Gamer Girls Need Exercise Too :O



  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    It's cool that girls want to be strong and full of confidence like many of the characters they play in games!

    I played games ever since I was a little kid. Although I played WoW, I found it was SO boring that I quit - was just too simple for my tastes (not enough classes, races, no realm vs realm combat, etc). I played Rift and loved it but I still have not found an MMORPG as great as Dark Age of Camelot.

    Lately I just play games - mostly RPGs - on the DS and a few older PC games such as Alice Neo (a Japanese strategy RPG).
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Yay for gamers!
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Hey, another gamer girl here :) Mainly mmos for me, though I never got into a WoW a whole lot. Did have an Undead mage, but only got to around level 25 I think. I've played lotro since beta. I saw someone say they play on Landroval - me too! LMB is awesome! Though I haven't been playing lotro as much lately, as I've been investing most of my gaming time in TOR, Ebon Hawk server. I definitely use my gaming as motivation for workouts. I want to be as fit and awesome as my Imperial Agent is ;) Add me if you like, can always use more gamer friends!!

    Are you in LMB? I'm Carliee, Rosiee, Aurillian and Haarli :-)
  • CarlieeBear
    CarlieeBear Posts: 325 Member
    Are you able to stand at your desk at work? When I worked in a call center, some of our desks adjusted for sitting or standing. Studies have shown that standing at work can help with weight loss.
  • hulkklogan
    hulkklogan Posts: 77 Member
    Fellow gamer and call center worker here also. League of Legends is what I play most, I'd say (Zed is a monster jungle!!). I just got Blops 2 and have been playing that too. If exercise is your concern, you have to commit to going to the gym at least 3 times since you have a sedentary job and your primary hobby is also sedentary. Trust me, I know. It sucks. But after 2-3 weeks of going steadily, you get into a groove, and you don't feel right if you don't go. Just don't let yourself make any excuses, turn off the computer for an hour, and go to the gym.
  • Love WOW! It is to easy to just sit eat and Would love to finds some friends to lose this weight with and play WOW with!!!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Gamer girl all my life (literally sitting on my dad's knee with the original NES); focusing more on fitness has actually reduced my gaming... but I still fit in an occasional WoW raid and a few hours on Skyrim a week.

  • bloomlately
    bloomlately Posts: 532 Member
    Wow, small world! I used to play LOTRO on Landroval in the Pillagers of Pipeweed guild. And on SWTOR, I've got a character on Ebon Hawk since they forced Shien to move over. Admittedly, I haven't played on either in a long while...been seriously burnt out on MMOs. I play L4D2 occasionally and TF2 in small doses.

    I saw on a blog that SOE is working on recreating EverQuest as a next gen MMO. That has me intrigued as I lost a few years of my life to EverCrack.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    Female gamer here, mostly xbox some PC and Wii as well.

    At the beginning of the year both my husband and I decided to work together to lose weight. I have lost ~63 lbs this year, my husband has lost ~70 lbs. In order to keep us on track we set up an achievement thing similar to Xbox for fitness, weight loss, and inches lost (and other accomplishments) we wanted to do in this year. We can then use the achievement points to get rewards.
  • I game a lot too. I'm actually getting DDR again (played it a lot in 2008) because I don't feel like doing cardio outside right now lol. Right now I'm trying to get 100% synch in Assassin's Creed 3.
  • Kryxx
    Kryxx Posts: 34
    Gamers assemble! Hit me up, its good to know Im not the only one. although LoL shame on all of you, Dota2 is where its at, and actually I have a spare key if anybody wants to join me.
  • rolal
    rolal Posts: 7
    Gamer girl all my life (literally sitting on my dad's knee with the original NES)

    My dad programmed a special startup sequence on our MS-DOS computer that gave me the option to start right into a Putt-Putt game. I think it was Putt-Putt Goes to the Parade but it might have been Goes to the Moon.

    Gamer girl to this day :,) (tear of joy)

    I want to be as fit and strong as Commander Shepard.
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I'm a LOL fiend also! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • mightymom2
    mightymom2 Posts: 312 Member
    hi there :smile: i'm also a fellow girl gamer, good thing for the kinect and wii fitness stuff, gives me an excuse to still play and lose the weight :wink: feel free to add me
  • Udail51
    Udail51 Posts: 35 Member
    Gamer here as well. Mainly I just do Everquest (Evercrack, lol). I have lost a lot of my life playing that game and I still play some as well.

    Since I refocused on RL, I do not play much at all. I have been able to loss 160 pounds since I got serious about leveling my self and my RL instead of my peeps.
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    I'm a hardcore gamer! What I do to get exercise while playing is to jog in place, do high-knees, 'jump ropes' ;) etc. I do this while playing all games :heart:

    I did it for 4 hours straight once while playing Final Fantasy XII (Hell Wyrm battle, for those whom are wondering :laugh: ). Try it!
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I play CoD....
  • <3 LoL
  • louiselebeau
    louiselebeau Posts: 220 Member
    Okay, I play DDR for exercise purposes. I like to game and I am competitive, I can play and unlock levels and while I look like a big lame *kitten* I did punk some kids at Gameworks in Tempe, AZ last time I was there with mah mad skillz. Literally someone came up behind me and made a comment about the "fat girl" playing and how they could beat them. Then they couldn't do it. I am not even that good at it. Jumps kill my knees and my timing is way off.
    As a bonus though, most of them actually count the calories you are probably burning and there is even a game where you can use your own music. Check it out.

  • bonjovan
    bonjovan Posts: 4 Member
    I would think that we 'gamer girls' should be best equipped for something like MFP since we're all used to farming XP and what better way to gain XP than through your own personal IRL character?

    I think if you approach working out/healthy eating to that of typical uber game play it's setting yourself up for true 1337ness!

    If you create personal trophies and achievements and work towards those small but meaningful goals, then you're quick on your way to sexy cosplay time at the next con. What better ego boost than to harden the e-peens of your male counterparts that you're undoubtedly pwning behind the keyboard!

    SO I say take some AFK time to work on your personal levels and become the strong and powerful person who truly carries your handle.

    God knows I had enough wasted time spent LFG'ing or trolling Battlenet forums that could be better spent on my own health and happiness.

    Go forth gamer girls and conquer! <3