Worst Date Ever



  • smilingselena
    smilingselena Posts: 141 Member
    so i met this guy through work we were both extremly shy, him i would say more than me, after about date 5 or 6 we were watching a movie at his place and i thought we are acting more like friends than dating so i said... so are ya gonna kiss me? so we start kissing then all of a sudden hes on top of me and taking off his shirt... im like wtf, this guy i know is a virgin and hes like ready to get it on, so i kinda pushed him away and made a comment about taking it slow, hes like okay i understand, he then turns to me and says... how about a tit ****, Im like omg watch much porn???? i made an excuse to leave and dident hear from him again... thank goodness lol
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    Oh, I think I have all of you beat!

    So, I meet this guy online. We had been talking for a while and found that we had a lot in common. He asks me out for dinner and I say yes. I arrive at the italian restaraunt that we agree to meet at and here is where the fun begins ladies and gentlemen. First off, he is about 10 years older than what his pictures looked like, and slightly balding. To best describe him, he looked like a cancer patient. I was raised to never judge a book by its cover so I let that slide. We go inside and sit down at the table and we order and start talking and things are going okay and then the akward conversation begins. He proceeds to tell me that he is into bdsm and has a balloon fetish. I was not quite sure what that was, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat. He explains that he is aroused by balloons. What!?! Can you repeat that? Yes, he said that he is sexually aroused by ballons. Now, I thought he was trolling me so I laugh it off and he proceeds to tell me in depth how balloons are made. By this time, our food has arrived. So while we are eating he continues to talk and then he springs it on me. He asks me to do unspeakable things with balloons such as putting deflated balloons in my private parts so when I am not around him, he can blow them up and smell 'me' on them and lick the taste off of it. I am mortified. I dont even know how to respond to this but I am no longer hungry. Not only does he want me to do this with balloons but he wants me to go back to his apartment and do it to his pillow so he can smell me there when he sleeps. I am ready to leave at this point so I tell him that I am not feeling well and I need to leave. The waiter comes over and takes the dirty dishes from our table and asks us if we would like desert and my date looks at the waiter and says "No, I will be having desert in about 15 minutes, when I take her home and bend her over my couch!" I look at the water and shake my head NO NO NO and he laughs. So my date pays and walks me to my car... which was so not necessary. I would rather take my chances with rapists and theives than him, but I digress. So we are standing at my car and he says "Get your fat a** over here and give me a kiss, you sexy BBW!" Apparenlty, he has a BBW fetish as well. I just look at him and shake my head, get in my car without saying a word, and drive off. It was awfull!

    yeah i think we have a winner !

    ^^^^^ agreed!
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    great thread, its making my day at work fly by. :drinker:
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    Oh, I think I have all of you beat!

    So, I meet this guy online. We had been talking for a while and found that we had a lot in common. He asks me out for dinner and I say yes. I arrive at the italian restaraunt that we agree to meet at and here is where the fun begins ladies and gentlemen. First off, he is about 10 years older than what his pictures looked like, and slightly balding. To best describe him, he looked like a cancer patient. I was raised to never judge a book by its cover so I let that slide. We go inside and sit down at the table and we order and start talking and things are going okay and then the akward conversation begins. He proceeds to tell me that he is into bdsm and has a balloon fetish. I was not quite sure what that was, but as they say, curiosity killed the cat. He explains that he is aroused by balloons. What!?! Can you repeat that? Yes, he said that he is sexually aroused by ballons. Now, I thought he was trolling me so I laugh it off and he proceeds to tell me in depth how balloons are made. By this time, our food has arrived. So while we are eating he continues to talk and then he springs it on me. He asks me to do unspeakable things with balloons such as putting deflated balloons in my private parts so when I am not around him, he can blow them up and smell 'me' on them and lick the taste off of it. I am mortified. I dont even know how to respond to this but I am no longer hungry. Not only does he want me to do this with balloons but he wants me to go back to his apartment and do it to his pillow so he can smell me there when he sleeps. I am ready to leave at this point so I tell him that I am not feeling well and I need to leave. The waiter comes over and takes the dirty dishes from our table and asks us if we would like desert and my date looks at the waiter and says "No, I will be having desert in about 15 minutes, when I take her home and bend her over my couch!" I look at the water and shake my head NO NO NO and he laughs. So my date pays and walks me to my car... which was so not necessary. I would rather take my chances with rapists and theives than him, but I digress. So we are standing at my car and he says "Get your fat a** over here and give me a kiss, you sexy BBW!" Apparenlty, he has a BBW fetish as well. I just look at him and shake my head, get in my car without saying a word, and drive off. It was awfull!

    OMG, are u serious. This is the absolute winner.. ALL i can say is WOOOOOOOOOOW *in flava flav voice*
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    A guy had been begging my friend to set him up on a date with me. She knew I wasn't interested, but I finally gave in. We decided to go as a group to a friend's house for drinks and games. I can't remember why, but I ended up driving that night. When we got to his house to pick him up he was drunk. He rambled on about nothing the entire 45 minute drive to the party. When we got to the party he jumped into a game and basically ignored me. I went downstairs to say hi to some other friends and not even 5 minutes later they were calling me back upstairs to take my "date" home. He was screaming, thrashing around and making a scene. I managed to drag him out to my car where he promptly threw up on my hood then tried to make out with me.

    The drive back all he did was moan and whimper. We got to a stop sign (in January in Montana) and he opened his door. I screamed at him to shut it because people were waiting for us to go. When he closed it the smell hit me. He had *kitten* his pants. In my car. It didn't stay in his pants. The last 20 minutes of the drive I had to make with the windows down. We pulled up to his house and he was passed out, so I went to his side to drag him out of the car onto his lawn. As I started to move him he puked. It was all over. My center console, the driver's seat, the passenger seat and it even splattered my radio. Thankfully one of his roommates was home and saw what was going on. He brought out a towel and dragged the guy inside.
    This is, without a doubt, the worst date story I have ever heard. I am in awe.

    i literally LOL'd on this story.. lol " When he closed it the smell hit me. He had *kitten* his pants."
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member
    I never pay on the first date. I tell them it's dutch as soon as it's decided to go on a date. This way I don't run into the woman who like to go out with guys for the "free" meal and drinks. Some think that's rude, perfectly fine with me, just saved myself time and money. To those who don't mind, or like the idea, great, we can be ourselves and not have to try n impress no one with paying, where were going out to, how much money you have, or lack there of. Second date and beyond, I always pay. First date, gotta get the drift raft outta the way. I'm not in it for the "lay" anymore, I want some substance. JUST MY OPINION..........

    yah I think arranging dutch beforehand is ok too, I just like to pay in general because I don't like squabbling over the bill, so with my friends ill just pay and they throw whatever cash they have at me. not really worried about a couple of £.

    I just to pay because I think its a nice thing to do. I kind of see dates as a chance to give a girl a day they will remember. meet in the afternoon, walk and talk through my favourite part of the city, drink coffee, maybe go to a museum, street markets, french danish, artspaces. it used to be my saturday thing.

    even if you only saw them once, you still gave them a day they will remember, thats doing a little good in the world. I always see them again tho. hehe.

    It's called being a gentleman and if the girl is a lady, it is appreciated and makes her feel special. I agree there are trolls in the world who want to take advantage of guys as much as guys take advantage of girls, but in my book chivalry never goes out of style:flowerforyou: . I date for whats in a guys heart and eyes, not in his pockets. Don't believe me? Married a guy I met while volunteering in a homeless shelter. It didn't work out in a major way (which is why I will never ever date again), but I obviously wasn't with him for his money. If you are worried about shelling out a lot of money on a troll make the first date something low cost like coffee. :wink:
  • carryingon
    carryingon Posts: 609 Member

    It's 2012. That's not the way it is and it's called equality. Guys would like to know that you like them for who they are, not what they have in the bank.

    i agree, i don't see why some guy should have to pay for the pleasure of your company. It just makes you a prostitute.

    Most women these days work and earn just as much as men so they should be able to pay for a few drinks.

    What happens if two girls go out on a date together? Who pays?

    I also think first dates should be something simple like coffee, so you arn't stuck with some one you don't like for too long.

    it just makes her a prostitute? so unless the bill is split someones a *kitten*?

    wow. thats a fantastic outlook on life. tell me more.

    nikillis- I'm liking you more and more:flowerforyou:
  • Aedrah
    Aedrah Posts: 100 Member
    In my early 20's. Friends of mine were celebrating their anniversary and they wanted me to join them on a night out. I (mostly) jokingly said I wouldn't go unless they found me a date.

    They invited a guy that we worked with, who I didn't know all that well. We'll call him Geoff. My first question was whether he was old enough to drink! (he was - actually older than me). So we all go out to a bar/club, Tuesday night $2 drinks. Very loud music, cramped - you know, the usual terrible small-town "night club" scene. Don't speak to each other because we can't (and I don't know what to say). Terrible drinks. Awkward.

    Last call comes, we start walking back my friends' place where we would all crash that night (because drinking and driving is bad!). During the walk back, my friends start arguing. Maybe arguing isn't the right word - it would be more accurate to say they were attempting to start WWIII. Screaming at each other - this big dramatic fight. Terrible things being said. Extra awkward.

    "Geoff" and I are embarrassed - cross the street and pretend not to know these crazy arguing people. Start getting to know each other, and actually discover we have a lot in common. Spend the rest of the night talking. Hang out daily for a month or two, then started dating.

    12 years later, we're getting married :)

    One of the worst dates I've had, but it still ended well! (and our crazy friends are still together too!!)

    wooow! thats an awesome story! wow u made him wait a month! damn! ahh... that made me feel happy :)

    haha. I should have made him wait longer before dating him. LOL (he made me wait 12 years for engagement!)
  • chnkydnknmomma
    Well, I have 2...

    One is the 1st date that never happened. I had met this guy online, we chatted a while, texted, etc. He seemed nice and sincere, single father, never an inappropriate word, blah blah blah. So after about a week or so, he asks if I want to go out. I said yes and we would be in contact later that evening to make arrangements to meet. I was excited and nervous, but looking forward to it. So he contacts me later that day, and I asked him what he had in mind for our date. His response was "honeymoon suite, fireplace, roomservice"..WTF???? really? that's your idea of a first date. I told him thanks, but no thanks, I'm not interested in hooking up. and that was the end of him.

    Second one, well I guess there's a theme here...met this guy online, decided to go out. We agreed to meet at a local place, (NOT the honeymoon suite..haha). I walked in and he spotted me, comes walking over, turns out he has a deformed arm, is about 10 yrs older and 6 inches shorter than his pictures. Now, don't get me wrong, I could have looked past the arm, but I was appalled that I had no warning and didn't quite know how to react, so I didn't. I did stay and have a drink, chatted a bit thanked him, and never saw him again.

    BTW, loved the balloon fetish story...that one takes the prize!
  • caldon4523
    caldon4523 Posts: 227 Member

    I don't know where these guys come from. A man should always pay on the first date, and probably the second.
    its just the way it is.


    I never pay on the first date. I tell them it's dutch as soon as it's decided to go on a date. This way I don't run into the woman who like to go out with guys for the "free" meal and drinks. Some think that's rude, perfectly fine with me, just saved myself time and money. To those who don't mind, or like the idea, great, we can be ourselves and not have to try n impress no one with paying, where were going out to, how much money you have, or lack there of. Second date and beyond, I always pay. First date, gotta get the drift raft outta the way. I'm not in it for the "lay" anymore, I want some substance. JUST MY OPINION..........

    When I go out on a first date, I always expect to pay. However, that being said, I don't have a problem if the guy is up front about who will pay. If he wants to go dutch, just say so before the date begins, that way there is no hard feelings afterwards. It does not make you look like a jerk. If, however, she refuses to go along with going dutch, then she is being a jerk. We live in an equal society. Some women actually make more money then men.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member

    I don't know where these guys come from. A man should always pay on the first date, and probably the second.
    its just the way it is.


    I never pay on the first date. I tell them it's dutch as soon as it's decided to go on a date. This way I don't run into the woman who like to go out with guys for the "free" meal and drinks. Some think that's rude, perfectly fine with me, just saved myself time and money. To those who don't mind, or like the idea, great, we can be ourselves and not have to try n impress no one with paying, where were going out to, how much money you have, or lack there of. Second date and beyond, I always pay. First date, gotta get the drift raft outta the way. I'm not in it for the "lay" anymore, I want some substance. JUST MY OPINION..........

    When I go out on a first date, I always expect to pay. However, that being said, I don't have a problem if the guy is up front about who will pay. If he wants to go dutch, just say so before the date begins, that way there is no hard feelings afterwards. It does not make you look like a jerk. If, however, she refuses to go along with going dutch, then she is being a jerk. We live in an equal society. Some women actually make more money then men.

    Agreed. It is not a man job to pay for a date. However if a guy askes me out and its a bad week for me (rent). I always tell him I have no spending cash that week. My BF pays sometimes and sometimes I pay it all depends on who has money at the time
  • RunIntheMud
    RunIntheMud Posts: 2,645 Member
    If we're meeting for first date, I think it's nice for the man to pay. Usually it's just a coffee date or if not that, something similar. He's the one that invited, so that is my reasoning. However, I've had first dates that end up with us leaving coffee and going to do something else (mini golf, batting cages, etc). I'll definitely offer to pay after that. Most men I've been with won't allow it, but I always tell them that I feel like it's the fair thing to do (still doesn't work, lol).

    When it comes to later in a relationship, I believe you should take turns paying. I've dated guys that refused to let me pay. I feel guilty with that, so if there was something I really wanted to go to, I'd pick up the tickets early and just use the reasoning that I'm a planner (which I am). He his pride, and I felt better.
  • Peezy4President
    Peezy4President Posts: 292 Member
    I think the man should pay for the first day, especially if he is the one who asked the woman out. I dont have a problem paying for dates, but it is also nice if a females offers to pay once in a while.
  • hulkling
    hulkling Posts: 35 Member
    I went on a date with a deaf guy once who was a nice enough guy, but quite dull. Unfortunately he kept breaking wind REALLY loudly in the restaurant. I didn't say anything because I got really PC and flustered about whether he knew or not and if it was appropriate to mention, but he was late 20's, surely he knew about basic bodily functions :S
  • MissShancey
    I went on a date with a deaf guy once who was a nice enough guy, but quite dull. Unfortunately he kept breaking wind REALLY loudly in the restaurant. I didn't say anything because I got really PC and flustered about whether he knew or not and if it was appropriate to mention, but he was late 20's, surely he knew about basic bodily functions :S

  • smboston
    Worst date ever: drugged and robbed. Didn't even get dinner and a kiss out of it. And it wasn' a first date.

    I've had a bunch of bad dates but I think that one was the worst.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Worst date ever: drugged and robbed. Didn't even get dinner and a kiss out of it. And it wasn' a first date.
    Holy hell!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I think the man should pay for the first day, especially if he is the one who asked the woman out. I dont have a problem paying for dates, but it is also nice if a females offers to pay once in a while.
    I find the discussion interesting. I've been married almost 30 years so it doesn't apply but 40! years ago when I was 20 it was considered old school that it was assumed the guy would pay. I guess it all comes back around. And no I'm not cheap, the lady I was dating at the time just reached for it as often as I did and it didn't seem like a big deal either way.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I've had two - that were pretty significant bad experiences in my book anyway...

    1 - met the guy "Dan" at my work- he was one of the vendors that serviced the supplies for the company I worked for, and after flirting for a long time every week, he finally asked me out, and I was SO Excited. Decided to meet at a theatre, and then decide afterward...somehow, neither of us was in the right spot at the same time, so I finally just went to the movie- and went back to the lobby at one point to check and see if he showed- thought he had ditched or something- and he was pissed at me because he thought I ditched him - so we end up seeing the rest of the movie, and he asks me to come and hang out at his place (I was new to dating, and agreed without thinking he would take it to the next level...) and actually watch a movie- so while sitting on the sofa, watching the movie, he grabs my hand- I thought to hold it...NO, it was to shove it down his pants and have me stroke the beast in there.....shocked, and amazed, I find some excuse - it's late, whatever to leave....he keeps coming to our work, and we hired a new girl "April" who sees him asking me out on another date, and April asks him how "Tammy" is doing? He glares at her, and leaves. I ask April, who's Tammy? She told me Tammy is his wife....EW! I was so mad....

    2. met this guy through his friends, they all used to hang out at my old work, and a few times after work I went with them for drinks, or whatever- I'd known the group for over a year before hanging out with them.....anywho, he tries to "teach me how to play pool" one night- and then asked me out on a date, but asked that I not tell the others, because one of his buddies has a serious crush on me- (I knew which one, but there was NO CHANCE I would date him) so I went out with him- and he was pretty nice, 2nd date, he came over to my place and I cooked dinner, and we get cozy on the sofa, watch a movie, and we kissed, and then..after kissing a while, I realize he's still wearing a baseball cap, so I tried to take it off, thinking I'd put it on, or just see what he really looks like- I dunno - and he freaks out- and I realize he's almost going bald- (in his 20's) and after that, he starts almost crying and freaking out, about he shouldn't be out with me, he still loves his ex, etc. I'm like, seriously, we didn't "DO" anything, but why would you hide the hat thing? not really that big a deal.....and he still tried to keep it a secret from his friends.....ended up dating one of the other guys, and he just kept trying to tell his friend how I was only dating him to get back at hat guy....seriously? 2 dates, and I'm in love with you? His glares and stuff were funny- and the guys were great- they all told me how their friend lived with his mom and was a total D-Bag, but they couldn't get rid of him, since they'd all been friends since high school- asked why they didn't warn me?!...lol
  • no_stagnation