What are some "tricks" you use to lose weight?



  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I save most of my cals for a big dinner which solves the evening boredom binge issue.
    I eat satiating fats and proteins for breakfast (bacon, eggs and cheese, YUM) and just added in GF toast.
    I eat lower carbs than some people, things like bread and pasta are somethings that I just have a hard time eating in moderation right now but I'm learning.
    I lift heavy things and run when I feel like doing so.
    I also meal plan, usually at least a week at a time and do a lot of meal prep on my days off. Most of my breakfast and lunch food is the same every day, but dinner gets a little wild since I enjoy cooking and trying new recipes. :)
  • Candijean1988
    soup has high sodium just an fyi
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    hookers and blow....

    While this is probably quite effective, this diet is probably very expensive.

    I take a more cost efficient route of tape worms (can find them in your local stray cat).
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Right now my tactics are to write everything happening in my life in my blog, make lists, make tiny goals, and celebrate any and every improvement. Don't look at it as a long term battle, but a right now battle. Also: learning to cook! haha.

    Also eat protein and then lift heavy *kitten*. :P
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I take a more cost efficient route of tape worms (can find them in your local stray cat).

    Love it! I remember learning in class that women used to do this during the Victorian age to stay slim.
  • MaryinBflo
    MaryinBflo Posts: 437 Member
    I think everyone on this site is pretty much eating less and working out (not really a trick)

    I do like the tips that have been given they are very helpful! I have found everyone is different and eating several times a day might work for one person but not another. It's trial and error until you learn what YOUR body needs to lose weight. It's not as simple as cals in and cals out as you sometimes here. I do have a thyroid condiditon (hypothyroid) but that doesn't mean I can't lose weight it just means I have to take my medication and figure out how my body reacts to certain foods/supplements/exercises

    some thinks I do
    Cook in bulk and freeze food in serving size containers. I eat 300 cal meals about 5 times a day and it's so easy to just grab a meal and go than trying to figure out everyday what to eat. This works well for me.

    Workout in the AM - I know I won't do it at night so why set me up for failure. This is what works for ME!

    Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day just get back to logging.

    Eat foods you ENJOY not "diet" foods or you will not stick with it. This is another reawson I cook and freeze. I have found so many good new recipes on pinterest and I have been making them and enjoying them. I hardley ever eat salads they bore me.

    Have supprt, whether it's MFP friends, FB friends reall life friends. Find people who are doing what you are doing and talk to them! SHare ideas jsut like this post it does help!!

    Lift weights. This has helped me so jmuch. I didn't for a while and wondered why I was stalling on weight loss.
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
    I log on paper because work days are long. I am often up 18-20 hours with the commmute in the snow. It is too easy for me to not log at all because I am exhausted (This excuse seems valid when I am soooooooooo tired).
    I keep track of my fluid intake.
    I allow myself 5 smaller meals.
    If I feel starved and dont want to diet, I eat all 1800 calories (no loss or gain).
  • flatblade
    flatblade Posts: 224 Member
    No sauces, mayo, gravy, (I have used a little salad dressing on salads) etc.

    Exercise everyday and only record walking when I am walking just to exercise. I average almost 10,000 steps and seldom report any walking.

    I've also said no to sweets--cake, ice cream, pie, candy--and I haven't really craved them at all.

    I always eat breakfast and have three meals a day and usually a snack (popcorn--I love popcorn).
  • runnninginmd

    I eat 8 meals per day. Every two hours. The reason is because if you wait too long between meals your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but I think it can be really harmful to people when others post things like this as definite facts. Many people on this site have never thought about nutrition before, never done any research, weren't given proper information growing up, etc., so they tend to believe whatever as long as it is stated with authority. This is obviously a ridiculous statement, but people who don't know any better might take it to heart and decide that if they don't eat every two hours their body is going to start starving and storing fat. That's ridiculous.

    Newer users: Please recognize that the majority of people on these boards are not professional nutritionists, dietitians, trainers, etc. They are mostly people just like you. So take everything you read with a grain of salt, ask for references, and do your own research (and get really frustrated when every bit of research you read says something different).

    First of all, I doubt what he said is harmful. Second, your 2nd paragraph is a complete contradiction to what you said in the first. The bottom line is that there is research for the "small constant meals" and research against it.. You choose to believe one way and he chooses to believe the other.

    Don't forget that he DID lose 50 pounds in 7 months and seemed to do it in a healthy way.

    I'm not in any way against smaller meals. In fact, I eat five smaller meals a day. I'm saying you shouldn't say something like "not eating every two hours puts your body into starvation mode." Do you believe that statement? Why not just say eat smaller meals instead of putting out some ridiculous, unproven statistic?

    And I'm most definitely not going to get in a back and forth here, but my second paragraph didn't contradict anything. I said we should take what other people we say with a grain of salt. In other words, realize that everything might not be completely 100% true.

    The bottom line is what works for one person might not work for another. You have to find what is right for you.
  • breathless575
    breathless575 Posts: 140 Member
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    The bottom line is that there is research for the "small constant meals" and research against it.. You choose to believe one way and he chooses to believe the other.

    Is there research that controls for energy balance, showing that smaller meals have increased thermogenesis?

    I'm sure there's research for any number of things. Personally, I don't believe in small meals throughout the day (even though i guess it could feasably keep someone from binging if they hold out too long between meals), but the original person to disagree was completely contradicting herself.
  • BritneysStuntDouble
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    The bottom line is that there is research for the "small constant meals" and research against it.. You choose to believe one way and he chooses to believe the other.

    Is there research that controls for energy balance, showing that smaller meals have increased thermogenesis?

    I'm sure there's research for any number of things.

    True, but I believe not in this particular case (I'm more than happy to be corrected if I'm wrong). Meal frequency has been thoroughly tested and shown repeatedly to not have any net effect on thermogenesis.

    It has an effect on personal preference, and it may have an effect on performance, and these things should be taken into consideration on an individual basis.

    EDIT: I'm pretty sure this was a myth that was started in a fitness book a few decades ago because people mistakenly assumed that if thermogenesis occurs simply by eating, then eating more often must mean more NET themogenesis. It's been shown that this is actually a function of total kcals consumed, and macronutrient composition -- but independent of how those meals are partitioned.
  • bbgughj
    bbgughj Posts: 219 Member
    I've cut out soda pop and Chips , No more fast food !

    Lots of Chicken , Turkey and steamed Veggies ...
  • centexhusker
    centexhusker Posts: 115 Member
    1 - Log my food before I eat it
    2 - Drink lots of water
    3 - I try not to eat after 6:00 pm each night
    4- Always have my workout clothes and work clothes ready to go before I go to bed each night
    5- Eat heavier foods for breakfast and lunch, lighter foods for dinner
    6- Watch my salt in take as much as my calories
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    I drink 3L of water each day (yes, I know the 2L-a-day thing is going out the window, but it keeps me full and moving - I need to walk to the bathroom, a LOT)

    I don't eat anything until I log it first

    I eat as close to my daily calories as I can

    I eat back half of my exercise calories - some days, I'm eating 1400 cals, and the lazy days, I eat my 1240

    OOH I make tortilla pizzas too!! I usually put the rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, some broccoli/cauliflower, and light mozza cheese (the strings make my lips swell).. SO good!!

    I drink 1L of water with lemon juice in it once or twice a week.. no science behind it, but it's mostly after a meal out, or something salty.. sodium bothers me

    Don't eat anything until you log it first!! BRILLANT I am going to start that right now. Thanks a bunch :)
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member

    Savor the juices... I want that on my grave stone.

    "Savor the Juices"
  • rachgarm
    rachgarm Posts: 39 Member
    Eating healthy and exercise. Keeping myself accountable for everything I eat, clean eating, and a total lifestyle change. Planning ahead has helped the most, I make a plan for the day and stick to it, if I want something more I have to work out to fit it in. It's easier to make a plan and stay in all limits before you start eating than to try to fit in something at the end of the day. (Blog with more tips but I won't paste it all since it is long) http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/rachgarm/view/my-tips-and-secrets-443492
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
    I figure I under log calories by 5 to 10% a day. So if i want to eat 2800 I stop at 2600. Just helps with long run goals
  • NearlyJen
    NearlyJen Posts: 104 Member

    I eat 8 meals per day. Every two hours. The reason is because if you wait too long between meals your body goes into starvation mode and stores fat.

    I'm not trying to be rude, but I think it can be really harmful to people when others post things like this as definite facts. Many people on this site have never thought about nutrition before, never done any research, weren't given proper information growing up, etc., so they tend to believe whatever as long as it is stated with authority. This is obviously a ridiculous statement, but people who don't know any better might take it to heart and decide that if they don't eat every two hours their body is going to start starving and storing fat. That's ridiculous.

    Newer users: Please recognize that the majority of people on these boards are not professional nutritionists, dietitians, trainers, etc. They are mostly people just like you. So take everything you read with a grain of salt, ask for references, and do your own research (and get really frustrated when every bit of research you read says something different).

    Thanks for replying to this. You were thoughtful despite the ridiculousness of the statement you were addressing. Nicely done.