Do MFP friends really help you lose more weight?



  • dshgna
    dshgna Posts: 54 Member
    The discussion boards here really keep me going. Its nice reading about people working towards the same goal. I'm still new yet, so not many friends. But the discussion forums and groups really give me the motivation.
  • moonlightturk
    My pals provide me encouragement, motivate me, and inspire me to do better.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    yes.. it helps me.. encourages me. .. and more fun/enjoyable.. i like having friends on here.. few are peeps i already know know and few ive 'met' on blogs here w/similarities.. I am friends 'picky' and this isnt facebook! but i am actualy on here now more then fb.. kinda funny...:bigsmile:
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    I will come over to your house and slap the sandwich out of your hand and replace it with a carrot. Followed by a light beating.

    That's what mfp friends do.
    Yes this. I now have friends in four countries. I feel like I've know some of them for ever. And I'm pretty sure a majority of them would be willing, to show up to say put down the chocolate. Here's an apple.
  • fishifishy
    Totally! I have nobody in real life that believes that I can actually accomplish what I have set out for myself - and my family is in that group! Also, If I don't sign in daily I feel like I'm letting them down.

    I've tried doing MFP alone and I always end up quitting because I don't believe in myself. The few connections I have here really keep me motivated.
  • sam308lbs
    sam308lbs Posts: 1,936 Member
    Sometimes i feel the only reason i am losing weight is i dont wanna let my mfp friends down.I could not have done this alone! Support rocks :drinker:
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Yes of course

    The added motivation, support & encouragement are a plus instead of just doing it alone. Plus any info or tips that they can share also helps a lot.
  • Violetta86
    Violetta86 Posts: 150 Member
    Yes! I would not have lost 20 pounds without this site and the people that support me on it. MFP friends are really important to me.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm not sure. I really appreciate each and every one of my friends, but I'm at a place in my life where I would work on these goals regardless of support.
  • kelseycolbert
    kelseycolbert Posts: 37 Member
    In my opinion, absolutely!
    For starters, they are there to support you and cheer you on when you have a great day of eating or a fantastic workout or when you lose weight! They are also there to tell you tomorrow will be better when you slip up and go on a massive junk food binge.
    Something I've found to be very helpful is making my food diary public to my friends. I feel accountable for everything I eat and I constantly think that there are people out there that are going to see every single thing I eat. I don't want them to be disappointed that I threw off my diet for a greasy cheeseburger that only left me feeling worse in the end anyway, and I've noticed that it helps me stay on track a lot.. knowing that people will see exactly what goes in to my mouth.

    It might not work for others, but for me, that has been a key motivator.
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Definitely! I really enjoy reading my newsfeed. I have had some of my friends for more than a year, and most of them are very consistent loggers.

    I'm not necessarily motivated by feedback about my diary or eating choices, and that can trigger me to not be honest when logging, so I have set my diary to "open" but it doesn't display on the newsfeed at the end of the day when I complete it.

    I absolutely love seeing everyone's workouts on my newsfeed. It gives me ideas for new workouts, and motivates me to work harder at the gym, as well as encourages me to be consistent and work out every day.

    I think that having a good group of friends is part of what gets me here every day, and as long as I'm here, I might as well log. :-)
  • Gemalar
    Gemalar Posts: 301 Member
    Ive only been on here a couple of days and already just the odd comment of "well done" or "nice job" has boosted me a little bit making not having that bit of chocolate or doing an extra 5 mins work out worth it.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    I don't have any MFP friends. Does it really help with the weightloss?

    The "right" friends can most definitely help!

    I have friends and coworkers on here and having them helps because they can see what i'm doing and I feel bad having to face them at work if I gorged myself on something. Basically my mind goes, I don't want to go through that so lets not give into that craving. Even though I highly doubt they would ever say anything I don't want to feel that judgement so I don't do what might cause it. But since I see them so often it is rare they comment on my News Feed

    Finding some random people on here that are encouraging can really help. I just updated my weight loss and one of my MFP friends posted somethings that made me feel really good about all that hard work I have put into my weight loss. Not everyone on MFP is like this but when you find a real gem they can make you feel great!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want :)
  • kittenbobitten
    kittenbobitten Posts: 199 Member
    I think they do. My friends provide me with encouragement, support, helpful information and tips and, of course, friendship. Losing weight, especially working on losing a lot of weight can be lonely and isolating. Friends don't understand why you won't eat their cake or order pizza. Change is hard and having like-minded friends with similar goals to help you along the way is great!!
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Yes, on my FL I have incredibly supportive, friendly and informed people. The information alone is worth gold. The support has Had me come back again and again. They are 1500% win.
    And they eat good food, me likey.
  • eileenchristine
    eileenchristine Posts: 228 Member
    YES! The motivation and seeing the success of others in my group is awesome! Love to know others are on this journey with me. Now the people on my friends list are very motivated and are losing weight! That helps me to move more seeing them post running 5ks, doing zumba, drinking the water, etc.

    Also having open diaries with my friends helps big time. I get ideas from their diaries and helps hold me accountable with what is on mine. No one has ever criticized me for eating candy or whatever but knowing that it can be viewed certainly makes me think twice. I am committed to logging honestly daily and its working. Hopefully someday I will be out there running a 5k also!

    Its all about how serious you want to be in taking care of yourself.
  • fitnotskinnyxo
    fitnotskinnyxo Posts: 38 Member
    Add me :) I recently started using this on a daily basis and I would love the support!
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    oh yes, they really motivate me. I love being a support to my friends to. it like a virtual family
  • StyxxandStones
    They keep me coming back here. And, well, if im already here, I may as well log something, or workout, so I don't look like a total douche for just hanging out on here! So yes, for me, they do!
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    YES!!! I love supporting my friends and they are always there for me too! When I want to eat something sinful I think about them working hard towards their goals and them expecting the same of me. I don't want to let myself or them down. It helps because God knows I can't be trusted by myself!

    Cheers to the friends! :glasses: