Do MFP friends really help you lose more weight?



  • Alicia7519
    Last time that I had begun MFP, I did not have any friends. This time, I have a small group of friends who need to lose the same amount of weight that I do. The support and cheering on helps me a lot. My husband is supportive, but on MFP, if I lose weight, log on, or finish my food log, someone always has something nice to say. I know that exercising and eating healthy is up to me, but having someone with whom to discuss the same food issues that I have or struggles with weight is quite helpful.
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Everyone is different. It helps some people to have a group cheering you on. Ultimately it's up to you to do the hard work. There are times when no one is around and you have to pull your own self out of a funk. But overall having friends is fun.
  • LesleyGillan
    Everyone is different. It helps some people to have a group cheering you on. Ultimately it's up to you to do the hard work. There are times when no one is around and you have to pull your own self out of a funk. But overall having friends is fun.

    ^^^ I agree totally, MFP friends are awesome for support, cheering me up and entertaining me....BUT it is all down to me to stay on my journey towards a fitter healthier me :bigsmile:
  • SA_80_2012
    SA_80_2012 Posts: 45 Member
    I will come over to your house and slap the sandwich out of your hand and replace it with a carrot. Followed by a light beating.

    That's what mfp friends do.

    ... LOL - funny :-)
  • MissLotte
    MissLotte Posts: 101 Member
    OK, it doesn't help me lose weight, only I am responsible for that but they help keep me accountable for what I am eating and how much exercising I am doing.

    I find it much easier to talk to strangers who are in the same situation as me rather than my friends and family who are not and who I would probably bore to death if I didn't have a wonderful MFP support network of generous people.

    If you want to see how it helos you, you can add me as a friend if you would like. xx
  • gcadays99
    I look back to when I was in shape in highschool and college and realize I did sports not because I knew I was going to be a profesional athlete or to stay in shape but I did them for the social aspect. Organized sports in high school and intramurals and such in college. Good way to meet people and makes it feel less like work and more fun.
  • motogsp
    motogsp Posts: 109 Member
    I find that is helping me. It is always nice to hear from them on how well I am doing. The support is great. Sometimes I get bummed if no one replies but I guess that is my self asteam issue. I am working on that and making good head way!
  • SA_80_2012
    SA_80_2012 Posts: 45 Member
    I think the right ones do. Im the worse self-motivator..So having a support system that i can also get motivation and advice from works for me. I think it depends on the type of person you are and the type of friends you are making

    This is totally true.
    As with any social site, you'll get all sorts on MPF too.

    Some ppl on here really do motivate you, and some ppl you add thinking they will provide you great support, just to find out it's all about them and their shenanigans ----> (One girl I added to my contact list, ended up only posting updates of a sexual nature; and as fascinating as it may be to read about her hook-ups, she was really not very supportive or motivating)l.

    So, I'm with you, the right people on here will definite be helpful to you; encouraging you or giving you a little nudge, a friendly word or a pep talk when you may need it the most.

    Personally, i find that i've got plenty of motivation to get me moving and stay active (endorphins), but the little words of support, particularly on "blah" days, from people who are far removed from the situation I may find myself in, have been extremely helpful; to re-focus my thinking that yes, despite it being a long, hard road to my goal, I really can achieve this.. Even if at times those last few pounds truly feel like cement stuck to my stomach!
  • marthathebear
    There are a lot of motivating people on my friend list I don't want to disappoint by messing up! So instead I've lost 32 pounds.
  • sho3girl
    sho3girl Posts: 10,799 Member
    for me all the support here is great love reading my news feed inspires me on things i should be doing
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
  • cecyvaquero
    cecyvaquero Posts: 154 Member
    My MFP friends are here to help me when I am down so they do help. I love when they motivate me and keep me going.