either my father's a jerk, or I'm oversensitive



  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Don't let him sabotage you. Murder him first!

    but wait till after Christmas...he might get you a nice gift

    then....OFF WITH HIS HEAD!
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I told my father today how much weight I've lost. (19 pounds in 9 weeks) and was for some reason expecting some sort of congratulations or way to go. He smirked at me and said "you know Christmas is coming, right?" I said that it comes every year, for fat and skinny people and walked out.
    I know that I'm probably overreacting but I'm really upset. To me he was saying that I'm just going to gain it back so why bother. So of course now I want to eat, because that's what I do when I'm upset.

    Don't indulge in food. You came here to change that and we aim to assist! Remember how eating won't make you feel better but will actually make you feel worse after you indulge.. not THAT you do it but WHY you do it. Don't let his insensitivity bring you down.

    This is your dad. I would expect that he means well. While the manner in which he chose his coment was wrong, maybe he meant it as a reminder that the toughest time of year is coming and he hopes you will be able to overcome those tough situations. Eitehr way, communicate with him that you were hoping for some encouragement and feel rather let down by his response. I'm sure he didn't mean to be mean or discouraging.

    HOWEVER if he did mean it that way, then I would go as I would were it my step mother. USE THAT COMMENT TO FUEL YOUR SUCCESS. Other family members are bound to see your progress by the holidays and some are bound to be encouraging. Use this to show him you are stronger and his downplaying your effort is only going to fuel your desire to be sucessful SURING the hardest part of the year. Then when you succeed, maybe he will remember some humane aspect within him and become suportive.
  • kimad
    kimad Posts: 3,010 Member
    Don't eat - if you eat you let your dad win. Plus you will just be more mad at yourself - I have been there, done that.
    Show him!!!
    That's the mind set I have taken lately with alot of things in my life. I am tired of people winning, time for me to take control of me.
    And ps - I would be upset too. I really feel those comments come from their insecurities.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Don't eat - if you eat you let your dad win.

    Starvation is the best revenge
  • Colleen118
    Colleen118 Posts: 491 Member
    I told my father today how much weight I've lost. (19 pounds in 9 weeks) and was for some reason expecting some sort of congratulations or way to go. He smirked at me and said "you know Christmas is coming, right?" I said that it comes every year, for fat and skinny people and walked out.
    I know that I'm probably overreacting but I'm really upset. To me he was saying that I'm just going to gain it back so why bother. So of course now I want to eat, because that's what I do when I'm upset.

    Don't indulge in food. You came here to change that and we aim to assist! Remember how eating won't make you feel better but will actually make you feel worse after you indulge.. not THAT you do it but WHY you do it. Don't let his insensitivity bring you down.

    This is your dad. I would expect that he means well. While the manner in which he chose his coment was wrong, maybe he meant it as a reminder that the toughest time of year is coming and he hopes you will be able to overcome those tough situations. Eitehr way, communicate with him that you were hoping for some encouragement and feel rather let down by his response. I'm sure he didn't mean to be mean or discouraging.

    HOWEVER if he did mean it that way, then I would go as I would were it my step mother. USE THAT COMMENT TO FUEL YOUR SUCCESS. Other family members are bound to see your progress by the holidays and some are bound to be encouraging. Use this to show him you are stronger and his downplaying your effort is only going to fuel your desire to be sucessful SURING the hardest part of the year. Then when you succeed, maybe he will remember some humane aspect within him and become suportive.

    and incidentally, my doctor was the one who was title King of rude and earned himself the nickname of Dr. Demented when I finally decided it was time for me to change. It was wrong but it has worked for me. I let his rudeness and mean comments of how fat I was and how I was setting myself to die of a heart attack get me to a point of "I will show you!" When I left his office ALL I WANTED TO DO was drive through the nearest McD's and order EVRYTHING and eat it. Seriously. I sat in the parking lot for 20 minutes in hysterics and tears an belittled to nothing. The alter ego I now refer to as the inner goddess became very prominant to me that day. She Flew out of no where in my head on a which's broom cackling like a lunatic shouting "Show that bass-TURD! You show him you CAN lose weight and you DON'T need his stupid HCG diet! You just show him! *more evil cackling*

    I took me 4 days to figure out my plan of attack. I've lost 47lbs since May. BTW Dr. Demented earned the title of former doctor to me and has never been given the chance to see my success but I amde CERTAIN that before I changed docs his office got my bloodwork from August showing a HUGE change in stats INCLUDING my glucose being under control by diet ALONE.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    I told my father today how much weight I've lost. (19 pounds in 9 weeks) and was for some reason expecting some sort of congratulations or way to go. He smirked at me and said "you know Christmas is coming, right?" I said that it comes every year, for fat and skinny people and walked out.
    I know that I'm probably overreacting but I'm really upset. To me he was saying that I'm just going to gain it back so why bother. So of course now I want to eat, because that's what I do when I'm upset.

    Congratulations on the 19-pound loss! :flowerforyou: I'm sure it took a good deal of work!

    I'm not sure if your dad meant that as some sort of warning about food. I don't think he MEANT to upset you, but that was the effect. Keep on with what you were doing!
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    There is no shortage of dumb comments from parents.
    The first time I hit a ball over the fence my father said "it's about time. you should have done that years ago."
    When I was in college he referred to my degree as "whatever the hell you're studying."
    If he were alive, I suspect he would say some similar to what your father said (He died a painful death from cancer in 1998).
    The best we can do ignore the stupid crap and try not to internalize it. Believe me, I know how hard that is. I also try hard not to repeat the same mistakes with my own children. So far so good.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    He's a jerk.
    You, on the other hand are not! You are AWESOME! Look at what you are doing, keep that momentum going! BE PROUD!
    Be proud of yourself and listen to the people in your life who understand you and are proud of you too. Your Dads comment has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. If he knew how you felt perhaps he wouldn't have said what he did? Pls ignore him. I have let similar types of comments sabotage my success don't let it happen. Th
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    This is not an easy journey. And you've got this. Good for you!
  • jesse1379
    jesse1379 Posts: 239 Member
    Woman dont understand that men say stuff...anything really just to place you under the false assumption that we are actually listening to what your saying. He broke out the top shelf material though. I haven't used the ol "winters coming" bit for years.