Oh, and those of you that work at schools...Do you have spirit week?
    My school has a spirit week next week, everyday a diff thyme. Mon is Super Hero day, Tues is Character/Hollywood day, Wed is sports day, Thurs is dress like a boy day (all girl school), Friday is color day (teachers and staff wear purple)
    Any ideas of how I can dress for all the days would be great! Thanks
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I did really bad last night at dinner. I didn't stick to my plan for ordering and went WAY over on my calories. I have BBQ ribs and I also had some of the cake I made for my mom, but I really had a nice time out for dinner and she told me that she was very happy with the night so it was well worth it.
    Today I am having only veggies for lunch to make up for my splurge last night and Sunday and I will also do lots of cardio tonight while I watch my favorite show, The Biggest Loser! Two hours of stepping should burn some calories! yay
    I am going to try to do a lot of exercise this week and see if that will help me on the scale Friday. I better start being good about eating or I wont make my 5 lbs for March!

    Oh, and those of you that work at schools...Do you have spirit week?
    My school has a spirit week next week, everyday a diff thyme. Mon is Super Hero day, Tues is Character/Hollywood day, Wed is sports day, Thurs is dress like a boy day (all girl school), Friday is color day (teachers and staff wear purple)
    Any ideas of how I can dress for all the days would be great! Thanks

    Well for sure on Monday just dress up as yourself. You are mom and that makes you a super hero.
    Tuesday....no idea
    Wednesday baseball jersey????
    Thursday suit and tie
    Friday wear your vikings jersey :laugh: :laugh:
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member
    Hi to all. Welcome to all our newcomers!

    My laptop cord broke yesterday so I have to use the desktop which is in an out of the way corner.

    I totally blew my lunch today (after such an awesome day yesterday) I made pizza for the kids and then when they were done I ate the rest of it. It was so good and I at until it was gone. But I did get on the treadmill during naptime and burn 700 calories and I did burn 325 before the work day began so hopefully I have at least negated those lunch calories.

    I will have to eat really healthy the rest of the day and maybe exercise after dinner.

    Have a great rest of the day!

    Be healthy!


    What are you doing to burn 700 calories just during nap time?! Even when I do an hour of cardio at the gym I can only get like 350-400 burned!!
  • MommyDaisy76
    MommyDaisy76 Posts: 19 Member
    I will give it a go :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Well, I did Shred #3 and Shred #2 yesterday...didn't quite make the elliptical...I'm pretty sore

    Today, I continue with the dreaded laundry...I think the secret is just have less clothes, period.
    Tomorrow, continue with laundry, cleaning, contact schools....etc

    Friday, Saturday and Sunday, work weekend
    Monday, beauty day...pedicure, last minute shopping, maybe waxing...tie up loose ends
    Tuesday is a cardiac medication seminar
    Wednesday, St. Patricks' Day, flying to Mexico and 20-year anniversary....totally stoked!!! Don't forget to wear green; or, you'll get pinched

    What's for dinner...I'm thinking mini-burgers, baked fries, salad and corn-on-the-cob

    Super hero...I like the idea of "super-mom"...cape, t-shirt that depicts supermom and leggings
    Tues is Character/Hollywood day....vampire from any movie
    Wed is sports day...softball/baseball season, jersey with black lines under your eyes, whistle
    Thurs is dress like a boy day (all girl school)
    Friday is color day...dress like a grape
    Sounds like fun
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! I was at the store and saw purple hair spray! So....I am going to spraying my hair purple on Friday, the girls will love that. I just hope I don't scare my kids, lol.
    I like the idea of Super Mom! I have a pink super girl cape that I can wear and I will put my hair in curlers and wear a T-shirt I got for Mother's day a few years ago that says "Moms Rock"!
    I think I'll just wear green on Wednesday. I don't have any sports things I can wear. But I am Irish & Scottish and love dressing in GREEN. I forgot about drinking beer! My honey puts green food coloring in the beer. I need to choose if I want to drink or be skinny! :tongue:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hi to all. Welcome to all our newcomers!

    My laptop cord broke yesterday so I have to use the desktop which is in an out of the way corner.

    I totally blew my lunch today (after such an awesome day yesterday) I made pizza for the kids and then when they were done I ate the rest of it. It was so good and I at until it was gone. But I did get on the treadmill during naptime and burn 700 calories and I did burn 325 before the work day began so hopefully I have at least negated those lunch calories.

    I will have to eat really healthy the rest of the day and maybe exercise after dinner.

    Have a great rest of the day!

    Be healthy!


    What are you doing to burn 700 calories just during nap time?! Even when I do an hour of cardio at the gym I can only get like 350-400 burned!!

    I get on the treadmill and get going to 3.5 and then every minute I incline by 1 until I hit 12 and then stay there 2 minutes and work my way back down in 1minute intervals at each incline level. When I get back to 4 I also start adding some speed. I just keep doing that, or I get on the exercise bike and push it hard. I can do 600+ calories in 1 hour.
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Wow! That treadmill workout sounds intense. I am being so lazy this week. I'm trying to get my youngest son out of residential care and home and have spent every day trolling the internet for various therapies. He has serious developmental delays and attachment disorder and I'm obsessed with saving him from himself.

    However, the scale moved, and my stomach feels flatter. The only thing I did differently was went back to eating yogurt for breakfast and decided I hate the taste of all the low fat kinds, so I got the smaller sized Bananas and cream Trader Joes and I love it. Maybe that had nothing to do with it, though.

    I'm sort of feeling like I should go pick up a Jillian M DVD. Grumble.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Wow! That treadmill workout sounds intense. I am being so lazy this week. I'm trying to get my youngest son out of residential care and home and have spent every day trolling the internet for various therapies. He has serious developmental delays and attachment disorder and I'm obsessed with saving him from himself.

    However, the scale moved, and my stomach feels flatter. The only thing I did differently was went back to eating yogurt for breakfast and decided I hate the taste of all the low fat kinds, so I got the smaller sized Bananas and cream Trader Joes and I love it. Maybe that had nothing to do with it, though.

    I'm sort of feeling like I should go pick up a Jillian M DVD. Grumble.

    I hope your searching finds a therapy that will work for your son! As parents we work so hard to get out kids the things they need.

    I had one of those tired days. I think it might be the weather. It is foggy, which makes it dark and dreary. It is so wet outside I can't get the kids outside. I got a good walk in before work but did not do my usual walk or bike ride at nap time. But we all deserve time off. I got a quick walk in this morning but it only burned 100 calories and not the 3-400 I am used to doing during my morning walk. I can't wait until it is nice enough and light enough to walk outside in the morning!

    Not looking forward to setting the clocks ahead this weekend!

    My Shred video is stuck in my dead laptop. Hopefully my new power cord arrives today or tomorrow. I cannot even access my email right now because my husband who setup the account cannot remember the password he used, It is driving me crazy!

    Have a healthy day!

  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    I hate foggy days. and rainy days but both are not very common over here. I feel for you! But you always have such a good attitude and look on the bright side of life. Every day can't be a power filled exercise sunny day! and sorry about your lap top too. Hope that you get the power cords soon.

    Today I decided that I needed a BREAK form kids and teaching school so I called in sick and took a mental health day. It was wonderful. My church friends meet every Thursday morning and do exercise together at the church so I joined them and it was so fun. I had already gone for an hour swim at 5:00 so I got in a couple good exercises this morning. Then 5 of my friends and I went out to eat at a Thai restaurant. I was good and had only stir fried vegetables in oyster sauce and 3 spring rolls. It was yummy and so fun to sit and visit with my friends for a change.

    Now tonight, we are headed out to the other side of town to go to a Birthday party for my husbands nephew. He is 12 years old. The parties over here are always for the whole family. so that means all the aunts uncles and cousins. We hang out for hours and visit and laugh and eat and talk. I don't know if it is dinner or just cake and party sandwiches but what ever it is I'll search out the healthy food.

    Check in tomorrow. Hope everyone is losing a pound or two or a half or even staying the same. Phyllis
  • phyljen
    phyljen Posts: 453 Member
    Well, I did Shred #3 and Shred #2 yesterday...didn't quite make the elliptical...I'm pretty sore

    Today, I continue with the dreaded laundry...I think the secret is just have less clothes, period.
    Tomorrow, continue with laundry, cleaning, contact schools....etc

    Friday, Saturday and Sunday, work weekend
    Monday, beauty day...pedicure, last minute shopping, maybe waxing...tie up loose ends
    Tuesday is a cardiac medication seminar
    Wednesday, St. Patricks' Day, flying to Mexico and 20-year anniversary....totally stoked!!! Don't forget to wear green; or, you'll get pinched

    What's for dinner...I'm thinking mini-burgers, baked fries, salad and corn-on-the-cob

    Super hero...I like the idea of "super-mom"...cape, t-shirt that depicts supermom and leggings
    Tues is Character/Hollywood day....vampire from any movie
    Wed is sports day...softball/baseball season, jersey with black lines under your eyes, whistle
    Thurs is dress like a boy day (all girl school)
    Friday is color day...dress like a grape
    Sounds like fun
    You have great ideas for Jenn and her fun week ahead. I hope we get a pic of the PURPLE HAIR.:smile:
  • DixonKels
    DixonKels Posts: 20 Member

    What are you doing to burn 700 calories just during nap time?! Even when I do an hour of cardio at the gym I can only get like 350-400 burned!!

    I get on the treadmill and get going to 3.5 and then every minute I incline by 1 until I hit 12 and then stay there 2 minutes and work my way back down in 1minute intervals at each incline level. When I get back to 4 I also start adding some speed. I just keep doing that, or I get on the exercise bike and push it hard. I can do 600+ calories in 1 hour.

    How do you track your calories? Do you just go by what the machine says or do you use some other way? I went on a website and put in my height and weight and used a calculator on there and it said I was burning almost twice as much as what the machines said.....?
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member

    What are you doing to burn 700 calories just during nap time?! Even when I do an hour of cardio at the gym I can only get like 350-400 burned!!

    I get on the treadmill and get going to 3.5 and then every minute I incline by 1 until I hit 12 and then stay there 2 minutes and work my way back down in 1minute intervals at each incline level. When I get back to 4 I also start adding some speed. I just keep doing that, or I get on the exercise bike and push it hard. I can do 600+ calories in 1 hour.

    I have a Reebok Heart Rate monitor. I figure it is more accurate than the machine because on the HRM I enter my height, weight, and fitness level.

    Nap time runs anywhere from1.5-2 hours. Today I did intervals of running and walking and burned 1000+ calories in 1hour 35 minutes. My feet hurt but I will cross train tomorrow and do the bike.

    Looking forward to Friday's weigh-in. Hope everyone is having a successful week!

  • lreed
    lreed Posts: 348 Member
    walking fast I burn 468 and hour, so I am sure that with running you can definitely get to 700! My fast walking is when I am not doing any punches or anything. Go Go Go!
    :laugh: I use a polar heart rate monitor!
  • I'm in!
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