That really grinds my gears!!



  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    ahhhh! stop using the word "loose" when you mean "lose"

    No need to loose your cool over it.
  • jdub660
    jdub660 Posts: 26 Member
    It drives me CRAZY when I hold open a door for somebody and they walk past me like it's my f'in job without so much as a smile or thank you.
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    What grinds my gears is people drivine under the speed limit in the fast lane! I mean really?! There are two other lanes for you to crawl along in turtle mode, get the Frak out of my way!

    I'm usually in the slow lane and sometimes go under the speed limit (ie, 60 instead of 65), and people STILL ride up on my butt going 80 and get angry. Umm, you have THREE other lanes to pass me! I think highways are just a no-win for anyone. :grumble:

    True. I will be in the slow lane going over the speed limit and I still have people tailgating me. Infuriating.

    My dad rigged his truck so that he could flip a switch and his brake lights wouldn't work. So, when someone rode his bumper he would hit the switch then slam on the brakes.
  • Pnknlvr96
    Pnknlvr96 Posts: 104 Member
    What grinds my gears is people drivine under the speed limit in the fast lane! I mean really?! There are two other lanes for you to crawl along in turtle mode, get the Frak out of my way!

    I'm usually in the slow lane and sometimes go under the speed limit (ie, 60 instead of 65), and people STILL ride up on my butt going 80 and get angry. Umm, you have THREE other lanes to pass me! I think highways are just a no-win for anyone. :grumble:

    True. I will be in the slow lane going over the speed limit and I still have people tailgating me. Infuriating.

    My dad rigged his truck so that he could flip a switch and his brake lights wouldn't work. So, when someone rode his bumper he would hit the switch then slam on the brakes.

    Nice. I usually have my cruise control on, so I just keep hitting "decelerate" until they get pissed off enough and pass me in a rage. Then I laugh. :devil:
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    people who make everything about them all the time
    people who don't know the different between loose and lose and you're and your...
  • letobot
    letobot Posts: 205
    ahhhh! stop using the word "loose" when you mean "lose"

    No need to loose your cool over it.

  • allifantastical
    allifantastical Posts: 946 Member
    This is weird...but when people leave me voice mails. Especially at work when they can just ping me on instant message. I don't need a voice mail telling me your going to lunch! :mad:
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    To quote the great, late George Carlin "I don't have pet peeves, I have major psychotic ****ing hatreds"

    Most of mine are work-related...I work at McDonalds. Brace yourselves for this list...

    1) When people start their order like this "Gimme.....". Rude. How about "I'd like a" or "May I have". Also, if you walk up to the counter and we say "Hello", say Hello back...don't just ignore us and start barking your order. We are humans, not McDonalds robots.

    2) Complaining about things the average employee has no control over. Such as prices, policies, the layout of our restaurant or even commercials. B!tch, do I look like the head of marketing? I make 11 dollars and have to wear polyester pants.

    3) When people ignore the little dish I've made with my hand and plunk their money on the counter. I know you saw my hand dish! I always take a painstakingly long time to pick up the coins as it makes my rage lessen.

    4) People who leave their young kids in the restaurant while they go shopping(my McDonalds is in a Walmart). Are you insane?

    5) Talking on a cell phone while you order. If you do this anywhere, you are a bad person. I don't care if you volunteer at an orphanage or save kittens from burning buildings, you are a terrible person.

    6) Please and thank you. Just in general, at any place or any time. Have some manners.

    I know this makes me sound like a rage-a-holic, but I'm not the only one. I'm convinced working fast food crushes your soul and turns you into a passive-aggressive hate monster.

    Stay in school, kids.

    You had me at polyester pants.

    If it makes you feel any better (and it won't) it isn't much different working in retail. I was a manager at a clothing store and people have actually thrown money at me. Unless I said 'make it rain' or am singing 'dolla dolla bills ya'll' then do NOT under any circumstances throw money at me.
  • AddieOverhaul
    AddieOverhaul Posts: 734 Member

    3) When people ignore the little dish I've made with my hand and plunk their money on the counter. I know you saw my hand dish! I always take a painstakingly long time to pick up the coins as it makes my rage lessen.

    Ha ha! THIS!! I worked as a cashier at a grocery store for 6 years while going to uni and this was soooo annoying. Also, when they practically throw their money at you!

    I'm am always extremely nice to customer service people now that I am out of the industry.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    When I take the time to clean out the dishwasher for the day and STILL find dirty dishes in the sink! It takes 2 freakin' seconds to open the door and put it in the rack people!!

    *kitten*!! I leave the dam door open and they still throw dishes in the the sink. Geeze!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I hate it when someone tells me to smile. I can't smile 24/7 and usually when someone says that it's because I have had a bad day and they just made it worse. Uhh... probably a strange pet peeve but I am always complimented for how much I smile so I know it isn't because I am a grumpy pants. lol.
    If anyone tells me to smile I tell them to say something funny! Who walks around smiling for no reason?! I guess I have a nuetral grumpy face!
  • Jenerferzzz
    Jenerferzzz Posts: 148 Member

    5) Talking on a cell phone while you order. If you do this anywhere, you are a bad person. I don't care if you volunteer at an orphanage or save kittens from burning buildings, you are a terrible person.

    This.. and absolutely this.
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    A lady I work matter what you are talking about she butts in and turns every conversation into a story about her dog, her 36 yr old unmarried, ungrateful daughter that still expects her mom to do everything for her or the daughter's dog. I could be taking about my 3 yr old's poop schedule (not that I do, just an extreme example of how she can take over any convo) and with in seconds the story has turned 1 of the above or all 3 and none of it will have anything to do with annoying!

    Arrrggghhh! I have a co-worker like that! She hijacks a conversation about ANYTHING and turns it into a story about her and/or her uncle's brother-in-law's niece's boyfriend's mother's best friend's third cousin, OR her own imprisoned kidnapping, child-molesting rapist husband. I AM serious! Apparantly, she hasn't noticed how, at the mention of his name, my eyes glaze over and my mind wanders away and her words fade until I just don't hear her any more. I hate that guy and I hate hearing her talk about him and I want to rip her lips off and sew them over her eyes.
  • Snapper1985
    Snapper1985 Posts: 124 Member
    It drives me crazy when you get in the car, turn my radio on and my favorite song is in the last chorus.

    What grinds your gears?


    I hate when people get in my car and turn on my radio, period. If I wanted it on, i'd have turned it on myself!
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member

    3) When people ignore the little dish I've made with my hand and plunk their money on the counter. I know you saw my hand dish! I always take a painstakingly long time to pick up the coins as it makes my rage lessen.

    Ha ha! THIS!! I worked as a cashier at a grocery store for 6 years while going to uni and this was soooo annoying. Also, when they practically throw their money at you!

    I'm am always extremely nice to customer service people now that I am out of the industry.

    Yeah, I'm crazy nice to anyone who serves me anywhere. You would probably have to set me on fire to get me to complain.
  • Being held up in traffic by some &%##&@ talking on their cell phone. When Im in a wicked mood I will honk while the light is still red. The clown reactively always hits the gas and then slams on the brakes! Ah, the thrill of it just "ungrinds" my gears!

    LMAO -- People that honk inappropriately or ever.
    Once when it happened I shut my car off at a light, put the hood up and acted like it stalled. Coworker was few cars back he came running up asking what was wrong with my car I told him:

    "Nothing, *kitten* honked at me - he thought he was in a hurry before.. now he's totally f*$@ed."
    Coworker just shook his head and walked off. I am the sweetest person you could know until you put a steering wheel in my hands.. then I need prozac. LOL
  • tracypk
    tracypk Posts: 233 Member
    Stupid people. Not people of less intelligence. The people who let shiz fly out of their mouths that is just plain dumb!

    Anyone who tells me what to do. If you want me to do something ASK! I'll decide what I do and don't do.
  • When I think I have all the laundry done, only to walk into the bathroom to find a tiny pile of clothes.

    definitely grinds my gears every time.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Being held up in traffic by some &%##&@ talking on their cell phone. When Im in a wicked mood I will honk while the light is still red. The clown reactively always hits the gas and then slams on the brakes! Ah, the thrill of it just "ungrinds" my gears!

    LMAO -- People that honk inappropriately or ever.
    Once when it happened I shut my car off at a light, put the hood up and acted like it stalled. Coworker was few cars back he came running up asking what was wrong with my car I told him:

    "Nothing, *kitten* honked at me - he thought he was in a hurry before.. now he's totally f*$@ed."
    Coworker just shook his head and walked off. I am the sweetest person you could know until you put a steering wheel in my hands.. then I need prozac. LOL

    :yawn: Sissy baby liar. You didnt really do that. :noway: Hang up and drive or as the adage goes, "mess with the bull and you get the HORN! ". :laugh:
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    Parents who bring their children with them but have no intention of really watching them while they are there. This goes for stores, restaurants, and anywhere that everyone else there has arranged childcare or even hired a sitter so they can have some "me" time: especially nail and hair salons.

    Bonus rage if the person in question is the nail technician and she thinks she's going to do my nails with an 18 month old squirming in her lap and grabbing everything she can reach. :noway:

    And if your child is screaming and crying and we are anywhere other than an airplane high in the sky, TAKE A WALK, for the love of God.