The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Thanks NykkieZ

    I actually have a question and anyone please feel free to answer it. Okay so when doing the Power 90 or the P90x What days should I rest? Do I get days to rest? Or do I need to workout straight through? I just want to hear what yall are doing so I can kind of get an idea of what I should do. I mean don't get me wrong I like to workout:yawn: but I do need a break or else I will feel burned out.

    I think the program figures in one rest day a week - that's how I understood it, anyways. I use Saturdays as my rest day :)
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    NykkieZ, I have already killed 80 ounces of water by 4:00pm. So that can't be a challenge! I tend to sweat too much for that. Maybe some motivation to check in at least once or twice a week would be ok.

    My rest day is the entire weekend. I really workout rediculously hard. I can't hardly move when I get done. Then I eat breakfast and protein. Then I am off to a long hard days work as a forklift tech. So I can justify this. Others, not so much.

    Oh and I appreciate the effort on everyones behalf for sticking with it!!!
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Thanks NykkieZ

    I actually have a question and anyone please feel free to answer it. Okay so when doing the Power 90 or the P90x What days should I rest? Do I get days to rest? Or do I need to workout straight through? I just want to hear what yall are doing so I can kind of get an idea of what I should do. I mean don't get me wrong I like to workout:yawn: but I do need a break or else I will feel burned out.

    I think the program figures in one rest day a week - that's how I understood it, anyways. I use Saturdays as my rest day :)

    Thanks gal! I just wanted to make sure!
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Hello all fellow P90 users. I have not posted on here before but I am on day 21 which I have heard is one of the hard days to get past. When I started and I got to my 7th day which is supposed to be the rest day I felt good so went ahead and kept going. I knew there would be days that I just wouldn't be able to force myself to work out and somehow I knew it probably wouldn't coincide with my rest day. I was right. In the three weeks I have been doing the program I have not worked out three days so it still evens out one rest day a week just not necessarily the 7th day. I say listen to your body but make sure you are still pushing play consistently and you will see progress. I have had a problem with my shoulder for the past six months and I couldn't even do one push up on day one. Instead I did a wall push off if you know what I mean. After two weeks of pushing off the wall I was able to do some floor push-ups. I am still having some issues with the close push-ups and swinging my leg through for power yoga on one side because of the pressure it puts on my one arm but I have lost weight and inches and I too have been able to fit into some clothes that have been in the closet for awhile. Congrats to all of you on your success and with continued motivation and support day 90 will be here before you know it. Have a great Saturday! Going to go do day 21 Sweat 1/2.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Tuesday when I check in with the rest of you itll pretty much be my starting weight . I just got the package in today YAY! :bigsmile:....I'm actually going to get started the only problem is saturdays and sundays are usually my designated drinking days =/....I might have to cut back my alky for a little bit lol
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I stopped drinking completely! I don't drink a drop of alcohol. Its not just health, it is also religious. That made it way too easy. Oh and I hate feeling stupid when I get drunk. And the hangover.
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Roy-nice to hear a young guy who has gotten his priorities figured out before most guys the same age. I don't drink either-for the same two reasons. They are wasted calories and it would hinder my spiritual walk. Becoming healthy involves more than just the body. Continue to stay motivated and I'm sure you will reach your goals.
  • medtrans79
    Glad to see a site about this up and going. Have been on the P90 for 3-1/2 weeks and have lost 8 pounds. I could tell after the first week how much better I was doing and was able to last a little bit longer on each workout. My husband has moved up to the 3-4 disc. I am still doing the sculpt and abs but have also gotten into the Turbo Jam and absolutely LOVE IT! I haven't been keeping up with measurements until now so I'd like to check in too and see how everyone else is doing. It is a great program. Congrats to those who are doing it and losing the weight and good luck to those who are getting ready to start it:happy: :happy:
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Glad to have you aboard Medtrans and your hubby too. We all need encouragement and support. Power 90 is great. Sure wish I could get my hubby involved as he really needs to lose some weight for health reasons too. I love him no matter what but in order to grow old with him he needs to be here! :smile:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Well glad to have you here with us!! Welcome!

    Congrats on the weight lose! It comes off fast it seems. I love that I can see definition in my arms and shoulders.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Hi guys,

    I started the original p90 on wednesday after attempting p90x back and arms and getting wiped out w/in the first 25 minutes of it (way too many sets of pushups and pullups for me). Power 90 seems right for me at the moment, I'm able to push myself and struggle through it and actually complete it.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey WhyflySouth! I totally feel ya when you say Power 90 seems right for me. I too have both the Power 90 and P90X and the P90X is just too much for now. So I am starting off AGAIN on Power 90. Today will be my second day, once I get off from work bleh! Well hopefully we get thru these 90 days together and then advance to P90X!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Did anyone receive the 2 day cleansing fast with their power 90?...I did and now I'm debating on whether or not to do it....I really am craving actual food today lol....but figure i should really start somewhere and why not start with these damn shake mixes i guess lol
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    ugh I suck so bad :frown: I could only do like 15 mins before i gave up on day one...I'll still go at it later, but my legs are killing me and im sweating like a pig...grrr I'm out of shape :grumble:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Please don't give up! Its worth your time and effort! It may hurt, well let me rephrase that, It will hurt, but keep going. It does get easier! Then your up to 3-4 and then P90x! The results are amazing!!!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Oh and I am out of shape aswell!!
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    Only 4 participants in the doodle power 90 poll so far, but 777 pushups are in the lead as most dreaded exercise:)
    I will post the full final results after this week,

    I'm hoping to get more votes so if you havent voted yet its easy just copy/paste the link below and vote for you top 3 least favorite power 90 exercises. It takes about 30 seconds or less.

  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Diana - It's fine! Just take breaks and go at your own pace, I love that Tony encourages that! You'll find that your endurance will increase pretty quickly if you stay with it!

    Justin - I loved your poll! 777 pushups are the worst, the close ones just kill me! I hate Power Yoga too, not sure why but I really dread it! Haha.

    I did day 5 yesterday and completely sucked it up! My endurance just sucked last night but I pushed through and did the best I could...hey at least I did it right?! Sculpt tonight and I'm hoping I can use my 10 lb weights again!

    The weather is just beautiful here today. The sun coming in and out but it is warm! I went to work without a coat on today.

    Is daylight savings bugging everyone else? I went to bed at midnight last night because I was so wired from working out...let's just say I'm very tired this morning!

    Hope everyone has a fantastic day!!
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Justin-I just took your poll. It was interesting. I know where my problem areas are. I keep plugging along. Tonight which is cardio night I thought about doing the Hawaii cardio video that came with the set. Anyone use this interchangeably with the sweat 1/2?
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    >>oops tried to embed html and didnt work