Wife asked me to leave, try to get her back...



  • All the best to you. Congrats on your weight loss. I hope everything turns out the way you want for your future!
  • MeliNichole84
    MeliNichole84 Posts: 45 Member
    so sorry to hear about your rough patch. im going through a divorce also. no kids. but i still know how hard it can be. anyone feel free to add me. im motivated and log in daily.
  • sorry to hear about your troubles, add me for support. xoxo
  • TracyMay1209
    TracyMay1209 Posts: 7 Member
    I believe in you! Good luck on your journey!
  • kellieanney
    kellieanney Posts: 51 Member
    Wow, alot of big life changes for you Joe, glad you are on the path to fitness and job success, and getting your family life back together, you are doing a great job! Subway is really good for diets, especially veggie, tuna, or chicken. You'll go far! Kellie:)
  • lucyricky2
    lucyricky2 Posts: 449 Member
    add me as a friend. The support is incredible on this website..
  • danbradley1970
    danbradley1970 Posts: 42 Member
    add me man.......bottom finds us all
  • Manleymomof2
    Manleymomof2 Posts: 50 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track, just be careful no to lose weight too quickly! Seems to me that the quicker you lose it the quicker it comes back. I'd love to help support you, feel free to add me to your friend list.
  • Keto_T
    Keto_T Posts: 673 Member
    Congrats to you on losing 50 lbs. That is an amazing accomplishment. I log in every day and comment on my friends' posts. You're welcome to add me if you'd like.
  • nancycaregiver
    nancycaregiver Posts: 812 Member
    That is awesome that you lost 50 pounds in 5 weeks! Do not get discouraged when your weight loss starts to slow as it certainly will! You have done great so far! My husband used to drive a truck and he would walk laps around the trailer every time he stopped. He took sandwiches and fruit with him on trips. You can do this and get to your goal weight! Good luck on becoming a law officer! I am sending you a friend request.
  • ObtainingBalance
    ObtainingBalance Posts: 1,446 Member
    I believe you can do this!!!!!!! Goood luck!
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    If you have the motivation, you can achieve anything. Good luck with your goals... and with your marriage. I hope everything works out for you.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    What an awful sequence of events! Take care of you.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm confused first off, why were you being mean to her? If she doesn't want to move, you can't exactly make her. And also, if there's hope for you two in the future, why divorce? Why not try separation? Just focus on you and getting healthier.
  • luvhandles74
    luvhandles74 Posts: 85 Member
    Sheesh...been a crumby run! However, you are on a roll right now! You do what you gotta do, get yourself right and when your'e ready, you can wine and dine and fall in love alllllll over again :)

    I'm an active logger and I exercise everyday..Im sending a friend request!

    I'll do what I can to help you stay motivated! :)
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Hey. Not an expert by any stretch, but um. 50 pounds in five weeks is fast. Possibly too fast. Have you seen a doctor? I don't know your specifics obviously, but I have to say at that level of weight loss and considering the rest of your story, I would be concerned about depression. You may want to call your doctor. I'm also concerned about your motivation. What happens if you hit your goal weight and she doesn't take you back? Will you be able to maintain this lifestyle? Make sure that you are losing this weight for YOU and not for HER.

    Hope things get better for you and that everything works out for the best.
  • YaGigi
    YaGigi Posts: 817 Member
    I'm sorry for your divorce....

    But hey. My first divorce was the best thing happened to me. My second divorce was ok too... I felt life was over nd etc but I can see now it was a great turn or me! I traveled all over the world, met new people, had amazing jobs, learnt new languages. You will have it all now!!!

    You're starting NEW LIFE! That's so amazing and inspiring! You can be aaaaaaaanything you wanna be!

    Good for you or getting a job, and losing weight and eating healthy! And I can reaaaaaaally appreciate and respect for you leaving everything to your wife and kids. That's the real man, my friend!
  • Krissee23
    Krissee23 Posts: 281 Member
    I have faith in you! Just keep your head in it! Feel free to add me for support! :)
  • Sorry for being slow to get back on here, trucking life, with portable internet tech is tough...

    I have tried to send some friend requests... this poor service while moving I am not sure what ones went through, feel free to add me. Thanks to those who already did.

    Anyhow, trying to answer everyone as I can...

    EnchantedEven - No as of now she will not consider counseling at all...

    Antlady69 - Yes, I do know she may not fall back in love with me, and never be afraid to try to help me keep sight of reality... Even though getting her back I can call my main motivation, it is not my only motivation... My children are the ultimnate motivation, I need to be here for them...

    roughneckswif - As above, you are right, she may never come back... As for someone new, I have tried to convince myself that I could be happy with another, but I really don't feel the ability to love another woman, she is it for me and if she doesn't find love for me again, I will live for my children and do the best I can, I never say never, but I just feel like I gave my heart and therefore I don't have it in me to love again...

    mcgonigal - Thanks for thinking of me regarding the custody, as of now, the papers are already signed by me for the divorce, (I signed on the day she asked, the day of our 13th wedding anniversary) and all the custody is laid out in there, we have joint legal, she has physical. She also gets the house and everything she wants, I got my cloths and my cars.

    mcgonigal - I know the weight came off faster than normal, but I had a very un healthy diet, 2 double cheeseburgers for lunch and a fri and milk shake and???? Lots of calories coming in, yet I was staying even, so just by cutting out junk and eating well I guess I'm dropping it partly from just the change of food? I will not let this come back this time, I am determined on that part.

    Aschindler412 - again, see just above. The diet change plus exercise it is just what came off, some days I had 5 lbs in a day change. Now I'm at a pound or so a day. I guess my body is getting used to the new "food" in its life.

    GoGlam - "Good for you or getting a job, and losing weight and eating healthy! And I can reaaaaaaally appreciate and respect for you leaving everything to your wife and kids. That's the real man, my friend! " I keep telling myself I have a rare opportunity here, men make mistakes, but I get to show my kids what a Real Man is to make things right...

    Thanks all for the support...
  • I'm confused first off, why were you being mean to her? If she doesn't want to move, you can't exactly make her. And also, if there's hope for you two in the future, why divorce? Why not try separation? Just focus on you and getting healthier.