What birth control are you on? Does it work with you?



  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    Seriously I use condoms but I think it is time for Miraina.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I did great on the pill. Mirena made me gain weight.

    Depo is horrible and I hate to tell you, but every single woman I ever knew who got pregnant after using Depo miscarried at least once and usually several times. It also causes bone loss and can send you into menopause, among other things. Weight gain is the best side effect of Depo.
  • 1sisrat
    1sisrat Posts: 267 Member
    I have the implant "Implanon", It works great and no side effects, except for random unpredictable periods. But, those are light and only last a day or 2. other than that it's ok. no weight gain as of yet, I've been on it for 4 months now, after having a baby.
  • The pull and pray method. It's worked so far, haha. :tongue:

    I've been on just about every form of hormonal b/c with terrible side effects (NuvaRing was the worst by far, followed by Mirena, ugh). Considering trying the Paragard, but meh...idk.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    It has its disadvantages.
  • montanadanni
    montanadanni Posts: 184 Member
    i definatly want to try an IUD. i just figured why put it in when i plan to take it out lol why deal with the pain. i do plan on getting it after kids! actually super excited to try it:)
  • JosephVitte
    JosephVitte Posts: 2,039
    I have the "cool" answer.....I abstain. it's been working.:blushing:
  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    Tubal ligation here : )
  • I've been taking Tilia Fe for the past 5 years and no weight gain...and no major mood swings.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    i definatly want to try an IUD. i just figured why put it in when i plan to take it out lol why deal with the pain. i do plan on getting it after kids! actually super excited to try it:)

    I did that. LOL I had the copper IUD in for like 8 months after the mirena for 2 years, wanted to try for a baby when my husband returned home from overseas, we decided its not time for another baby after moving so like 6 months after taking it out I put it back in. It's been less than a year thats its in again. But I don't have to pay for anything like copays bc my husband is military.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Hubby got snipped. No weight gain so far!

    Bahaha awesome. I'm on Cryselle personally. Don't really think I've had weight gain, acne, or other physical side effects. Sometimes I get really moody. But I've been on the same type for so long, I can't even tell if it's the BC that's the cause, or if it's just me. :grumble: Been thinking about talking to my doctor about changing it up. We shall see.

    Omg I want your stomach.

    Ahhh you just made my day! Thanks!! :flowerforyou: Your eyes are gorgeous btw, I've always envied green eyes :)
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    My tubes are tied, but prior to that I tried the Depo shot, Nuva Ring and different pills. I never gained weight on any, and never had any of the crazy side effects. My personal favorite was Yaz because it kept my skin clear and I felt like my hormones were really under control.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I was on such a variety of different pills after my son, all of which gave me manic depression. I had Mirena implanted after my daughter was born and although I do still get the occasional depression, I'm more aware of it and able to handle it.

    I've been tempted to go for something more permanent, but my husband wants the option of more children in the future, so he gets to deal with me being a moody ***** occasionally. =B
  • FeFear
    FeFear Posts: 9 Member
    So many brand names here, I don't know what's what! (I'm also British which probably doesn't help matters either!)

    I'm on Microgynon and I'm one of those weird people who has fairly few side effects. No weight gain, and I'm only moody on the third and fourth days of a new strip, after that I feel like it actually stablises my mood!

    I'm thinking of moving to IUD though because it's killing my libido and that upsets me but the risk of heavier periods and worse cramps scares me because my cramps were already bad enough before I started taking the pill, so I don't know what to do about it.
  • KoJoJo
    KoJoJo Posts: 5 Member
    I use my personality! It's 100 effective! :laugh:
  • bella24xo
    bella24xo Posts: 177 Member
    Im on the generic of Yaz and i love it...i have been on it for awhile now and i have no weight gain at all...mood swings alil but no more then any normal girl lol :)

    birth control is the best option for any one who doesnt want to have a child at this point in your life :)
  • montanadanni
    montanadanni Posts: 184 Member
    it is amazing how everyone is affect differently. every body is different and react all in our own way. very interesting:)
  • THEY MAKE SOMETHING FOR THAT???? I just keep popping them out! Who knew!
  • My tubes are tied. I regret it so much though :(
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    I had my tubes tied after my daughter was born, tied, cut and burned... Best choice I ever made!!!