Any hunters here?



  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    As a vegetarian, this is sad :(

    I find vegetarians sad. We all have opinions.

    Nice bag and shoes . . . no leather, I am sure.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Sometimes I get those rabbits in Oregon Trail. Does that count? Those things are *kitten*.
  • Nekhet
    Nekhet Posts: 380
    As a vegetarian, this is sad :(

    As a carnivore I find it sad that you killed and ate the vegetables and greens for your salad....they were living as well....
  • dmurphy1975
    dmurphy1975 Posts: 45 Member
    As a vegetarian, this is sad :(
    As a carnivore, I find it sad when I see animals starving to death because of overpopulation.

    Love hunting deer, rabbit, squirrel. Hoping to find some time this year to actually get in the woods. Just a point to the anti-hunters out there, if we don't hunt them for meat they will just overpopulate and end up getting hit by your cars.
  • BillyD81
    BillyD81 Posts: 785 Member
    Bow hunter and gun hunter in Ohio
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    Hunt and fish I'm a southern lady. Deer, turkey,duck,dove,you name it I'll knock it down ;)
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Here's a pot or two of low fat, high protein goodness.

  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    4 bears crossed in front of my treestand right at dark. It was a fast walk out of the woods!
  • in woods now!!! Took a 8pt 154lb buck last Sunday with bow, waiting on big doe or another 8 to walk by. By safe and good luck!!
  • Keith, LOL! Cool eve in the stand!
  • Congrats Dan!
  • Here's a pot or two of low fat, high protein goodness.

    Thats some mighty fine shootin right there!
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    Wild game, organic, lean and green!
  • addict3
    addict3 Posts: 48 Member
    I have my huntres safety license, was raised in a hunting/fishing house, but I only dress up as one these days....


    Yeah I hunt.... Ummm.... I like to... Ummm... I go... Ummm.... Damn, Nice pic!! Sorry, got distracted!!!
    Yep, hunter here, but only hunt what I eat......
  • momofthreesons
    momofthreesons Posts: 162 Member
    Supportive wife of an avid deer hunter. Love the deer jerky!
  • addict3
    addict3 Posts: 48 Member
    Does hunting Terrorists count? I'm pretty good at that...

    Real talk I joined the Army because I enjoyed hunting so much.... I started off with squirrels and birds using a Daisy BB gun when I was a kid. Once I was 13 I was hunting big game with my dad. Whitetail, boar, but my favorite is coons. I love coon hunting.

    I got a great dane I turned into a huntin dog. Loves people, loves other animals just hates coons. Nothing better than the bond you have with your dog after you raise him to hunt and on his first successful kill you feel like a proud father. This dog has turned into my best friend.

    Unfortunately he's a bit old now. Doesn't have the drive he used to have. So now I've moved on to the best game in the world... Terrorists
  • addict3
    addict3 Posts: 48 Member
    Does hunting Terrorists count? I'm pretty good at that...

    Real talk I joined the Army because I enjoyed hunting so much.... I started off with squirrels and birds using a Daisy BB gun when I was a kid. Once I was 13 I was hunting big game with my dad. Whitetail, boar, but my favorite is coons. I love coon hunting.

    I got a great dane I turned into a huntin dog. Loves people, loves other animals just hates coons. Nothing better than the bond you have with your dog after you raise him to hunt and on his first successful kill you feel like a proud father. This dog has turned into my best friend.

    Unfortunately he's a bit old now. Doesn't have the drive he used to have. So now I've moved on to the best game in the world... Terrorists

    Lay em down brother.....! We'll keep up the tradition at home, till you're done... Thanks man!
  • addict3
    addict3 Posts: 48 Member
    I don't understand the concept of taking pictures of an animal you've just killed. Eating hunted meat is better than eating factory farmed meat, but why are you so proud of killing? Could someone explain it to me, please?

    For me it's a memory... a testament to the hard work I put into feeding my family... and a respect for the game I have taken... You don't see that in a supermarket beside chicken breasts or ribeyes, do you? They are just horribly treated untill slaughter.... (I eat them too) at least our game has a fighting chance and a free life... There's MUCH more, but I hope this helps...
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    Totally get the 'hunting for food' bit but can anyone explain to me the 'sport' part?

    Blowing an animals head off with a telescopic sight high powered rifle from 5 yards doesn't sound very 'sporting' in terms of a fair fight..
    In Africa, the Samburu and Masai people hunt Lions with nothing more than their bare hands..that sounds more like an even keel to me... I respect your right to hunt, but I just can't understand how this is remotely 'sporting'...
  • Totally get the 'hunting for food' bit but can anyone explain to me the 'sport' part?

    Blowing an animals head off with a telescopic sight high powered rifle from 5 yards doesn't sound very 'sporting' in terms of a fair fight..
    In Africa, the Samburu and Masai people hunt Lions with nothing more than their bare hands..that sounds more like an even keel to me... I respect your right to hunt, but I just can't understand how this is remotely 'sporting'...
    You have obviously never hunted, and probably don't know anyone who has. I have hunted deer and elk for over 20 years and have never seen one get it's head "blown off", nor have I ever seen or heard of anyone getting to within 5 yards of a deer or elk. If you could get that close, you wouldn't need a scope.

    I hardly believe anyone hunts lions with their "bare hands". In fact, they usually hunt in groups, using long spears and shields for protection. Granted, that is a dangerous (and brave) way to hunt

    The "sporting" aspect comes from the fact that it takes a certain skill to get within 100-200 yards of a deer or elk, due to their powerful sense of smell and hearing. Also, learning where they are and how to track them.

    Additionally, there are laws and ethics that come in to play. All "good" hunters are "ethical" hunters.

    The fact is, harvesting a deer with proper, ethical technique is very safe, honorable and humane. If you tried it, I think you would enjoy it.