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P90X'ers Starting 2/22/2010



  • At the ER most of the day today. No p90x today maybe not tomorrow either. Please keep pushing play for me for the next couple of days. I'll catch up with ya!!!

    Great job guys!!!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    At the ER most of the day today. No p90x today maybe not tomorrow either. Please keep pushing play for me for the next couple of days. I'll catch up with ya!!!

    Great job guys!!!

    I'm doubling up today so I'll be happy to cover for you!
    I hope all gets better for you soon!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Legs&Back and Arms&Shoulders yesterday
    Kenpo and Yoga today
    Stretch tomorrow
    Half marathon Saturday
    Rest day Sunday
    Start Week 3 on Monday! :bigsmile:
  • Keep working everyone. lots of trials and tribulations for us all, but just keep going. starting week 3 this coming monday...keep hitting play. i'm hoping to post before and after photos at the end. i'm starting to see some minor changes in my triceps and upper abs. diet alone can make the world of difference. keep hitting play.
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Chest and Back for week 3 done! Ab Ripper completed as well.
    Can't wait until recovery week next week!
  • CHest and back on Sunday; Plyo yesterday; and Shoulders and Arms w/Ab ripper today!! I hope to post before and after pics to but we will see after the first round!! :laugh: Plyo really hurt my knees so I'm going to take some Advil and I'm very thankful that today is Shoulders and Arms to give my knees a break.

    Good job everyone!!!
  • ok my husband and I are on the verge of buying P90X but before we do we have some quesitons. One how much weight in dumbells does a man need? My husband uses 45s for shoulder press with 8 reps...is P90X a high rep low weight thing or high weight low rep? We don't want to spend a ton of money on dumbells we have a gym membership and can't justify it. I'm thinking that he wont need anything more than 30 if the program is what i think it is. Also, do they map out your workouts for you? Like today you are doing C&B tomorrow PLyo or Kempo...or do they make you guess? I like to be told what to do on which day....I can guess and aimlessly wonder around the gym if that's the case. What are these phases? Do the exercises actually change or is it phase one is the first 30 days phase two the next.....and phase three the last? i think i'm reading that people are running and doing plyo or kempo...are they not enough on their own? I don't think anyone needs more than 45 min of cardio because it starts feeding off of my muscle instead of fat and I like my muscle. Is their food guide just a guide like these are things you should avoid and this is what you should eat....do they give any recipes or how you should break your meals into six small meals...i like to have suggestions for snacks and when to time my protein and carbs...do they help with that? I think that's all for now if I have more questions I'll ask but if anyone can give me any kind of feedback i would really appreciate it i don't want to call beachbody and have some customer service rep push me and make everything sound so great...yada yada yada.

    P. S.
    What is this "bump" thing i keep seeing on MFP?
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    When you ask tons of questions it'd be easier if you kind of listed them instead of jumbling it all together if you want them all answered - my attempt is in your quote below.
    One how much weight in dumbells does a man need? My husband uses 45s for shoulder press with 8 reps...is P90X a high rep low weight thing or high weight low rep?

    Its both - you basically need a full rack of dumbbells or some selecttech types if you want to follow along EXACTLY as they do. Right now I manage to make do with 2 sets (4 bars) of the classic adjustable types and having a set of high tension power bands (which actually work a bit better than dumbbells for some types of exercises). It is challenging at first, but i definitely would not by static unadjustable dumbbells for this program because you get results in the form of strenght improvements to fast to justify them (unless you are building your own personal gym rack)

    Also, do they map out your workouts for you?

    Yes - they have a schedule with will prompt you to use the 12 DVD's in differing orders during different weeks; google p90x schedule and u can see it. They even map out your nutrition for you for the different phases.

    What are these phases? Do the exercises actually change or is it phase one is the first 30 days phase two the next.....and phase three the last?

    Phases basically mean 'months' and months 1 and 2 are most definitely different, whereas month 3 is a blend of both.

    i think i'm reading that people are running and doing plyo or kempo...are they not enough on their own?

    Program is completely enough on its own..however lots of people are already in very good shape and want to add their own twists to it.

    I don't think anyone needs more than 45 min of cardio because it starts feeding off of my muscle instead of fat and I like my muscle. Is their food guide just a guide like these are things you should avoid and this is what you should eat....do they give any recipes or how you should break your meals into six small meals...i like to have suggestions for snacks and when to time my protein and carbs...do they help with that?

    They literally map out everything including recipes...its a lot to follow, but its definitely a complete map. Also, they really don't have more than 45 mins of cardio in any given program unless you count stretching/warmup/cooldown/yoga as cardio.

  • mike is right. everything is scheduled for you. i have ten pund twelve pound, 15, 20, 25, 35. i can bench press 285 two reps, and these listed dumbells are fine for P90X. depends on if you want to stay lean or build muscle. during exercise he tells u to grab weight which u want for either 8 to 10 reps or 12 to 15 and then you follow along with them. i have it memorized to the point that if u were at a gym with no pull-up area, u could use the lat pull-down in its place and do the workout without the dvd. depends on you...its worth every penny and then some if you really do everything they tell you. use fitness pal to add ur goal weight and it will tell u how many cals u can have per day to get to where u want to be. to keep ur muscle size add a little more protein to ur diet if needed...

    posted from cell phone.....

    good job everyone and good luck to anyone just starting. keep hitting play.

  • Hello all! I completed 2 rounds of P90X during my husbands deployment UNFORTUNATELY celebrating his homecoming and having way to many late nights,drinks,munchiesI lost most of my results. Its my own fault. We just moved to Germany and I am using these three yrs to get in the best shape of my life. I am a mother of 3 girls ages 6,3,2. I am a college student and stay at home mom. Life is busy but I am commited to pushing play. I started a new round of P90X 2/21/2010. So I would love to participate and share motivation with this group. Yesterday was chest and back for me and I upped my push ups by about 5 reps and my pulls up(assisted with chair for now) by 3 reps. I was proud!!! Today is plyo and am about to push play! I have about 30 lbs to lose btu I am more focused on FAT LOSS inches and bf % than actual numbers on the scale! have a good day!!!
  • Well good day!! Did plyo adn ten min on elliptical. I went to the store and got more clean food calories have been on track!:flowerforyou:
  • I did shoulders and arms yesterday. Today is yoga.

    I'm pushing through this week but I'm finding that I'm getting sore late in the day the day after my workout. For example, Monday was plyo but my legs and butt and abs didn't feel sore until Tuesday evening about an hour or two before I did Shoulders and Arms. I wonder why that happens??

    Anyway, great job folks!!!
  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    Welcome Jess! :flowerforyou: Way to get back on track!

    Arms & Shoulders today...upped my weights on all exercises...kept reps the same on some, but had to drop reps on others

    2nd day DOMS is very common! It's a great sign that you are pushing yourself hard!

    Keep pushing play!
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Howdy all,
    I'd like to join and help keep some people accountable as well as myself. :laugh: I've had p90x for a bit, and was in a car accident back in August, sidelined a bit and them Xmas came. :drinker: :sad:
    February I did the Wii to get my body going again and have now restarted P90x.

    I got myself a bunch of dumbbells, found a great sale online at .50c per lb. I also use the Resistance band hanging from the ceiling. I bought one of those pull up bars, but in the basement there's no dam place to hook it up. (unfinished basement)

    I have 2 months until my my wedding, so I'm going to cut short Phase 1 (I did 2-3 weeks before the accident. and I did last week, and this week), and I'm going to start Phase 2 next week. I believe that's about the same timing as a few of you on here.

    Bryan I noticed that your also 5'7.
    I also played lots of soccer and hockey, so was in not bad athletic shape, but just had extra lbs.

    You want someone to push and be pushed? Let's bring it!
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,515 Member
  • i hear you peter. let,s do it. starting to feel the good bun and not the painful burn now. hitting play when i get home today. thanks for joining the group.

  • kamsue101
    kamsue101 Posts: 33 Member
    What kind of shape do you need to be in to start P90X? My cardio level is pretty good. I can do the elliptical at 4.0 - 5.0 for 35 minutes. But my muscles are pretty weak. I haven't been doing any weight training for years and I have about 40 lbs. to lose. Do you think I could handle it or should I keep working out at the gym for awhile longer?
  • Peter--WELCOME! I am ready!

    It is common to be sore later in the day. I have that too. We are pushing hard!!

    Today is shoulders and arms for me starting my day off right with a cup of oatmeal and 1/4 c dried cranberries. I love eating clean makes you feel soo much better! I am 6 hours ahead of most states being in Germany but i WILL keep up with this thread for motivation and to motivate!

    If anyone has good recipes that are P90X friendly please share!!!
  • Kamsue--honestly I think you could do it. So what if you haven't worked with weights in awhile start with what you can handle and work your way up. Trust me if I can do this anyone can!!!
  • Thanks for the encouragement!!! Keep pushing play people!!!
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