Secret Motivations???



  • Danardeener
    To look good nekkid!
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
    To look good for all the naked pics I send to my friends. Wait, what?
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    My secret motivation is dancing with the stars :tongue: I watch those amazing dancers in their barely there dresses; light on their feet, getting lifted by their partners like its nothing. Awww, someday I wish to look that amazing and not worry when a guy picks me up. Makes me kick up my workouts :wink:
  • Scott_Chaput
    Concidering no one on this site knows me other than online*except one but she's been a friend for ages* My husband and I want to try a swingers club up in portland. Being married at such a young age I do not feel like I have been able to... ahem.. expierience the world and think that gonig to a sex club would be awesome. He is totally open and into it.


    Just be careful. I have no experience with this kind of thing and don't judge but from what I understand, too often people think they're both into it then what happens changes the relationship for the worse forever and in many cases ruins the relationship.

    Is that your situation, maybe not... But look into it and think about it. Once its done... Well, once YOU'RE "done" you can't be undone.
  • Scott_Chaput
    My secret motivation is dancing with the stars :tongue: I watch those amazing dancers in their barely there dresses; light on their feet, getting lifted by their partners like its nothing. Awww, someday I wish to look that amazing and not worry when a guy picks me up. Makes me kick up my workouts :wink:

    There is absolutely no reason you can't get there... If they can so can you.. Hard work and commitment and you WILL absolutely get there... Your attitude and willpower is the only determining factor.
  • Scott_Chaput
    good point most people have other reasons they dont put down! im always being told i look 'nice' i want to be sexy instead of nice lol x

    I'd say mission accomplished however there is nothing wrong with wanting to be Sexier.
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    My secret motivation is dancing with the stars :tongue: I watch those amazing dancers in their barely there dresses; light on their feet, getting lifted by their partners like its nothing. Awww, someday I wish to look that amazing and not worry when a guy picks me up. Makes me kick up my workouts :wink:

    There is absolutely no reason you can't get there... If they can so can you.. Hard work and commitment and you WILL absolutely get there... Your attitude and willpower is the only determining factor.

    Thanks! I so CAN do it, huh? :happy:
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    To live long and prosper...

    nerd. ;)

    That totally involves sex though... haha!
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    Am I the only one who has the ulterior motivation for weight loss to be because I want to have a much better sex life and have seen it gone down hill with weight gain?

    Yes we put on our pages that we want to be around longer for our kids and for generally feeling better, but are there other reasons you don't really say out loud that is a serious motivation for you to loose weight?

    I'm much less interested in sex when I'm heavier so no you're not the only one.
    Also, I'm so thnakful that my partner is weight concious too. Neither of us are sexy studs - too much physical damage from being heavy - BUT being smaller and more capable makes it much, much better. "It" being sex. ;)
    More confidence = more interest. So while I may never be top model sexy I can be more sexy because of my confidence and same for him. <3<3<3
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,011 Member
    My motivation is I feel like i have my life back, before I was so sick and unhealthy that I wasnt really living
    Now my husband tells me at least once a day that I am hot
    I have more confidence in and out of the bedroom
    I am able to wear cute clothes again.....i can pick up size 10 and it fits

    there are so many reasons but i guess i will stop there
  • BeingAwesome247
    BeingAwesome247 Posts: 1,171 Member
    Sex life never really suffered no matter my's dying now but that has nothing to do with weight lol that has to do with not having anyone worth while to sleep with

    Be the only in shape person on my mom's side
    Make all ex boyfriends' current flames a little uneasy/jealous (I'm still friends will all my ex's on FB)
    Way down deep, I'm shallow and don't even meet my own standards
  • nonstopper
    nonstopper Posts: 1,108 Member
    Its the truth for everyone. "To Look Sexy and attract attention!"

    I myself to get women's attention. The feeling better about yourself and great health are the small things that come with it HAHA!:glasses:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves for doing this for any reasons other than your health and great grandchildren. Im righteously appalled.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    So that eventually I'll make a suitable trophy husband.
    I'm looking for one of these.....

    Edited to say - I'm shallow, I want to look amazing in my (smaller) clothes and look better in some sexy lingerie. I want to turn heads when I walk by, haha!
  • Brianna72994
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves for doing this for any reasons other than your health and great grandchildren. Im righteously appalled.

    Everyone had their own reasons. Maybe your health and great grandchildren are YOUR reason for losing weight, but thats not always the case for everyone, and you have no right to judge.
  • ashmatt24
    ashmatt24 Posts: 6 Member
  • HollyAnn_
    HollyAnn_ Posts: 47 Member
    My first thought was "duh"

    I elude to this on my profile.. I don't want people to go wow you have three kids, you don't look old enough. I want them to think, I can't believe you are so hot and sexy after having three kids.

    And I'm not old. I mean 24 is like the perfect age. just sayin, and I want to enjoy the attention while it last
  • HollyAnn_
    HollyAnn_ Posts: 47 Member
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves for doing this for any reasons other than your health and great grandchildren. Im righteously appalled.

    Everyone had their own reasons. Maybe your health and great grandchildren are YOUR reason for losing weight, but thats not always the case for everyone, and you have no right to judge.

    Ummm.. I may be shallow or somthing, but I thought she was being sarcastic....

    Anyone else get that??
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    The women on my friends list.

    Maybe someday I can get a woman half as hot as they are..
  • Brianna72994
    You should all be ashamed of yourselves for doing this for any reasons other than your health and great grandchildren. Im righteously appalled.

    Everyone had their own reasons. Maybe your health and great grandchildren are YOUR reason for losing weight, but thats not always the case for everyone, and you have no right to judge.

    Ummm.. I may be shallow or somthing, but I thought she was being sarcastic....

    Anyone else get that??

    She might have been.
    But then again, it's the internet so you never really know.