Talk about demotivational...



  • I have a white pit too named Bentley.

    I don't see why anyone would gripe at you for posting his pic on here. He looks like Mr. PERMMUCH! Give the man some mousse!

    He's got to be insecure about "something".

    Have a great day and hugs!

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    That's about as doucheB*G a thing imagineable.
    Don't worry about it.
  • dunadan
    dunadan Posts: 105 Member
    First, keep rockin' the weight loss.

    Second, keep things in perspective and remember where you've *been*. 67 pounds down is a huge accomplishment. Realize that if you can do that, then getting the rest of the way to your goal should be a piece of cake (probably not the best metaphor given the situation, but what the hell. :smile:).

    Third, you've got a tall frame on which to hang that weight, so that's an advantage :smile:. I am 5' 10.5", and was 262 at my peak, so I know what a lot of weight on my body looks like. I'm down to 227 now, and while I LOVE the progress that I've made, I know that I'm not quite half way to my goal.

    Keep your head up! The best revenge is a life well-lived. :happy:
  • I don't see why anyone would gripe at you for posting his pic on here. He looks like Mr. PERMMUCH! Give the man some mousse!
    It's irrational and immature.

    Also, your mockery of the dude is no better than the prank the OP is complaining about.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I definitely agree with making a joke to him about smacking him in the face with your "XL hammer"

    I always figured this was normal between men though. I've heard my boyfriend's friend greeting one of their other friends as "hey, man you got fat as hell over the past two months" or asking if they got their shirt from baby gap or whatever because it's too small and they're too fat. It never seemed to offend my boyfriend so I guess some guys assume it's okay to say to ANYBODY, regardless of who they are/how they feel about their weight. It's definitely best to throw it right back at him.
  • Molly_Maguire
    Molly_Maguire Posts: 1,103 Member

    Somebody should definitely submit this to!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I you think it's possible he was making a pun of your name? Not referring to your weight so much as your size which at 6.5 is always going to be there?

    I mean, an XL Hammer wields a lot of power.

    But as someone who has been working on weight loss, I can understand how you would be sensitive to that XL.

    Of course, he might just be a *kitten* too...douchbaggery is pretty common.

    You know Hulk Hogan is 290lbs at your height? I get freaked out by that stat a little.

    Wtg and keep going Mr. Hammer. You do have a lot of power with or without the XL
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    You can't change how people act, but you can change how you react to them. Hold your head high, you should be so very proud of your accomplishments.
  • tnjackso1
    tnjackso1 Posts: 312 Member
    You can't control the actions or ignorance of others but on the other hand you can control you. What doesn't break you makes you stronger! Take what may look like a negative and turn it into a positive. You have done an awesome job so stay focused and keep on doing what you're doing!
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    So I'm a pretty thick skinned guy with a solid sense of humor, I've been the fat kid for at least the last decade or so, so I'm used to being that...but this morning I walk into work and there is a list of our crew members (there always is) on the dry erase board...the crew is listed first initial, last I've been losing weight/dieting for a while now, and have to this point lost 67 pounds total (37 since joining MFP) and was feeling great about the progress I've made (still have anothe 36 pounds to my goal) but then despite my obvious effort to be less fat I show up to this...


    (my last name is hammer) It is very demotivational to have someone call you fat despite your several month long effort to be something else...that said I know what I've done, and I know how far I've come, and it's not going to get me off track...really was just venting more than anything. Anyone else here have **** like this happen?

    Everyone has had something, even if it's not weight. SCREW THEM and determine to rise above it. Find support in a friend, ignore the a-holes.
  • RockstarPunch
    RockstarPunch Posts: 203 Member
    some people dont want you to change.Tuff cookies fo for them
  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    I'm assuming you work with guys. Yeah they can be insensitive jerks. I don't know how you get a long with your crew but I know when I worked with a bunch of guys when I was young we would say and do awful things to each other such us weight taunts, taunts about being in recovery!!! (I know it's awful), we'd lock each other in closets, and put ice down each other's pants.

    I know this sounds completely awful bet we were all really good friends too and had each other's back. So I guess it depends on your relationship with your co-workers. Either they are insensitive numbskulls or it's their dumb way of showing "affection" for you. Or both.

    Either way just shake it off and drive on.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    posting the guys picture is kind of petty

    dont stoop to his level

    Shut up, it's funny!
    I say he's a moron and to come up with something funny with your name isn't that hard......STOP HAMMER TIME.... HELLLOOOOOO
    now that's funny.
    XL is just stupid. DUH get a job loser!

    You are obviously better than him because you are bettering yourself by putting your health as a top priority! CHEERS TO YOU!!!
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    Change it to: 'Xtra Awesome'
    Screw them. If you've lost that much weight they know it because it is obvious. They are either clearly jealous and/or such a horrible person that they aren't worth your care.
  • That is just rude. You have a great attitude about it though. People that do things like that do it because they are jealous, or because they need attention. This may just be me, but XL isn't so bad if you put a spin on it. I wear some XL shirts in juniors and I would rather have XL than XXL or XXXL. I'm not trying to downplay what happened by any means, I just tend to try and "flip it" when people act a fool. That way, it bothers me much less. Keep up the great work!
  • leigaia
    leigaia Posts: 9 Member
    Is this person 5? Did someone take their lunch money on the playground? Don't listen to that crap! Never let any comment affect who you are or get you down. Its childish and stupid!

    Course maybe they were jealous of your XL Hammer :P

    "These are not the hammer, the hammer is my penis" - Captain Hammer (Doctor Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog)
  • Donica1953
    Donica1953 Posts: 15 Member
    How you treat people is YOUR karma- how they treat you is THEIRS. I feel sorry for them - their karma is dangerously close to getting them screwed. They wont understand why- but the last laugh will be on them.

    Also- something I try to remember as I work in a very catty - gossip-y place - what other people think of me is none of my business. Really. Its not.

    You are Strong, and have taken responsibility for YOUR life. Some coward wrote on a board, probably laughed to himself as he does in his basement every night while playing xbox while you workout.

    You can change it to your rightful initial, add extra X's (to laugh along with the idiots) or leave it alone- who really cares what some 4 year old you work with thinks eh?

    I totally agree; Karma and What You Think of Me is none of my Business; these 2 things are my mantra.
    When you give good Karma it comes back to you good. The guy who did this has and always will have bad Karma.
  • hadopelagic
    hadopelagic Posts: 1 Member
    I think about it like this, it was XXL before I started taking control. XL is just that spot between XXL and L.

    6'3" and 257 here. Down from 315. We know where we're going, and we know where we've been! Keep your head up, friend.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    It is not funny to take someone's photo from FB and post it here for people to shame them. The guy did something immature and dumb, sure, but retaliation of this type is the definition of internet bullying.

    I thought you had to be an adult to participate on this site?
  • LondonEliza
    LondonEliza Posts: 456 Member
    I'd change it to 'XL Hammers your wife whilst you're writing stupid comments'

    That;d do it

    THIS ^^^ THIS ^^^ and oh, THIS ^^ :)