6 weeks until New Years!!! How much would you like to lose?



  • schondell
    schondell Posts: 556 Member
    I pledge to lose 12
  • august832004
    from now until new years???.....hmm i'd say 10lbs, i'm in!
  • ticatictina1
    ticatictina1 Posts: 3 Member
    Im in for 10lbs, But I only seem to manage 1lb per week...so I'll give it my best shot. Good luck everyone. x
  • Faithhopenlove
    Faithhopenlove Posts: 85 Member
    I'm in it as well, I pledge to loss 15lb (that sounds doable, right??)
  • lwagnitz
    lwagnitz Posts: 1,321 Member
    8 lbs sounds nice. Will it happen? Not likely. I can work my butt off to get as close as I can, though :)
  • hajir7
    hajir7 Posts: 53 Member
    I lost 32 pound since July 2012, I would love to minatain my weight by New
  • Kirstina88
    Kirstina88 Posts: 14 Member
    6lbs for me! A pound a week is realistic for me, and leads me nicely to my stone loss by The end of February!
  • nathan6878
    nathan6878 Posts: 115 Member
    Would love to drop between 3 to 5 pounds, and get back down to that goal weight!!!
  • riviere1
    10 pounds would be great!

    that is top of my christmas list :laugh:
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    6 weeks until New Years!!! I pledged to lose 15 pounds - I have about 4 pounds to reach that goal. As of today -- I re-pledge to lose 15 more pounds. Who wants to join me?? How much would you like to lose by NYE??? Feel free to add me as friend!

    As much as I possibly can!
  • tgnzmum
    What a fantastic idea!! I would love to be a part of this challenge! I would realistically like to lose 10lbs by New Years!!

    Good luck to all of you!! =)
  • Kforest0714
    Kforest0714 Posts: 93 Member
    15 lbs by New Years! But most likely 10 :)
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    I would like to lose 20-25! Any loss would be great tho :) good luck everyone! we can do this :)
  • jennytree
    jennytree Posts: 210 Member
    My cousins wedding is on New Years Day. If I lost another stone by then I'd be delighted :drinker:
  • lucyinthesky2007
    lucyinthesky2007 Posts: 98 Member
    I would love to kick this last 8lbs. to the curb by then but I will be perfectly happy if I just maintain considering my birthday is today then Thanksgiving on Thursday and Christmas right around the cornor.....All that temptation. *fingers crossed* Just hoping I don't gain
  • LizDutton
    My goal is to at least lose the 25 I've gained back in the last 5 months, but I know that's not going to happen by new years so I'd be happy with 15!!!
  • glahlstedt
    glahlstedt Posts: 308 Member
    wow, 6 more weeks ah?! that means i am only 39 for 42 more days! yikes! new years day is my 40th birthday. I would love to lose 5 lbs by then. that would bring me to 15lbs lost all together. this is a slow process, but i am going to do this. i have been working out at the gym 3-4 times a week, and it has to pay off at some point! so, with that said 5lbs please!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • caprice7
    about 10kg would be great!! probably happy with 6kg though
  • RunsForBling
    RunsForBling Posts: 3 Member
    Ideally 6 lbs would be awesome.
    Realistically I'm shooting for 4.
  • kokomarie
    I would love to lose 12 lbs, but I wouldn't complain if I only lose 8-10 lbs :)