Crossfit Thoughts



  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat.

    sorry but this is hilarious to me..:laugh: maybe she's eating more food . i'm actually one of those girls who easily gain muscle and i can tell you that muscle doesn't make your legs huge, fat makes your legs huge... and considering that most of the weights are only like 30-50% of someone's 1 rep max it's hard to build based on that

    maybe your friend goes nomnomnomnom too much after crossfit?

    I don't think the food was an issue. CF should beef up your legs. It did to my legs. My legs are so musclar just like a horse's legs. I am very happy with the result.
    muscular doesnt automatically = bigger.

    sometimes more muscular is just a matter of perception (ie getting rid of fat layer on top of the muscle).

    muscle doesn't create itself out of nowhere, right? you need calories to create muscle as well as heavy lifting. my legs are also getting more muscular and more defined because i'm lifting things that are close to my bodyweight or higher, BUT they are also getting smaller because i'm eating the way i should in order to lose body fat. if my legs were getting bigger AND i werent losing fat then the only logical answer would be because i was eating more calories than i needed. i've done that i spent a year bulking for rugby and the only way that happened was me eating over my TDEE AND lifting weights
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member

    i recently took an on ramp class and before the end we had 2 injuries in my 6 person, a 3rd person recently hurt her back during a class doing snatches for time. so basically half my class got injured. of ther 3 other people who were left, 1 guy stopped going and the other 2 of us still go BUT we both have 10+ years of solid weight lifting and olympic lifting training.

    with that said, i love crossfit. i'm definitely not lifting as much weight as i would during my heavy lifting days, but i like the comraderie of it plus it's forcing me to work on my cardio and endurance more. i'm also a former athlete and a lot of it reminds me of the group off season workouts we'd have for rugby

    With such a high injury rate, how can crossfit be recommended?
    I'm not a young guy, so maybe I'm not typical...but I've found one of the most important factors in my long term health is injury avoidance. Every time I have to deal with an injury, I'm off my game for weeks on end. Some injuries stay around to haunt you pretty much for ever.
    Maybe not a factor for the young and quick healing, but I'd never risk it.
  • julielittlefish
    julielittlefish Posts: 134 Member
    Find a good box. Get the right training. Don't over do it.

    I'm 7 months in and love it.
  • moto67e
    moto67e Posts: 20 Member
    Find a good box. Get the right training. Don't over do it.

    I'm 7 months in and love it.

  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member

    i recently took an on ramp class and before the end we had 2 injuries in my 6 person, a 3rd person recently hurt her back during a class doing snatches for time. so basically half my class got injured. of ther 3 other people who were left, 1 guy stopped going and the other 2 of us still go BUT we both have 10+ years of solid weight lifting and olympic lifting training.

    with that said, i love crossfit. i'm definitely not lifting as much weight as i would during my heavy lifting days, but i like the comraderie of it plus it's forcing me to work on my cardio and endurance more. i'm also a former athlete and a lot of it reminds me of the group off season workouts we'd have for rugby

    With such a high injury rate, how can crossfit be recommended?
    I'm not a young guy, so maybe I'm not typical...but I've found one of the most important factors in my long term health is injury avoidance. Every time I have to deal with an injury, I'm off my game for weeks on end. Some injuries stay around to haunt you pretty much for ever.
    Maybe not a factor for the young and quick healing, but I'd never risk it.

    well part of the injuries were caused by people not wanting to scale the weight for whatever reason. so not only was the movement new to them, but they were also like yeah i can totally do more weight.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    my friend joined crossfit and her legs got all huge and she cried. I guess she hasn't lots much fat. Sad but that's what you get for doing trendy things.

    I'll agree with the "it depends on the gym" reply, however. Apparently some people love it because of the community. *shrug*

    The idea of doing crazy-hard workouts sounds fun to me, but I am not even about to pay $$$ to do group workouts that make my legs all huge.

    Her legs became musclular...that's what happens when you work them out. If she wanted to get skinny, then she should have hopped on the treadmill instead.
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I LOVE CrossFit. I have been going for almost 7 months. Started out going 2x/week and 2 months ago started going 3x/week.
    I know all gyms will be different. I love my CrossFit gym, members, coaches, everything. I feel 'pushed' but not beyond my limits and besides...I DETERMINE my limits, not the coach. If I have to scale an exercise, I do it.
    I have not been injured. Have I been sore? YES. Have
    My wrist that I broke 23 years ago tends to bother me from time to time depending on what I am doing and if I overwork it but then I just modify the next workout. My coaches tell me "If it hurts, dont do it" and I don't.
    I started out wanting to lose weight has actually gone up 10 lbs but I know that it is muscle. I am beginning to look like an athlete & it was something that I had to come to terms with at first but have grown to love and accept.

    My goals no longer include losing 'weight'
    They include being able to do pull ups, hand stand push ups, muscle ups and lower my body fat %
  • FullOfWin
    FullOfWin Posts: 1,414 Member
    Well first you need to define and tell us your goals. Now in response to some of the common ones

    Crossfit is not the cheapest way to do anything

    Crossfit is not the best way to get stronger

    Crossfit is not the best way to get more muscular

    Crossfit is not the best way to increase cardiovascular endurance

    Crossfit is not the best way to lose weight

    So, Crossfit is not the best way to "look better naked"

    Crossfit is not the best way to prepare for the Crossfit games
  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Well first you need to define and tell us your goals. Now in response to some of the common ones

    Crossfit is not the cheapest way to do anything

    Crossfit is not the best way to get stronger

    Crossfit is not the best way to get more muscular

    Crossfit is not the best way to increase cardiovascular endurance

    Crossfit is not the best way to lose weight

    So, Crossfit is not the best way to "look better naked"

    Crossfit is not the best way to prepare for the Crossfit games


    I think you'll need some help.
  • sarapwv
    I LOVE CrossFit! It challenges me in ways that that I have never been challenged and it's shown me results in a way I never thought possible. I've never had an injury and until I started CrossFit, I'd never had visibly toned arms (or completed a push-up for that matter). The key is to finding a good box, scaling you WODs (challenge yourself, yet; hurt yourself, not). I've lost weight. I'm stronger. I will never be a competitor in the CrossFit games (spectator maybe).