Advice On Saying No?



  • IronDame
    IronDame Posts: 275
    Sometimes I say no and sometimes I say yes. It's a part of life, I know I will never be able to always say no. So today I had a donut. YAY more cardio for me!
  • hipsdontlie1
    hipsdontlie1 Posts: 294 Member
    I just try to think about how I'm going to feel afterwards rather than thinking about how it will taste. With doing this for so long, I have less cravings especially for sugary treats. I hope this helps, just remind yourself how you will feel afterwards! Although, a treat once in awhile is not that bad, just try not to look at it as a reward, I'm trying this and it's helping get rid of my emotional connection with food.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    It might be a good idea to brainstorm non-food treats. It sounds like a lot of the temptation to say yes is because you "deserve" it after a hard day. Maybe a bubble bath, new nail polish color, yoga class, or buying the latest iTunes song you can't get out of your head instead?
  • Rosered3333
    Rosered3333 Posts: 171 Member
    I completely understand this one. I'm pregnant and so everyone thinks they should be fattening me up and everyone thinks I'm justified in overeating because I'm pregnant.

    I'm not very good at this but I think it's best to eat proactively and not be hungry when the sweets and homebaked goods show up. One of my co-workers is an amazing baker and I resist her cookies by always being full and satisfied. And if I have something, I have one; not ten.

    Good luck! This is a tough time of year for healthy eating!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    You all are awesome. It is so nice to have people understand, and offer advice without being judgemental. Just to brag on myself a little....

    I teach. This week is educator appreciation week. Yesterday there was an apple in my mailbox. Today, I was greeted by........a full size hershey bar. UGH!!!! I thought of you all and kindly gave my chocolate bar to the secretary. :)

    Thanks again!

    I'm a retired teacher and know the system well. There are LOTS of food rewards on a regular basis. Congratulations on your fine strategy. I hope you're able to stay strong. That said, I kept a box of breakfast bars in my desk drawer for hungry students and did a pretty good job of staying out of them. I didn't do as well staying out of the treats in the break room. I'd say I gained an average of 10 pounds for every year I taught. Most summers I took a chunk back off, but the trend was always up. Now my knees hurt and I'm here getting healthier.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    I don't live in denial. If I want that cookie, I have it, but I make it fit within my daily calorie allowance. If I don't, then it's up to me to work it off. It's just that simple.
  • 60x60
    60x60 Posts: 75 Member
    I play a mind game with myself. If I take the treat, I count the calories into my day. If I don't take the treat and say no thank you, I give myself a 20 calorie credit to be used on the weekend. I actually earned 800 calories one work week. I've never cashed in on the weekend for more than 240 calories. Now I don't even go for the extra treat on the weekend, I just compete with myself to see how many "no thanks" calories I earn in a week. December should be a very competitive month.
  • Geni_B
    Geni_B Posts: 64 Member
    This is so silly. I realize that not eating something I shouldn't should be as easy as "no thank you". But....apparently it's not.

    For those of you that have struggled with saying no to the cookies at work, the candy dish, the french fries on your long commute home, the "I deserve this because I had a bad day" ice cream.....

    What have you done to convince yourself to stop? I know, just do it.........but that's not working for me. I feel like I need someone following me around all the time to make my food choices for me.

    This is so frustrating because I have watched my mom deal with this my entire life, and from the outside, it seems so kind please, I know how silly this is.
    well for me it is the same way so I have to plan ahead, that means I have to take healthy snacks to work and keep them with me or in my car, I found some good clean recipes on youtube one was chick peas, draining them and then seasoning them and baking them until they are crisp kinda like corn nuts, you can go on the youtube site and type in halthy snack recipes. You can do Kale the same way in place of potato chips. Any way just an idea, or take a banana with you or any other fruit that you like. hope this helps.
  • dreilingda
    dreilingda Posts: 122 Member
    Here's something I did that might help you before you develop the will to say no. Plan out each day's food allotment in advance, log it, and then follow the plan. That way you're not just figuring out what to eat as you go and saying no is easy because you would ruin your entire plan with that cookie or cake. Some people say moderation for sweets but I know it's tough for me to only have 1 cookie or 1 ice cream scoop etc. So when I splurge, I like to plan it so that I am in control. Execute a logical plan like this long enough and it will lead to incredibly strong will power.
  • tschwertley
    tschwertley Posts: 2 Member
    I agree with the others. Don't always say no....allow yourself to have a treat. If you have two treats, then adjust your calorie intake later in the day. For instance, if I have a cupcake, I don't have a glass of wine later on. If I eat a fattening meal, I just do better the next day. As for executing a logical plan, just decide when you will allow yourself to have a treat. "If I eat a healthy lunch, I can have a chocolate martini later on with friends."
  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member
    i go through this tree...


    edits - finally got it resized...

    oops should be Am I REALLY hungry?
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Saying No gets a lot easier when you stop saying Never.

    Have one cookie instead of one bag of cookies. Have a small slice of cake, not three giant slabs of cake. Have one small bag of chips, not a box of 50 small bags of chips.

    Log it.

    Fit it into your day.



    ^^ THIS ^^

    I have trouble saying no. I'm learning moderation. my MOTIVATION for actually saying no when necessary is usually how my pants are fitting me at the moment. Logging that cookie or the fries keeps me on track.
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    I bring healthy snacks with me wherever I go so that if other people around me are eating, I can dig into my snacks and not feel pressured to take that cookie.

    I also gave a guy at my work heck the other day because he is constantly bringing in candy and cookies and chips and putting them on my desk or offering them to me. The reason I gave him heck is because i am FINALLY saying no to these things, but when I say no he keeps PRESSING. So I snapped and said "hey, you might not know this but it actually takes a lot for me to say no so when I do, please take NO AS AN ANSWER and stop!"
  • junipearl
    junipearl Posts: 326 Member
    And agreed with the moderation thing as well.

    Last time the guy I snapped at offered me M&Ms, I took 3 and then made him put them away in his desk.
    I got to satisfy my chocolate craving without ruining a good food day!
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    Don't say no all the time. Allow yourself treats once in a while just make sure it fits into your allotted calories for the day. Workout so you can eat more.
  • TheCaren
    TheCaren Posts: 894 Member
    Saying No gets a lot easier when you stop saying Never.

    Have one cookie instead of one bag of cookies. Have a small slice of cake, not three giant slabs of cake. Have one small bag of chips, not a box of 50 small bags of chips.

    Log it.

    Fit it into your day.



    ^^^^^ THIS!
  • BridgetMiko
    BridgetMiko Posts: 47 Member
    One of the best things I've heard for when you're thinking, "Hey I had a bad day I deserve to splurge," is to remember that you do deserve to relax and be happy but your body doesn't deserve all those extra calories. I also try to remember how guilty I feel sometimes after indulging too much.
  • graceylou222
    graceylou222 Posts: 198 Member
    Saying No gets a lot easier when you stop saying Never.

    Have one cookie instead of one bag of cookies. Have a small slice of cake, not three giant slabs of cake. Have one small bag of chips, not a box of 50 small bags of chips.

    Log it.

    Fit it into your day.



  • Countryboy_
    This is so silly. I realize that not eating something I shouldn't should be as easy as "no thank you". But....apparently it's not.

    For those of you that have struggled with saying no to the cookies at work, the candy dish, the french fries on your long commute home, the "I deserve this because I had a bad day" ice cream.....

    What have you done to convince yourself to stop? I know, just do it.........but that's not working for me. I feel like I need someone following me around all the time to make my food choices for me.

    This is so frustrating because I have watched my mom deal with this my entire life, and from the outside, it seems so kind please, I know how silly this is.

    I looked at my fata$$ naked in a mirror.
  • rosebudbutterfly
    rosebudbutterfly Posts: 26 Member
    LOVE IT!!!:laugh: