PCOS and Losing weight



  • :happy: Anyone out there with PCOS and have difficulty losing weight. Would love to be a mutual support in our trek to weight loss and healthier living. I love this app and the ability to comment on each other's successes, it makes it much more motivating. :happy:
    I have PCOS and weight loss is very difficult! I just switched from low fat/low cal diet to low carb so I hope I have some success. Feel free to add me:)
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member

    For others with PCOS...what is your daily carb goal?
    When I was pregnant with twins at age 40, I really controlled my carb intake because of gest. diabetes. As a result I lost 25 pounds throughout the pregnancy. Then gained back the 25 and 35 more after having the babies :frown:

    I aim for 40 NET carbs (total carbs minus fiber), from veggies, nuts and 1/2 of a low carb tortilla a day. If I go higher, I don't lose.
  • Somuch2l0se
    Somuch2l0se Posts: 2 Member

    I aim for 40 NET carbs (total carbs minus fiber), from veggies, nuts and 1/2 of a low carb tortilla a day. If I go higher, I don't lose.

    Thank you!
    I couldn't remember my endo's suggestions; but that was back when I was pregnant w/twins so my net carb intake s/b even less now. I am being tested for gluten intolerance this week. I think going gluten free and low carb will help significantly with weight loss. I've known this for years but have difficulty sticking with the restricted diet. We are also vegetarian, so we eat a lot of beans, rice, etc.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Oh, just wanted to add-

    I often turn to Kalyn's Kitchen for great-tasting healthy recipes. I think most are either South Beach Diet friendly and/or low-GI. The one's I've tried so far are delicious!


    Love your ticker! LOL :D
  • Bonnieelizabeth
    Bonnieelizabeth Posts: 68 Member
    Metformin is for diabetes! I have pcos and am working on the weight. It ia harder to loose the weight but it can be done!
  • QueenJenna
    QueenJenna Posts: 34 Member
    I have been using Nutrisystem, but I know I can not rely on it for the longhaul. It is based on Low GI.

    Where are you getting your info on a low GI lifestyle?
  • miwadlington
    miwadlington Posts: 11 Member
    Hello, I have PCOS as well. I was able to stop taking Metformin after the birth of my daughter, but now I'm starting to have issues again after I got off my BC. My weight has taken off and cycles have been very weird. I find it very hard to lose weight with the most lost in a week was 2 lbs. Feel free to add me as well.
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    Metformin is for diabetes! I have pcos and am working on the weight. It ia harder to loose the weight but it can be done!

    it's also for PCOS!

    I have taken it for 9 years, and it has been excellent. I'm one of the people it works wonders for.
  • renaud80
    renaud80 Posts: 6
    Another lucky PCOS'er over here!! Can be sooo frustrating sometimes. I have been religious with my workouts for years, and eat, for the most part, very healthy. Yet, cannot seem to loose the weight! It's hard to not get down on yourself sometimes, when you're working your butt off, pulling yourself out of bed at 5am to go workout before work, eating ateamed veggies for dinner while you watch your lean husband, who never works out, eat pizza and chocolate bars, GRRR!!! Every now and then I just have to drown my self pity in a tub of ice cream ;p But, I keep truckin on, and am now back on Metformin and trying to reduce to sugar binge self pity parties. Add me, would love to have some ladies as a support system that are going through the same BS!
  • Hello, I found out in July I was borderline pcos and I have correlated my weight gain with my lengthened cycles. When I was 30 lbs overweight my cycle began getting longer with each pound now 60lbs overweight I have cycles that average 33-43 days. Weight loss has been a struggle. I remember a time when I work out and pounds would drop, this is not the case anymore. I have learned that consistency is key to all this. I was tracking my calories and exercising and have taken a good 2-1/2 break because I was only losing 2lbs or maybe 1 a week well I'm starting again so I won't miss out on my next 4 lb lost. Feel free to add me as well :) !
  • Hello, I’m new round here!!
    I was diagnosed with PCSO last year, after going to and from my doctors with problems with my periods, weight, excess hair and so on.. I was finally scanned and found out I actually had PCSO quite badly.

    I was prescribed Metformin, which whilst I was taken I was described as a zombie, as soon as I come off I was back to a normal person but obviously the weight problem was still there. I actually found Metformin useless, and if you were to become diabetic in the future they would not work if you were already taking metformin for PCSO.

    I have now decided to join MYFITNESSPAL because after visiting my doctor today, who told me that I am obviously eating lots of chocolate, cheese and high fat things and not recording them on my food diary (which I haven’t been eating) and patronizing me, I’ve decided to give up with medical help and so on and do this with people who are also suffering with issues.
  • cupcakes0128
    cupcakes0128 Posts: 1 Member
    My 13 year old daughter has pcos since age 4.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I have PCOS. I sometimes get discouraged when the scale does not go down like I would like, but I keep working. Feel free to add me, I am always looking for great support! Good luck with your journey!
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    i have pcos along with many other things. i dont buy into the whole it makes it harder to lose weight deal. i have lost 27 pounds since january 1st. its all in how you look at it.
  • natajane
    natajane Posts: 295 Member
    I've not been diagnosed but I think I have it. I've seen women on here with fantastic losses so I feel it is possible now if we just keep consistently chipping away each day.

    I am wondering, might PCOS help ladies to build muscle tone what with the higher testosterone levels? If it does, that's great surely because the more muscle you have the more metabolism you can build which will help fat burn?

    Also wondering, does the hair issue go away when you lose weight?

  • chicanita91
    chicanita91 Posts: 154 Member
    Hii, I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 16 years old, they put me on BCP right away for 5 years. I recently got off of it last year and am hoping I'm able to lose weight easily without any drugs in my system. My cycles have been irregular since I could remember. Recently my cycles are about 65-70 days in length. Hoping I can get this regulated not by drugs, but by exercise and working out and being over all healthy.

    Anybody in need of support or motivation, go ahead and add me :)
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS about 4 years ago. I was put on 500 mg of metformin but a few months ago she upped my dose to 750mg/3 x a day. I hate being on the medicine but it really has straightened my period out since she upped it. I am trying to lose about 100-130 lbs. I would love to be off the meds and also it worries me because diabetes runs in my family. My husband and I are also ttc and so that is another reason to lose weight! Anyone feel free to add me!
  • I am newly diagnosed with PCOS. I was wondering why it was so hard for me to lose weight. It is all around my belly. Feel free to add me!
  • I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and it has really been a struggle to lose weight. I am horribly overweight for how young I am and I am in need of a huge support system... I can never seem to stay motivated and I am ashamed to ask anyone in my town to work out with me because everyone in my town is very judgmental of overweight people... Is there anyone that could help me out with diet/workout plans?
  • randomgyrl
    randomgyrl Posts: 111 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS 12 years ago. Some recent blood work scared me into taking this losing weight getting healthy thing seriously. I am by no means an expert but I have or am currently dealing with every awful aspect of pcos from infertility, to miscarriage, to being over weight, insulin resistance, etc, etc, etc, feel free to add me if I can help.