June Starters - March 8



  • yellowhouse
    I am waiting until tomorrow to do my official weigh-in for the week. As of this morning I am down another pound though- hope it sticks. My weight does change from day to day so I am going to wait until tomorrow since that is the day I weighed in last week. Hope everyone has a good rest of the week. Cold and rainy here!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    My scale was being annoying this morning. Weighed like 5 times and kept getting different readings. I'm going to pick the highest and go with that! Sometimes I wonder if my scale is lying; I definitely think it is half the time :)

    I'm starting to wonder what's on the other side for me when I get to maintenance. I went to my settings and changed them to maintenance and it said I had to eat like 1800 cals a day. That is a lot of food. I eat a lot of food now...how the crap am I supposed to add 400 more calories in per day without eating things like pizza and burgers? I hate eating just for the sake of making my calorie goal...Guess almonds will be my new bff, I dunno. What do you guys think about this?

    LW: 144.5
    CW: 143

  • shannahrenee
    Courtney I've often wondered about this as well. Of course I have a lot longer to think about it than you do, but I think ultimately my plan will be to up my calories 100 at a time so my body can get used to it. I don't want to start maintenance and then gain like 3 lbs in a week! I also think this will be a good way to start introducing more food and calories into the mix instead of going from 1400 to 1800 in like a day. You don't have to eat pizza and burgers, but the good thing about maintenance (I think) is that if it's around and you want some you can go ahead and have it because you know you're not going to balloon up and gain all the weight back. You could also increase your portion sizes as a way to get more calories.

    Keep us posted on what you decide to do and how it works out. I'm very curious about this whole maintenance business. :wink:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Courtney, You're SO close!! OMG! I'm a little scared of maintenence. I like shannah's idea of upping cals slowly. lol For me though- Hopefully I'll only have to maintain 2-3 months before we start trying for another baby... Yep I said it- it's out there now. lol We're hoping to be organized enough to start trying in Oct.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    :laugh: maintenance is WAY too far in the future for me to even start THINKING about it ... but gradually sounds like a good plan to me....

    Looks like everyone had a pretty decent weigh-in or at least a plan!! Spring is around the corner.... I am OFFICIALLY starting spring break as of now... We got out of school today (me and my daughter)... My son still has the rest of the week to finish out... Then it's Spring Break for all of us... Too bad my husband doesn't get a Spring Break :laugh: May be able to talk him into taking a couple days off to go camping or something fun like that for the kiddos! It's really great because my brother-in-law is the Lake Patrol and the Camp Grounds Officiator, so we have an inside man! LOL.... We can get a really nice spot reserved really easily.... Sounds like a good plan!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    WHOOO! I'm taking a week off work in August. Just me and my little girl. Let's hope she likes me by then. lol She's a daddy's girl for sure.
  • schlieffen
    schlieffen Posts: 269
    I kept forgetting to weigh in, so here it is...

    SW 182.4
    LW 138.8
    CW 137.0

    I'm not sure what I did to get that big of a loss.. the only thing different about this week is that I've been lazy and have no worked out... bodies are weird sometimes!

    I agree with everyone else, you should definitely make a gradual ramp up to maintenance! I am currently at 1600, had it moved up to 1700 for a while but found that I was gaining, so I brought it down to 1600 again to be safe.
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Whoo! I'm bad and I weighed in AGAIN and I'm down another 1.5 lbs. I'm not counting it in my weigh in but man I hope it sticks!!!! Another 0.2 and I'm at 40 lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH I'm soooooooooo motivated!!!
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Whoo! I'm bad and I weighed in AGAIN and I'm down another 1.5 lbs. I'm not counting it in my weigh in but man I hope it sticks!!!! Another 0.2 and I'm at 40 lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH I'm soooooooooo motivated!!!

    Lady, you are on a roll!!! I'm so proud of you!!!! I wish you could send a little bit of that mojo my way :wink:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    lol, I've got tons to spare! Have some! :happy: I've been working out on the Wii fit every night, even gym nights and I hula-hooped this morning to show Elly. It was so much fun AND it burns calories! :laugh: Hopefully me and my bf can get out there for some tennis today. I'm rusty but I'm excited!:bigsmile:
  • shannahrenee
    Whoo! I'm bad and I weighed in AGAIN and I'm down another 1.5 lbs. I'm not counting it in my weigh in but man I hope it sticks!!!! Another 0.2 and I'm at 40 lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH I'm soooooooooo motivated!!!

    woo hoo! keep it up! and like Kandy said pass some my way too!

    Also bad weigh in for me today. I didn't eat terribly this week I don't know what's up.

    CW: 188 :grumble:

    I had a feeling last week was a fluke. Oh well, I'll just have to try harder this week.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Whoo! I'm bad and I weighed in AGAIN and I'm down another 1.5 lbs. I'm not counting it in my weigh in but man I hope it sticks!!!! Another 0.2 and I'm at 40 lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH I'm soooooooooo motivated!!!

    woo hoo! keep it up! and like Kandy said pass some my way too!

    Also bad weigh in for me today. I didn't eat terribly this week I don't know what's up.

    CW: 188 :grumble:

    I had a feeling last week was a fluke. Oh well, I'll just have to try harder this week.

    Yeah, but your a LOOOOOOOOOONG way from the 224 that you started at!! So, you still look like a success to me!! :drinker: It will get better! Just keep up what you know you're suppose to do!! :smile:
  • shannahrenee
    Whoo! I'm bad and I weighed in AGAIN and I'm down another 1.5 lbs. I'm not counting it in my weigh in but man I hope it sticks!!!! Another 0.2 and I'm at 40 lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH I'm soooooooooo motivated!!!

    woo hoo! keep it up! and like Kandy said pass some my way too!

    Also bad weigh in for me today. I didn't eat terribly this week I don't know what's up.

    CW: 188 :grumble:

    I had a feeling last week was a fluke. Oh well, I'll just have to try harder this week.

    Yeah, but your a LOOOOOOOOOONG way from the 224 that you started at!! So, you still look like a success to me!! :drinker: It will get better! Just keep up what you know you're suppose to do!! :smile:

    Thanks Kandy, I think I'm heading out for a run now. I took a mental health day so I have tons of time to exercise! I just hope the rain holds off *fingers crossed*
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    I want a mental health day!!! lol I'm so ready for the weekend!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    So when are we doing photos?? Next week or end of the month?
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Ooooh, good question! How about around the 20th? Then I can out them on the site the week of the 22nd.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    The 20th sounds awesome to me!!!

    Here's to mental health days :drinker: :bigsmile:

    I just had Chinese food... shame shame on me... but it was good... AND I have 2 hours at the gym tonight so there is NO DOUBT that I will burn it off :ohwell:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    You better KJ! Kick your butt into gear! Let's go! Move it!

    Yea, I'm a teeeeeny bit hyper. :bigsmile:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    You better KJ! Kick your butt into gear! Let's go! Move it!

    Yea, I'm a teeeeeny bit hyper. :bigsmile:

    No, really. We didn't notice :laugh:

    Tuesdays and Thursdays I do jazzercise and Boot Camp (which is vicious!!!!!!)

    I burn around 800 - 900 calories between the two... They are quite they workout and I do them back to back...
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    lol I'm planning to play tennis here soon adn then some hula hoops when I get home! lol