

  • lovetobethin86
    lovetobethin86 Posts: 202 Member
    It's false to say that you can encourage your body to burn fat in a certain spot. Your body gets rid of fat when and where it wants to. so taking a supplement just to burn thigh fat isn't going to do a whole lot of good. Also, Dr Oz is full of absolute *kitten*

    OMG People I WISH I NEVER SAID ANYTHING ABOUT DR, OZ! I saw it on the body building website then googled it and Dr. Oz popped up along with a bunch of other sites I read about these on...I only said Dr. Oz because thats the only other one I can remember the name too....**rolling eyes, shaking head*** ughh
  • jdixon101085
    Oxy elite pro is the best thermogenic I've used. It really works despite the hot flashes
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    My super fat burning stack


    Raspberry Ketones

    L Carnitine

    Green Coffee Bean extract

    African Mango Extract

    Macha Green Tea

    Awesome. Only thing missing is dat dere Cell Tech, bro! :bigsmile:

    As for me:
    -Whey protein
    -Fish oil

    As for Dr. Oz:
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Fish Oil
    Calcium Supplement

    I'm kinda playing around and seeing what I like and don't like and can or can't tell the difference if I have it. self experimentation!
  • Aventuria
    Aventuria Posts: 151
    I only take:

    iodine (I don't eat fish and we have iodine deficit in our family)

    Other than that I sometimes have an protein shake (organic brown rice isolate) if I didn't get enough protein that day. But I can mostly manage with a balanced diet. ;-)

    Have a great day!
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Green tea supplement
    Vitamin b
    Cod liver oil
  • babsie11
    babsie11 Posts: 21 Member
    I take a probiotic one in the AM and one at night
    Vitamin d 3 5000 ui in the AM
    fish oil 2 caps daily
    Magnesium Citrate 1 am 1 pm
    Green coffee bean extract 400 mg with Svetol 3 times a day 1/2 hour before meals..

    thats it.. !
  • babsie11
    babsie11 Posts: 21 Member
    I love Dr. Oz he does his research as with any supplements or antibiotics or any medications what works for some will not work for others! :) GO OZ!
  • lindsayTalk
    lindsayTalk Posts: 4 Member
    I take::

    CLA - probably will cut this after bottle is empty, don't notice much of an effect

    Rasberry ketones - really like these, seem to help my water bloat and energy but I don't believe in miracle pills

    Fish oil - it's good, don't really have much to say but I do notice my hair is very shiny... I also give a liquid version to my pup

    Take a multi, b12, e, & calcium - suffer from eczema and the e seems to help keeping it at bay, calcium for obvious reasons and I'm not big on dairy, b12 for energy, multi for whatever I missed in my diet

    elite dynamtize vanilla protein powder - I enjoy this protein powder for my morning shakes, keeps me full "longer"

    I just picked up the coconut oil chews from GNC, not too bad and will probably be in place for that CLA when it's empty

    If you want to follow my diary you can see what I tend to eat
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member

    Daily multivitamin, fish oil caps, L-carnitine, creatine, BCAA's and protein supplements.

    Also recently was given a test booster from a friend to give a try so that's in there too..
  • troopers90
    I take whey protein, I used to use a pre supp called jack3d, but now take alpha
  • Shrelana
    Shrelana Posts: 248 Member
    I take one potassium supplement daily (3% of daily value for 2000 calorie diet), and 1/2 calcium (1 is 50% of daily value for 2000 calorie diet, and mine is 1200 to 1300).

    I take the potassium because of a hereditary potassium deficiency, it seems to be working, but I'll be discussing with my Dr in January to make sure I shouldn't be taking more. The calcium is for bone health since I'm putting more of a strain on my skeletal system by working out :)
  • DannPM31
    Morning I take: B-Complex, Ginseng, & Fish Oil. The first two are basically the main two things (less the caffeine I get from morning coffee) that are in energy drinks like 'Rockstar'

    Plus, nothing beats the radically-neon yellow piss about half way to lunch like the B-Complex gives you!
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Just about everything youre taking was a waste of your money.

  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Just about everything youre taking was a waste of your money.


    Double QFT

    I do pound fish oil by the hand full though
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    Just about everything youre taking was a waste of your money.


    Double QFT

    I do pound fish oil by the hand full though

    I still want an answer on the Texans logo. You jumping off the wagon just for losing one game?
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I still want an answer on the Texans logo. You jumping off the wagon just for losing one game?

    I bleed battle red
  • JasonDetwiler
    JasonDetwiler Posts: 364 Member
    I still want an answer on the Texans logo. You jumping off the wagon just for losing one game?

    I bleed battle red

    Ha, nice. They're my adopted team b/c of Matt.
  • 305muscle
    305muscle Posts: 97 Member
    too many to mention lol.anyways when it comes to supplements you gotta try and see what works best for you since everyone is different bodies respond differently
  • whitenoise12
    Anyone know what vitamin deficiency causes weak fingernails?