

  • Suzanita
    Suzanita Posts: 51 Member
    Hello ladies! I have been with MFP for a month and I've lost 5lbs and I'm feeling so much better! The main thing is the excercise....it got me outside and walking now up to 60 mins a day...not everyday as I work in the food and beverage industry and I do alot of walking already and I am around a tremendous amount of food daily! Imagine having delicious food offered to you constantly by:smile::smile: creative chefs and turning it down!! But thats what I did for a whole month and I did'nt eat anything at work unless it was what I brought from home! Anyways this site is great and wonderful support...I hope to be checking in often!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    Hello ladies! I have been with MFP for a month and I've lost 5lbs and I'm feeling so much better! The main thing is the excercise....it got me outside and walking now up to 60 mins a day...not everyday as I work in the food and beverage industry and I do alot of walking already and I am around a tremendous amount of food daily! Imagine having delicious food offered to you constantly by:smile::smile: creative chefs and turning it down!! But thats what I did for a whole month and I did'nt eat anything at work unless it was what I brought from home! Anyways this site is great and wonderful support...I hope to be checking in often!
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Welcome, Suzanita, you have come to the right place. One of the smartest decisions I made that has served me well is to decline all food that is offered to me. I plan the food for my day and stick to the plan....deviating only if I do an extraordinary amount of exercise, then I add peanut butter to my evening protein shake or have it with an apple. This site and this thread changed my life. I hope the same will be true for you.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Not a lot of time today, but wanted to stop and say "hi". Have to catch up on all the things that are falling by the wayside as I have to go back to work on Tuesday.


    Congratulations on your 76 lbs. gone FOREVER!!! I look forward to that day too!! It gives new meaning to the line in your ticker--"Ad astra per aspera"--which is, according to Wikipedia (for enquiring minds like mine, who finally got around to googling it this morning:laugh: :laugh: ) is latin and means "to the stars through difficulties" and was on a plaque connected with the Apollo 1 mission.
    You really are a STAR!!!! Keep up the good work.

    Well, against my better judgment I weighed this morning. I was prepared for the bad news I saw. Last night I had sushi and some lettuce wraps with a friend and watched a movie--The Canterville Ghost--which, if you are looking for an interesting flick that is appropriate for all except the very young (some scary "ghost moments" in it) set in contemporary England in a haunted castle--is a pretty good movie. No bed hopping or inappropriate language either.

    So far so good, but we also enjoy this with a bottle of Shiraz-Cabernet, and I probably had about 1/2 the bottle, so today is a fruit, veggies, protein shake and lots of water kind of a day!!! I expect that some of the damage will be gone by tomorrow. Unfortunately, I am supposed to go to a condo board meeting today at Applebee's so I guess I will have to put blinders on, avoid the menu and order a basic unadorned salad in order to stay out of trouble. Too bad, as I was looking forward to a couple of their french dip sliders, which if they are ordered right are not too damaging and very tasty--especially when the condo association budget is paying for lunch!!:bigsmile:

    I think it was Cindy who mentioned how Daylight time is hard to adjust to. I agree. I keep waking up feeling like I have been run over by a train--pretty amazing since the nearest trace is at least 4 miles from me.:noway:

    This morning, the doggies are being good--so far--had their breakfast and Bradley is in his usual spot, next to me in the chair, and Pepper is passed out on the ottoman, while Ma Li is conked out on the floor--using the edge of my pile of laundry as a pillow. She looks angelic, but this too shall pass!!:laugh:

    My friend who lost her step dad called me this morning, and she ended up spending the evening with a house full of people. A cousin of her husband lives near hear and is going to school and came over for dinner, so her spouse, who is from the Middle East took over cooking and made vast quantities of food from that area. He can be a pill, but he is a good cook, so it is a good thing I was not invited!!!

    The person I spent last evening with is my other good friend, Rosemary. Her spouse is low man on the totem pole at his job, so when he took it he knew he would be working Saturday and Sunday evenings. He grumbles about it, but his wife secretly enjoys it :wink: because she can make plans to see friends more easily than she can when they are on the same schedule. Her hubby is the one I referred to in my profile about being one of my "inspirations."

    After that bottle of wine began to kick in, we started talking about wanting to make a trip "across the pond" as both of us have places in the UK that we would like to visit again, and some places on our list that neither of us have been --yet. The finances are a big question mark--so what else is new? But we are thinking maybe in 2012--take in the Summer Olympics and then wander around for a few weeks afterwards. Jackie--Wales is on my "must see again" list, so be forewarned--we just might come a knockin':bigsmile:

    I hope there is no drought that year, because I would like to try some canal boating. My parents had a wonderful vacation where they did canal boating, though it was limited because some of the canals were empty, due to not much rain that year!!

    Well all this vacation planning is not getting my work done, so bye for now, and a good week to all.

  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member

    Congratulations on your 76 lbs. gone FOREVER!!! I look forward to that day too!! It gives new meaning to the line in your ticker--"Ad astra per aspera"--which is, according to Wikipedia (for enquiring minds like mine, who finally got around to googling it this morning:laugh: :laugh: ) is latin and means "to the stars through difficulties" and was on a plaque connected with the Apollo 1 mission.
    You really are a STAR!!!! Keep up the good work.

    Thank you. And it is indeed gone FOREVER! The latin? I have enjoyed that quote since I learned it in school as a first grader (it is the Kansas state motto). On Kansas day this year, when thinking about it, I decided that it was really a thought that I needed to hold onto on my journey, so I added it to my ticker. Kind of surprised me that you are the first person that mentioned it - I thought that I might get questions. Have a happy Monday, all, and here's to smart choices!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi Everyone
    Thanks for the advice
    :smile: Kackie now the nights are getting lighter over here in the UK I shall be getting out most evenings dog walking. During the winter months my daughter has been taking them out in the afternoon when she gets home from work. I am not too keen on walking in the dark - mainly because I can't see and fall over :laugh:

    :smile: Debbie that is very good advice about pretending to eat birthday cake or taking it home for my daughter. I work in an office with about 12 others so lots of birthday cake during the year! As I work in an Occupational Health department we do try to go for the healthy options (sometimes) but the full fat versions always taste so much better! :laugh: Also as it's a chocolate factory we always have a stash of Kit Kats (for emergencies) and other chocies lurking about in our snack room.

    I have been good today and not snacked on anything at work , I had a cookie after my tea and it's only the second time in about 3 weeks that I have been under my calorie allowance YIPEEEEE ! Hope I can keep it up!

    As for the advice about listing the food before you eat it, I'm not sure I'll have time on a morning to do that as I'm always in a rush to get to work even though I get up early enough. I'll have to see how it goes, maybe if I just stick with my pack up at lunchtime and keep off the chocolate bars at work I'll keep within my calorie allowance.

    Barbie your poodles are gorgeous - I'm ashamed to say that I didn't move the bowl of veggies and gravy that Frankie helped himself to last night (well it was late so I thought I would do it this morning) after he had had his breakfast this morning I was sat in the dining room when I heard a strange noise - went into the kitchen and there's Frankie with his head in the bowl again, finishing off what he left last night (Will I never learn!) :blushing: needless to say the last few peas and carrots went into the bin. He looked a bit disappointed that I didn't put it in his dish! Cheeky dog.

    Well I'm really tired so I think I will get myself off to bed. It's been a busy week at work because Jane my colleague has been on holiday. She's back tomorrow thank goodness, I have really missed her.

    Night Night :yawn:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    Welcome,:flowerforyou: your post was not visible when I did mine earlier today, so just wanted to acknowlege you before it slipped my mind.


    Your dog must be a cousin to "Bradley the Terror"--the little Yorkshire acrobat who can knock a whole 8 pack of Sandwich thins off the edge of the counter and then polish it off with the help of the other two.:bigsmile: You talked about not walking at night because you can fall over. I seem to be perfectly capable of doing it when I CAN see:noway: :laugh:

    Do you REALLY work in a chocolate factory or were you implying that a lot of people you work with have it around? If I worked in a chocolate factory, their profit margin would take a real dive !!! And I probably wouldn't have a job very long either!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Regarding the food logging. I often log mine the night before. Then in the morning, I just glance at my diary page to jog my memory about what I have to take with me.

    Well, I have to get ready soon to go over and make my parents dinner, since I am trying to keep my mom off her feet as much as possible, and if my dad tries cooking, they would both soon starve!!

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    FINALLY, another pound gone...even on the strange scale. Yeah! I had NO red wine last night and I do think that is the key for me.

    Mary: Congratulations on breaking the plateau...76 pounds is fantastic!

    DebbieW: I hope that your friend's surgery went well.

    Barbie: You have such fantastic advice and kind words for everyone. Thank you! SIZE 4 pants...WOW. That must feel great!

    Thank you for the eliptical information...I will look at those.(300 pounds, huh???)

    I missed some folks I meant to say hello to, but have to go start dinner or will eat something I should not!

    Have a good evening, all.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Mary, congratulations on getting past the plateau.......you have put a lot of effort and tenacity into getting this far.

    :flowerforyou: today's exercise was "yoga with poodles and cat"......with Bernie participating,there was running across my body and paws on me at all times......the best pose was "Happy Baby with Cat on Chest" :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, the size 4 pants keeps me focused on continuing to eat the same as always and not go back to the old ways.....congratulations on forgoing the wine.......staying away from "empty calories" helped me a lot

    :flowerforyou: Barb, what are you cooking for dinner for mom and dad tonight? They are so lucky to have you there for them. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who can fall down while walking dogs in broad daylight....my last fall didn't injure me but landed my mud covered wool pea coat at the dry cleaner.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Wizzywig, our Golden Retriever, Shilo, finished off a loaf of bread that was on the kitchen counter at a friend's house. I was busy watching Brandy, the puppy, to make sure that she didn't get into anything and had no idea that Shilo would be the "naughty". Nowadays, Brandy puts her feet on the kitchen counter and pulls the cat food bowls down to the floor and licks them clean. I think sometimes that Bernie pushes the cat food dish down when he doesn't like the food. ***********if you take a prepared lunch to work with you and eat only that, it's as good as logging the food ahead of time......it helps if you eat many of the same meals days after day so even if you don't have time to log the food, you already know how many calories...........last summer I was away from the computer for a week and I was able to write down everything I ate with an accurate calorie count because I had been eating the same food for so long that I knew how many calories....just keep at this one day at a time and you'll develop a lot of personal routines that will work for you.

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I'm about to be late for a meeting because it feels earlier now and I think I have more time before I have to leave. the house.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, sorry about the allergies, I hope you have a great day.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, good job abstaining from alcohol.........healthy calories are always better for your body.

    :flowerforyou: Laura, I know what you mean about the golf clubs :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Gotta grab something to drink and head off to meet friends. :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie
  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    Thanks for the welcome! I had some bad news on the job searching front -- I was going to be offered a job, but at the very last minute, the position was withdrawn. Sigh* I had my hopes up. Luckily, I am still employed, but it is coming to an end. I have been looking since May of last year, and only 3 interviews. I hope the economy turns around soon.

    Anyway, I went over my daily allotment and did not exercise today. I plan to do both tomorrow.

    Everyone is so inspiring, it can only help to hang out here and let some of your enthusiasm rub off on me.

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    :flowerforyou: Barb, what are you cooking for dinner for mom and dad tonight? They are so lucky to have you there for them. I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who can fall down while walking dogs in broad daylight....my last fall didn't injure me but landed my mud covered wool pea coat at the dry cleaner.:laugh: .....

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, I'm about to be late for a meeting because it feels earlier now and I think I have more time before I have to leave. the house......

    :heart: :heart: hugs:heart::heart: Barbie


    To answer your question--The little piggies came to dinner with me tonight, and we tried a new strategy. It's called "no dogs allowed in the kitchen while momma is cooking." This is because it is a very small space and tripping over a critter would be dangerous to me and the critter. I had to issue some "reminders" but amazingly, everyone pretty much obeyed--even my mom!!! :laugh: I only had to shoo her out once this time!!

    We had penne pasta, with marinara sauce, and ground beef. Also a spinach salad with tomatoes and avocado, grilled veggies ) carrots, red pepper, and zucchini) and crispy french bread. I am still at their place as this is written, so dessert hasn't yet been made, but my dad will eat anything as long as it includes ice cream and chocolate sauce. I am probably having some strawberries and a couple of chocolate covered peppermint sticks and calling quits.

    The marinara was a make it up as you go along affair: sweet onions and crimini mushrooms grilled in olive oil to start; 1 can of Hunts Four Cheese spaghetti sauce; a can of diced tomatoes; some Italian seasoning and some garlic powder. Then let it simmer while the pasta cooked and I did the other prep. I didn't have any complaints and there are sufficient leftovers for another meal. I kept the ground beef separate from the sauce so we can add some shrimp and do another meal. I thought "chicken" but my dad is threatening to crow like a rooster if he has any more chicken, :noway: :huh: :laugh: so there goes my plan for a Costco Rotisserie birdie later this week.:ohwell:

    The piggies were surprisingly good tonight. No big outbursts during dinner. Limited begging, and NO barking during dinner, so they may be invited back again!! I am sure I will be, since I am the cook!!!

    Once I got to the meeting I had to go to today --45 minutes late because I didn't change the clock in my bedroom, so I didn't figure out that it was an hour off, compared to the the one in the living room and the rest of the world--I had lunch at Applebee's , and if you happen to be there before 3p, you can order off their two-fer menu, and get a great meal for $5.99. I had tomato basil soup and a grilled shrimp spinach salad without any dressing, and the shrimp grilled w/o seasoning. Relatively low in sodium (not sure I believe the info in MFP about the soup only having 8 mg of sodium, but it didn't taste too salty. They do serve it with croutons and parm cheese, so next time I will know to ask for them on the side. I haven't logged dinner yet, but I should be under for the day since the piglets and I walked for 45 minutes earlier today.

    Nice weather, mid-60's (F) some sun,:smokin: but a fair amount of overcast at times. Hurry spring!!!

    Madgoth--Sorry to hear about the incredible disappearing job. :flowerforyou: At least you are still working, so hang in there and keep looking.

    Kackie--I know where your pound went. It came to Washington and snuck in to my scale!!!:noway: :laugh: I am not adjusting my ticker as it is a temporary problem brought on by an overabundance of sodium and too much red wine on Sunday night.:grumble:

    Everyone else--Keep smiling It will make everyone wonder what you are up to.

  • constancemwj
    Hi ladies,,,
    Happy late Mothers day to everyone across the big pond too:happy: some day I'd love to take a trip over there.....

    Cindy I really hate daylight savings time too... I feel like I've been dragging all day. I should probably be climbing into bed now
    instead of typing on here..... but I just had to stop in and say hi.

    madgoth, sorry about you job.. hang in there something will workout It always seem too some how...... (My Mom use to always tell me that.....) and "we will get through this"

    Mary great job on losing 75 lbs... I can't even imagine.... I do remember how it felt though when I finally went from Obese to just over weight....
    well I need to keep this short... tomorrow is weightin for me,, this morning I was down 1lb,, so I tried to be really good today and worked out hard tonight.. hoping for the best tomorrow... We'll see!:happy:
    have a great night all... still working on getting to bed early but not doing to well:laugh: this new goal is going to take some time
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Good morning girls!

    It's hard to believe that it's almost 8. I'm trying to decide whether or not to just keep Granny on regular time. I'm going to have to discuss that with hubby.

    I hope we have good weather today. I'm feeling the need for some sunshine!

    I started some seed pots yesterday. Tomatoes, peppers, squash, lettuce and some herbs. Last year I got some purple tomatoes from the farmers mkt. I saved seed from one of them and I do hope what I planted germinates. I'm itching to get my hands into the dirt! But you do have to be careful in NC that you don't plant too early and get what you've planted killed by the frost. Oh, we did put some sugar snap peas in the ground at the end of January and they are coming up.:happy:

    I must confess that I went over my calories yesterday :mad: But today is a new day and my motto is Hope Springs Eternal!

    Better to turn Granny's lights on so she can start waking up.


  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hope you don't mind, I'm just testing to see if I can copy & paste a happy birthday.

    Nope it didn't work
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good Morning All~

    Only time to let you all know that we start the trip this afternoon when I get off work. Gerald will drive up here and we will leave from my office, our #3 son will come over some time this week and take the truck back home. Before we left this morning Gerald was :grumble: grumbling...."the next trip we will NOT be taking this much stuff!". it's all packed the car is full...nuts...I forgot my pillow:sad: have to call Gerald at work maybe he will have time to stop at the house and pick it up!

    For the next 12 days I will be on the ultimate challenge,:drinker: I have packed the food scale and the bath scale and am in hopes that I'm able to at least maintain...keeping my fingers crossed.. Last night will be the last true exercise we will get for some time unless a couple of the hotels on the way out and back have exercise rooms...we can hope:ohwell:

    Everyone have a great day!:drinker: :drinker:


    Just IM'd Gerald and he will stop by the house...what good is a trip where I have unlimited weight if I can't take my own pillow!:blushing: So glad I'm not flying this time!
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    mamacindy_You planted seed pots!!! I am jealous!!! I have a large vegetable garden in SC and am itching to get my plants in the ground. It was too wet when I left to come out here to MT so I am WAY behind and do not have any seeds in pots so will have to buy my plants this year. (which means not such a good variety) Oh...you have me dreaming about good, fresh vegies!

    I lost another 2 pounds today!!! Yeah!!! I really was getting discouraged, so I'm feeling very inspired today. Leaving off the glass of wine, eating at home what I planned and moving, moving, moving....such a simple thing and yet...some days, not so easy!?!

    Here's to making good choices, Kackie:drinker:
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Barb(weaklink): So sorry about that pound...hope it went somewhere else today! I am sure it was the sodium!!!
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Just finished my exercise. Some days it is almost impossible to finish........ The back of my legs were giving me a fit. I stopped before I got to my 2 mile mark but I almost made it. (1.96)

    Kackie; It's been too wet here to till the garden yet and last year I didn't think I would ever get it planted. Didn't you ask about ellipticals? We bought a Sole E-35 and are really enjoying using it. It was a little pricey but I think well worth it. Since we have to be here so much with Granny it really is impossible to be members of a gym so that's why we could pay a little more. Do you have a ****'s in your part of SC? We went there and tried it out but then ordered it straight from the company because it turned out to be cheaper that way but then my husband and son had to do the set up themselves (hubby is a maintenance man by trade).

    I'm simmering chicken thighs in marinara sauce. We will have that and some grilled veggies for lunch.

    But first off to the shower for me.



    Okay, I'm editing this because this site won't let me post the name of the sporting goods store. The name of the store is the shortened version of Richard.(D*cks)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member

    Do you REALLY work in a chocolate factory or were you implying that a lot of people you work with have it around? If I worked in a chocolate factory, their profit margin would take a real dive !!! And I probably wouldn't have a job very long either!!:laugh: :laugh:


    Yes Barb I really do work in a chocolate factory and although I work in the offices, we often get chocolates given to us. :smile: We can buy it cheap at the company shop too.

    :explode: I just spent ages typing and I lost it all and had to start again. I bet I can't remember half of what I had already written.

    :smile: I have just bought some weightwatchers scales, they not only weigh you but tell you how fat you are too. How often should I weigh myself, will once a week be ok? I don't think I have lost any weight yet though :sad:

    I have been good the last couple of days and not been snacking at work I've been taking fruit and low fat yogurts for when I get the munchies :wink: I have also been going to the 2nd floor ladies loo and can now get there without getting breathless ( I am so unfit) :embarassed: My aim is to get to the 5th floor without being a quivering wreck and needing oxygen :laugh:

    Well I need to get my food listed so I can see if I have stayed within my calories and as it's getting late I had better get a move on.
    Chat again soon

    Viv xx

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • bsfriese
    bsfriese Posts: 2
    Hi Ladies!
    I am new to the board. I am 53 and weigh 178. A year ago a friend turned me on to the site ( i weighed 168 then) to log my meals because she had just explained to me about the starvation mode and the bodys mechanism of effeciency.
    I was only eating 800 cal a day and working out twice a day. then i was a size 12.

    so... i started eating 1200 cal and trying the new interval resistance training and i gained 8 lbs right away and my hips gained 3 inches in 2 months. so i got really frustrated and quit logging and started eating EVERYTHING!! now i am size 16
    then i had some surgery on my feet and could not be as active as i wanted. Now i am back to normal and joined the gym so i can swim and got some training sessions to learn the machines.

    I really know all the fiber, vegie, high protien rules and have been basically a carb-a - phobic for nearly 7 years.
    so I am glad for all your encouragement.

    My daughter is getting married in May in Denver and i need to be gorgeous!

    i like terries goal of being positive!
    I will work up my goals and let you know 2 of them tomorrow

    ps I am another Barbara
  • smtirado
    smtirado Posts: 23 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    please keep me posted on this regarding women 50+, I need all the help I can get. keep up the good work.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: