Does it matter where your calories come from?



  • So I get HIGHLY irritated when someone says something about my food diary when I went to mcdonalds that day. I don't have it every day and holy crap I was under!!!!

    Right. Once in a blue moon, no worries. Every day, though? That's cause for concern.

    I think what will work best from now on is for me to either just keep being a cheerleader and only posting "Good for you" and "Atta girl" stuff, or stop caring either way. Lesson learned. Moving on now.....

    Jana if you're going to worry and fret so much about my food diary - please get it right - I DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD EVERY DAY AND YOU DARN WELL KNOW IT. It is more like twice a week. TO EVERYONE ELSE - GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF. You will also see that those meals were eaten within the targets, and that I did eat better meals during the week. Let's get the full story, not one sided. (I do believe someone said they had three candy bars in 7 weeks, go back and count them, I saw more, plus chips and pizzas, even tho veggie) You are the pot calling the kettle black. I wasn't going to post a reply, but I won't be lied about. I won't feel deprived of food I love when I can work it into my plan, and eat healthier on other days.

    I've seen Marti's food journal, and she most certainly does not eat fast food every day. In fact I'm pretty impressed with how controlled her carbs are. She is under every day. Wow... a feat even I can't manage to be honest. I'm pretty sure before you posted this thread you kinda knew you would get mixed responses, and everyone is different and has their own opinions on this. So with that said, at least be an adult about this and not make stories up about how she eats fast food every day. That is totally wrong. And as for being a cheerleader even when you want to scream at someone for making bad choices... I would say yes... why not? If you can't say something nice... why say it at all? If she wanted your opinion, she would have asked for it. Period. This sounds like you wanted to see if you were *right* in what you did. If you feel good about your decision, then you were right. To rip someone apart and make them feel worse isn't what this site is all about. Encouragement is....and while you shouldn't *encourage* bad choices, you should take a step back and realize where she came from.... THAT is more important. She is a human being, just like you... with feelings.

    I feel very bad for her actually.... because you make her sound like all she does is eat out every day when in truth she works very hard to stay under her calorie goal... and btw ... she does it every single day... with a boat load of Proteins to boot. And I agree.... putting this post up for all to see says you are less interested in resolving this issue, it just feels like a bash session to prove you are better and right. I'm glad her journal is public so everyone can see how good she is doing!
  • mustgetmuscles1
    mustgetmuscles1 Posts: 3,346 Member
    So I get HIGHLY irritated when someone says something about my food diary when I went to mcdonalds that day. I don't have it every day and holy crap I was under!!!!

    Right. Once in a blue moon, no worries. Every day, though? That's cause for concern.

    I think what will work best from now on is for me to either just keep being a cheerleader and only posting "Good for you" and "Atta girl" stuff, or stop caring either way. Lesson learned. Moving on now.....

    Jana if you're going to worry and fret so much about my food diary - please get it right - I DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD EVERY DAY AND YOU DARN WELL KNOW IT. It is more like twice a week. TO EVERYONE ELSE - GO LOOK FOR YOURSELF. You will also see that those meals were eaten within the targets, and that I did eat better meals during the week. Let's get the full story, not one sided. (I do believe someone said they had three candy bars in 7 weeks, go back and count them, I saw more, plus chips and pizzas, even tho veggie) You are the pot calling the kettle black. I wasn't going to post a reply, but I won't be lied about. I won't feel deprived of food I love when I can work it into my plan, and eat healthier on other days.

    I think it is obvious to everyone that this should be settled cage match style. My monies on this Lady. ^^^^ She is feisty and sounds like she has her crap in order.
  • Becky388
    Becky388 Posts: 157 Member
    I can have weeks of deficit but if I eat wheat the scale will not move, drop the wheat, scale starts moving, so I guess it depends on the person. And for the people that can lose weight eating nonfood food, I highly doubt it will be a long term loss.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    Health Wise = The source of calories matter

    Weight loss Wise = The source of calories matter, but not AS much . i still eat a lot of what I like just not every second of everyday like I had been
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    also just because people who are thin and eat crap and fast food and lost weight, ....thats all great and everything... , but that doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside..their arteries are just like everybody else's. So I think your body benefit from healthier calories better.... just sayin
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Here is my thing.

    I'm here to change my life. It takes time. It takes DEDICATION. It takes balls of steel too because there are people that criticize no matter what you do. I used to eat fast food every day!!!! I used to drink nothing but sugar free drinks that contained aspartame. I used to NEVER walk/jog.

    I now walk/jog at least 4 times a week (sometimes 11 miles!) and I have cut out fast food... FOR THE MOST PART. Yes, I have an occasional break down and go to Mcdonalds, or Taco Hell.... but ya know something? I have the calories for it. I have the sodium for it, I have the sugar and fats for it. I'm always under all of that when I have it now. ((couldn't say that before ya know?))

    So I get HIGHLY irritated when someone says something about my food diary when I went to mcdonalds that day. I don't have it every day and holy crap I was under!!!! I have actually lost friends because I won't LISTEN to their advice.. but ya know something? I don't care... I'm here to change ME... not worry about what anyone thinks of me. I appreciate the support, but I'm doing WAY better than I used to. I have made a HUGE change compared to where I was a year ago. Do I need to change a few more things? Of course I do, and of course I'm not perfect, but I will tell you... I never ever comment on someone's diary unless they ask for it. I have mine set to where only my friends can see it... and they all know where I stand on that issue.

    Hey.. we are here for support... and I think you meant well... really I do. But to be honest, unless they asked for your advice or opinion, maybe it wasn't such a good idea. I mean she could hide her diary, but she trusted her friends (you) with it open, so I see where you could have gotten the idea it was okay. We are all in need of some kind of change, but remember where she may have come from, she MAY be doing WAY better than where she was before MFP... ya know?

    :flowerforyou: I hope you two make up... it isn't worth it.

    I agree with this as I am the same. I used to have take aways about 3 times a week. I love them and I know they are bad. Most of the time I cook my own food from scratch but i have bad days where I am tired so I opt for processed foods or (shock horror) a take away! I always try and make wise choices and I just feel that if I went cold turkey I would give up now. My health is important to me and this is why I am doing this, but I love food, all food, the good, the bad and the ugly. I would hate someone to judge me on what I ate but at the same time, I hope you guys made it up, I had someone delete me with no comment because of my food choices and that didn't feel very nice to be honest. Everyone is different and we all have our own ways of going things.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I try and plan and try and eat healthy - I came here because I want to lose some pounds and be a bit more healthy about it.
    BUT - if I had 400-600 cals spare in a day, I would totally allow myself an OCCASIONAL Maccy D breakfast and it won't kill you to jolt your metabolism about a bit!

    As someone posted above somewhere - it really depends on frequency and as you say - your friend manages to be low fat/healthy around 60% of the time?

    Her weight loss may be slow(er) but it is still a loss, and unless she is complaining that she isn't losing weight as fast as she wants, then fine.

    FWIW I think your intentions were genuine and not perhaps as judgemental as she is taking it to be (believe me ... I spent a weekend with someone I thought was a friend, and had broadly said I'd lost half a stone since we last saw each other, and got a lecture about how crap my choices were and things that obvs work for me were utter rubbish! I was reeling)!

    I would say that you hadn't meant to offend, and perhaps refrain from offering any suggestions unless they specifically ask (which they might when they have calmed down a bit!)
  • My personal opinion is that, as a mature adult, the ideal way to resolve this conflict is to do it between yourself & this other person. Putting this post up for all to see says to me that you are less interested in resolving the issues & more interested in having people tell you she's wrong & you're right. Not real nice.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,177 Member
    also just because people who are thin and eat crap and fast food and lost weight, ....thats all great and everything... , but that doesn't mean they are healthy on the inside..their arteries are just like everybody else's. So I think your body benefit from healthier calories better.... just sayin

    The only one that is going to be looking at my insides is the coroner. Until then, I want to make sure what everyone else sees looks good.:bigsmile:
  • xilka
    xilka Posts: 308 Member
    NO, if your only intention is to lose weight.

    YES!!!!! if you want to live a long, healthy life and eat good food.

    Don't give your money to big transnational corporations while they are poisoning you.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    I see some apples and Butterfingers malarkey here.

    A calorie is simply a unit of measurement and to argue that a calorie is not the same as a calorie is the same as arguing that an inch is not the same as an inch.

    A valid argument is that the substance of one calorie is different than the substance of another. Think about that pound of feathers verses a pound of gold.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    Who cares who's eating what unless they specifically request advice?

    Hmm....wondering why anyone would make their diaries public then? Doesn't doing so open you up to suggestions and friendly critique as much as it does for "hurray for you"'s and "atta girl!"'s?

    I totally agree with this. Don't 'finish' your day and have an open diary if you don't expect a constructive comment or two every once in a while about what you're eating.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    In my opinion, a calorie is NOT a calorie.

    So an inch is not an inch? A yard is not a yard? A pound is not a pound? A gallon is not a gallon?

    to summarize what you just said, a MICRONUTRIENT is not a MICRONUTRIENT. but that is not what we're talking about. A calorie is still a calorie.

    And what does eating CLEAN even mean? A blood vessel pops in my head every time that statement is uttered

    Oh, same here, DavPul. I had never heard of that until MFP. Where I'm from, we practice the 5 second rule. If your pick it up off the floor before 5 seconds have expired, it's still clean and safe to eat.

    I said this many times and I will say it again.

    To all the people who say, "it matters for health." Being over weight is the one of the greatest health risks, can lead to heart disease, diabetics, and many other health related issues. With that said, it's healthier to eat junk food and be at a healthy weight than it is to be over weight and eat "health food."

    Pu has it right as well. The number one risk factor for *most* of the common fatal illnesses is obesity.

    If you go through the standard tests at your check-up, and everything comes back good, then you have a clean bill of health, no matter what you eat. On the flip side, if you are obese, then you are at risk for any number of fatal illnesses.
  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member

    If it didn't matter we could eat candy bars all day and lose weight just as long as we stayed within our calorie goal.

    No, it matters!
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I said this many times and I will say it again.

    To all the people who say, "it matters for health." Being over weight is the one of the greatest health risks, can lead to heart disease, diabetics, and many other health related issues. With that said, it's healthier to eat junk food and be at a healthy weight than it is to be over weight and eat "health food."

    I disagree--you can be skinny and still have poor stamina and clogged arteries because of food choices. While I see your point, I think improving the quality of the food you eat is important. Says the girl eating peanut M&Ms and drinking a glass of wine for her late night snack.

    When I started this journey, I really just cut out fast food and watched my portions. Over time, I started to improve the quality. Sometimes I back slide, and I usually feel worse for it. Working out is harder when I eat crap.

    How would your stamina be if you where 200lbs over weight compared to at healthy weight? You read about the Twinkies diet? This guy ate nothing but pure junk food. His body mass index went from 28.8 to 24.9, his LDL dropped 20%, and his HDL(good cholesterol) went up 20%. He reduced his triglycerides by 39%. He also lost 27lbs in 2 months.

    Very similar story from the documentary "Fat Head" ate nothing but McDonalds, at a lot of high fat foods. Yet he lost weight and his health improved.

    And I can out run my neighbor, who is a twig (about 100 pounds) and eats oreos for lunch every day. My Cholesterol and triglycerides are perfect, regardless of my diet. That's genetics, which is likely the case of the two people you are talking about. I have none of the health problems associated with obesity. My mother in law has terrible cholesterol and has to watch her diet carefully to stay off of medications. She's always been thin, but if she eats crap, her blood work shows it.

    Would you recommend that everyone do a McDonald's and Twinkie diet based on a documentary and an experiment? Is that the advice you'd give to someone who is 200 pounds overweight and has high cholesterol, high blood sugar and all the other problems you're talking about? Which diet is more sustainable in the long run? The one full of foods meant to fuel your body for the long haul or Twinkies and McDonald's?

    There is a place for junk food--like I said I was eating M&Ms last night and had a glass of wine. For my health though, I try to limit these things.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    So I get HIGHLY irritated when someone says something about my food diary when I went to mcdonalds that day. I don't have it every day and holy crap I was under!!!!

    Right. Once in a blue moon, no worries. Every day, though? That's cause for concern.

    I think what will work best from now on is for me to either just keep being a cheerleader and only posting "Good for you" and "Atta girl" stuff, or stop caring either way. Lesson learned. Moving on now.....

    Jana if you're going to worry and fret so much about my food diary - please get it right - I DO NOT EAT FAST FOOD EVERY DAY AND YOU DARN WELL KNOW IT. It is more like twice a week.To everyone else take a look, diary is open, nothing to hide or be ashamed of. You will also see that those meals were eaten within the targets, and that I did eat better meals during the week. Let's get the full story, not one sided. (I do believe someone said they had three candy bars in 7 weeks, go back and count them, I saw more, plus chips and pizzas, even tho veggie) You are the pot calling the kettle black. I wasn't going to post a reply, but I won't be lied about. I won't feel deprived of food I love when I can work it into my plan, and eat healthier on other days.

    I hope you found the answers you were seeking.There won'r be further need for me to follow the thread now. Was just waiting to see how long it took.

    I agree with you as well. You CAN work in junk food. I don't usually look at other people's diaries unless they ask me to do so.
  • Pu.... ^5

    I'm changing my lifestyle, and yes, I have changed the way I have eaten over the past few years, and I feel much better. But to say I'm not having a piece of birthday cake... no way! I'm eating it. IN MODERATION. The one thing I refuse to do is deny myself something just because it isn't *healthy*. Moderation is the key. If I was to quit everything cold turkey, I would have gained everything I lost and then some because it would not be something I could do LONG term.

    Oh I'm eating that candy bar.... I'm just not eating 5 of them like I used to.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    For weight loss she is correct. As long as her body is in a calorie deficit she will lose weight. However for general health and nutritional concern you are correct. She should be choosing healthier options.

    Good advice here. I will say that while fast food may not be the best choice... sometimes it may be what somebody can do with their schedule or situation for a period of time; there are seasons where if they were to look at mine it may look like I always eat fast food.. But that happens to be the season where I am out a lot. There are better or worse choices at fast food.. I try to opt for grilled chicken or fish products over fried when I do have to eat out at fast food.
  • lpatriquin
    lpatriquin Posts: 63 Member
    I would argue to say yes, it does matter. Just because of my own personal experience. I have been logging on since September and trying to stay around 1500-1600 net calories. I was losing extremely slowly at first and by slow, I mean 2 lbs in 1.5mos. Not great... then I read "Wheat Belly" and eliminated wheat and grains in general from my diet. I still take in 1500-1600 calories a day but in the last 3 weeks, I am down 10 more pounds. I know that's fast for but I think it'll slow down the next month. Calories are the same but macro's different and I think my body knows clean eating because it's working for me. My diet isn't perfect either but I'd say 98% of the time, I am taking in clean, unprocessed food. I feel 100% better. I would highly recommend this book to anyone. I didn't know how crappy I felt until I got rid of the wheat!