Odd Foods You Loved As A Kid



  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I did then, and still do, love a good bowl of potato-in-vinegar, which as an adult I have been made fun of for, and grossed out friends with-- doesn't matter. SO GOOD.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Fried Bologna. With ketchup on super soft white bread.

    YES. well maybe minus the ketchup. but... YES.
  • Jenny_Taylia
    Jenny_Taylia Posts: 540 Member
  • rere2008
    rere2008 Posts: 19 Member
    My brother and I used to get in so much trouble for eating butter sandwiches! Ugh. And I used to be obsessed with Vienna sausages (I shudder at the thought. I'm a vegetarian now.) And I looooved Ramen noodles. We were really poor and had those for dinner a lot. My dad called them "ballerina noodles" to make us more excited about them. Haha.
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    I would dip everything in something else. I would dip corn; cornbread, macaroni etc. in mashed potatoes, sandwiches in soup, almost anything in ketchup...
    Oh wait... I still do that. :)
  • Superstar_81
    Superstar_81 Posts: 88 Member
    Pickled onions...could literally eat a big bowl full...Probably still could haha! I also used to eat sugar sandwiches and if I wasnt in the mood for sweet, I would have a piece of bread soaked in vinegar and covered in black pepper :)
  • escargot (snails)
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    Baloney and butter on white bread. Loved it! Can't even imagine eating it now. :sick: Oh and pork rinds too. Double gag!

    I still love peanut butter and honey sandwiches, and also grilled peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches.
  • Peanut butter and leaf spinach on wheat. Ketchup sammy, mustard sammy. Raw hamburger with onion on a saltine with salt & pepper. Yes, I love the fried bologna sammies too (Chicago, for all you PA people out there.). Eating tomatoes whole (like an apple) with the salt shaker next to me.

    My dad ate grape jelly on pizza..... :noway:
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    I'm told I used to eat onions like they were apples.

    I still love onion, but, that's not happening anymore. I wasn't kissing boys then, haha.
  • HealthyMe46
    HealthyMe46 Posts: 226 Member
    Mustard or mayo on bread.
  • treineck
    treineck Posts: 103 Member
    raw potatoes jus peeled...
    no way!l i loved this too, my mom thought i was nuts!
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    raw potatoes jus peeled...
    no way!l i loved this too, my mom thought i was nuts!

    That's the way I eat them 90% of the time. Great crunchy snack with a little salt or dill. :)
  • HurricaneElaine
    HurricaneElaine Posts: 984 Member
    Squishy-soft white bread with sliced pepperoni and butter. Grape jelly on my scrambled eggs (thanks, Dad). Toast with butter and cinnamon sugar. That canned alphabet soup with the weird orange broth. Raw bacon.
  • RubySinclair
    RubySinclair Posts: 90 Member
    Lik-m-aid sticks.... but ONLY the sticks! Tasted like marshmallows
  • Cespuglio
    Cespuglio Posts: 385 Member
    Powdered milk. Just the powder though. I actually still like that but haven't eaten it in years. I also used to like raw spaghetti and raw rice as a kid.
  • SheilaG1963
    SheilaG1963 Posts: 298 Member
    raw potatoes jus peeled...
    no way!l i loved this too, my mom thought i was nuts!

    That's the way I eat them 90% of the time. Great crunchy snack with a little salt or dill. :)

    LOVE them like this. Also, turnips are great just peeled and raw!
  • I hit Luby's up for some Liver and onions!!!!!
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    gherkins wrapped up in bologna and american cheese. i used to beg my mom for "pickles, meat, cheese"
  • chelovik
    chelovik Posts: 200 Member
    My oddest food combo was beefsteak rye bread toast with crunchy peanut butter and tons of bacon