Fit & Fun Sized Group~March



  • CarylMc1991
    This group sounds great :smile: I'm 5'2 and have gone up to 135lbs! I blame university :laugh: just started eating healthily 4 days ago and going back to the gym, let's pray for some good results!

    Have a good day all :bigsmile:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Hi CarylMc, welcome to the group :flowerforyou:

    Well...A Cold + TOM + Backache + No healthy food in the house = Horrible Week for me!!! :grumble: :huh: :sick: I need a do-over on this entire week! I am glad it's almost over so I can get back into my routine. Going shopping to re-stock on the healthy food. I havent weighed myself today, I forgot to this morning before I ate. I hope I didn't do too much damage.:noway: I was just SO HUNGRY this week due to TOM. I only worked out ONE DAY this week!! AAHHH thats soo bad! Hope you all had a better week than me!...Here's to a successful up-coming week :drinker: :drinker:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I was just SO HUNGRY this week due to TOM.

    Isn't THAT the truth... :noway: I just couldn't get enough to eat yesterday... ended up about 200 over my calorie goal and didn't have time to work out last night (but I still lost 1lb :huh: ).

    Supposed to be awful and rainy here all weekend - so no C25K outside for me. :grumble:

    Everyone have a good weekend! :flowerforyou:
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I was just SO HUNGRY this week due to TOM.

    Isn't THAT the truth... :noway: I just couldn't get enough to eat yesterday... ended up about 200 over my calorie goal and didn't have time to work out last night (but I still lost 1lb :huh: ).

    Supposed to be awful and rainy here all weekend - so no C25K outside for me. :grumble:

    Everyone have a good weekend! :flowerforyou:

    OMG it's like no matter how much I eat i'm just still hungry! I dont know what it is about that TOM that does that to me! I am thinking about starting C25K...but just THINKING about it lol. I havent made a commitment yet because I absolutley HATE running :smile:
    I went to the store. My shelves are stocked & i'm ready for a healthy week :happy:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good evening ladies! As I type this post I'm sitting under the dryer at the hair salon trying to keep it together b/c I really just want to crawl into bed but the hair was a hot mess.....a girl has got to have her priorities....LOL. Once the hair is done I will be heading straight home and loading up on medicine in hopes of feeling better tomorrow so I can hit the gym. If i'm not up to hit I'll simply do a lighter dvd over the weekend so I can have all my strength for the upcoming Insanity fit test.

    While i've been exercising regularly I have to admit my eating at night especially over the weekends has not been the best. I'm trying to evaluate what's going on w/me in the evening that has been causing me to have crazy cravings at night. During the day, especially while at work, I stick to my meal plan w/o a problem but the minute I get home i start wanting to eat EVERYTHING!. I've managed to maintain my weight which i'm happy about but I know I wont get the body I want and deserve if i don't get it together and SOON!.

    Any suggestions on how to combat this sudden (last 2 weeks or so) cravings hike. It's seriously bad on the weekends but I'm usually able to keep it together for most of the weekend.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    Uuuuuuugh. My cousin announced the date of her wedding, and it's six months from this past Wednesday. I want to reach my goal weight by then but... 1200 calories a day leaves me so hungry! Help!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! I decided to sleep in and skip the kickboxing class this morning in hopes of rejuvenating this sick and energy-less body of mine and that extra sleep was just what I needed. While I'm clearly not 100% I did feel rejuvenated enough to throw in the Kenpo X dvd of the P90X series and rocked it out for 45 minutes. Now that the workout is complete I'm about to have lunch, do some light house cleaning and RELAX for the remainder of the day.

    I am suppose to have dinner w/friends this evening but I'm really thinking i"m going to bypass this as well. I'm really feeling like this weekend will be all about chocolickkyss getting some much R & R.

    Sunsh1ne: Are you working out? If so, try eating some of your exercise calories. Also, are you eating food w/a lot of fiber and protein b/c that can help you stay full a bit longer?
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I work out as often as I can, but even when I eat my exercise calories it's still so little! I'm a student so I don't have the time for a full hour of cardio. I was a vegetarian for a long time, so most days I have raw veggies with hummus and maybe a hard-boiled egg for lunch. I know it's not what I'm eating - it's just that I can't run on 1200 calories a day. I changed my goals because 44 pounds in 6 months is too much, and eating just 160 cals more is better. I'm still hungry, but not distractingly so all the time.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone remembered to SPRING FORWARD this morning so you're not beginning the day already an hour behind schedule. By springing forwarded it's a sign that spring is near and I couldn't be more excited. Also having an extra hour in the evening means I can walk around the park or go to the gym for a little cardio after work. Now we just need the weather to cooperate and everything will be great.

    Since today is considered a rest day w/the Insanity program and tomorrow I'm suppose to complete fit test #2 I've decided that I was only going to complete the P90X stretching dvd. I want to be as limber and rejuvenated as possible for tomorrow's test. The Insanity dvd has been causing some pain in my knee so I'll see how this week goes before deciding whether I'll continue w/the program. Even If I don't complete the full 60 days I can definitely see myself throwing in one of the dvds here and there it just may be too much for my knee to do everyday. As I stated, I'll re-evaluate it at the end of this week.

    I'm feeling pretty productive today. I've just about completed all my Sunday errands and will be spending the remainder of the day watcing movies....YIPPEE...YIPPEE.

    I'll check in later. Have a great day!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    HI everyone!
    I am 5'2" with a goal weight of 115.

    I really need to work on my fitness more than my weight though, I can't jog a block without gasping for breath.
    I quit smoking exactly 24 hours ago, and right now I DON'T want one!!!

    I walked 15 minutes on the treadmill today and it says I burned 74 calories, but MFP says that 15 minutes at 2mph is only 26 cals, and my pedometer says I burned 50 cals!!!!

    Which one should I believe more?
    The treadmill does not have the option to select male/female or put in your weight, it's pretty basic, so I'm guessing it isn't accurate?
  • 2bskinnyagain1978
    My husband leaves for Basic Training on Monday. It admit that it will be hard not to indulge this week and to make myself work out, but I hope to do better once his Swiss Rolls aren't around and he's not available to go out to eat with. Trying to look on the bright side as I face 16 weeks without my new husband

    You should think of those sixteen weeks to wow him when he gets back.. when he is home he sees you everyday and prob doesn't notice your weight loss as much consider his 16 weeks away for you to really workhard and the day he returns get all dolled up and reveal your hot new bod.. thats what I would do for motivation and it will keep u busy and help the time fly as he is gone.. good luck :) and god bless your Husband for what he does for our country !!!
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I am going to try to work really hard at it while he is gone and be in great shape. It also helps my motivation to know that he will also be in great shape. Don't want to be the frumpy wife with the hot husband. Thanks for the kind words and support.
  • Sunsh1ne
    Sunsh1ne Posts: 879 Member
    I walked 15 minutes on the treadmill today and it says I burned 74 calories, but MFP says that 15 minutes at 2mph is only 26 cals, and my pedometer says I burned 50 cals!!!!

    Which one should I believe more?
    The treadmill does not have the option to select male/female or put in your weight, it's pretty basic, so I'm guessing it isn't accurate?

    A heart rate monitor would be your best option, but barring that, I would stick with what MFP says. It tends to be pretty accurate.

    Congratulations on quitting! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning all! Today is week 3 day 1 of the Insanity program which means it was time for me to complete my second fit test. I had a late start b/c I'm totally missing my hour of sleep. I decided not to eat breakfast before completing the fit test so I wouldn't be as nauseous as I was on day 1. Each exercise is performed for a minute w/a quick break in between before beginning the next one. Here are my results from fit test 1 and 2:

    Test 1: Test 2:

    Switch kicks: 50 / 70

    Power jacks: 57 / 70

    Power knees: 80 / 95

    Power jumps: 32 / 44

    Globe jumps: 8 reps (32 jumps total) / 10 reps (40 jumps total) (4 jumps = 1)

    Suicide jumps: 12 / 18

    Push up jacks: 20 / 32

    Low plank oblique: 40 / 54
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Good job Choco! That is a big improvement!! Especially for happening in only a few weeks! Thats a great idea for them to incorporate fit test so you can really judge your progress. Which one do you like better, P90X or Insanity?

    I did good this weekend! I usually cheat on weekends, but kept it in check. I weighed in this morning at 141.6. That is up 0.2 lbs from last time. I am happy with that tho since I was really bad last week. It has been a busy morning and I didn't get to work out yet. BUT I WILL WORKOUT TODAY! I am feeling much better this week so no excuses!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    I am thinking about starting C25K...but just THINKING about it lol. I havent made a commitment yet because I absolutley HATE running :smile:

    Ya know... so did I... "I can't breathe... my shins hurt..... my ankles hurt... etc. etc."... but now I can run for a whole song (roughly 4 min) before taking a short walking break.... and I (gasp) enjoy it.... :noway:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Tuesday all! Today is week 3 day 2 of the Insanity program and I completed 42 minutes of the Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I did see some improvement today in my ability to stick w/each exercise a little bit longer although the level 1 drill circuit (plank, 4 push ups, 4 mountain climbers, ski abs and in/out abs) is STILL KICKING MY BUTT, By the time we get to those drills my legs are pretty much gone and my upper body strength sucks. My legs are soooo much stronger than my upper body but hey that's why I am doing this program, to get stronger as a whole so I know I can't do anything other than benefit from the program.

    My knee bothered me a little through some of the moves but overall held up pretty good. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

    I am about to get ready for work so I'll try to catch up on posts a little later. Have a great day everyone.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! I hope everyone's Wednesday gets off to a great start. Today is week 3 day three of the Insanity program which means I am suppose to tackle the PURE "EVIL" cardio dvd. Last night when I realized I was going to have to tackle the Pure Cardio beast this morning I decided to take on a different approach. I really prepared myself mentally for the challenge and told myself that I was going to give it my all BUT I was going to go at my pace and not get caught up in the fact that the participants in the dvd may be moving faster than I am. I woke up at 5 am with my mind right but my body somewhere else. TOM snuck on me out of nowhere. I knew it would be here this week but was really expecting it Friday/Saturday but no here she was today and the cramps were in full effect. I told myself I would complete this workout regardless and I'm proud to announce that Pure Cardio was not as evil as it has been previously. While I did take the necessary breaks when needed I realized I didn't need quite as many when I was going at my own pace and I was able to recover a lot quicker. I hope this mind over matter philosophy and going at my own pace works the next time I tackle this dvd....LOL Anyway, Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs are completed and I'm about to head off to start my work day.

    Where is everyone on this thread. It looks like I was the only 1 to post yesterday?????????
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    I am here....just have nothing good to say :cry: I havent worked out at all this week. I was good on calories Monday, went over yesterday. And today I will probably be ok. MOTIVATION WHERE HAVE YOU GONE??? YOU ARE WELCOME BACK ANYTIME NOW!! I wasnt working out last week cause I was sick & once I get out of the routine its hard for me to get back into it. ugghhh :grumble: I dont know how you stay soo motivated everyday choco!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We celebrated St. Patrick's Day at line dance by wearing green and dancing to Irish music. Someone brought brownies with green frosting and apple juice. I brought my own Isagenix bar for a snack and declined the brownies.

    :flowerforyou: The weather is finally getting good enough to go walking outside.......we went for a short walk with the dogs today and it was great.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Someone said, "if you're moving, you're losing" I figure that any exercise is better than none.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: