Need friends! Where's the gamer geeks!?

I'm not much for these kinda community websites, I even deleted my FaceBook recently, cuz I hate all the adds, and popularity contest stuff. lol But MFP is different, it's working well! I'm loosing weight, but I don't really have any people I can relate to on my friend list. Recently, the few friends who added me dissapeared, and/or made it to where I can't review their diaries (I just get curious as to what's working for them, or ideas for stuff I could eat)

On the other hand most of them (erm...all 5 of them? lol) are from other countries and I haven't a CLUE as to what the hell kinda food they're eating half the time! lol

I'm from Arizona, I'm pretty much like a stay-at-home mom (no kids, but I have a dog that I adore lol) my boyfriend and I are dieting together, we're both huge video game nerds. (Oh. We're not huge, I mean we're nerds that love games? LOL)

Isn't there anyone on here like me? I'm sticking to 1200 calories a day, (I'm 5'2) but it goes up a bit with exercise, (recently got a treadmill) I eat normal foods, but I cut down a lot on soda & junk. I want my progress to motivate others, & vica versa, I barely hear from anyone here anymore. Just need some cool new buddies.

Can you please add me if we have these traits in common? I use my iTouch app for MFP so I loggin everyday. C'mon nerds! Where are you! When I'm bored I wanna talk about video games too. xD Yes I know, it's rare, but gamers can get fit too!


  • NickDHussin
    Hell yeah! Here's to nerds getting fit! I'll send you a request and we can nerd out.
  • TonyTaijeron
    Newb the site, not to gaming. Haven't been able to do much of it lately as I have a 2 year old and another on the way...but I do still like to keep in the loop.
  • shadowsaround
    I'm a geek to. add me. Go gamers!
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    ello! I'm a gamer as well!! you're welcome to add me.. There is a group on here for gamers too. (I think a joined
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    PC/FPS guy here. :)
  • Hungrygirl88
    Pick ME! PICK ME!! I usually just play WoW
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    I only play Call of Duty and MLB games. :(
  • bellydancer124
    Gamer nerd! I play both console (XBox360) and PC. My favorite is MMOs, but I've played lots of games. You can add me if you like. :smile:
  • Thokiz
    Thokiz Posts: 55 Member
    I game, mostly PC..All Invites welcomed
  • repmlrs
    repmlrs Posts: 154
    im only play STARCRAFT!
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    Big MMO geek here. Also part of the reason I'm on here. =) I've played most of the major ones, but always seem to keep getting sucked back into WoW. I also like console RPG's. Not a huge shooter fan though, those 12 year olds mow me down at COD or anything like that. Add me!
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    PC gamer here. Although we also have a Wii, an XBox Kinect (the 4 yr old loves it), and a PS3.
    (Torchlight, Witcher, Draon Age, Mass Effect, Civilization series, Rabbids Games....and whatever the 4 yr old intrigued by Borderlands, have not tried it yet, just watched the hubby play)

    Just recently bought a treadmill....and am happily planning on playing Civilizations Revolutions tonight while hubby brews beer and I walk on the treadmill.
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    LOL. Great call to action.

    My bf and I are both general geeks, both working on ourselves. he doesn't use MFP though.
    I do try to keep myself in the gamer loop as much as I can without having to buy my own consoles. Or commit to weekley gaming sessions...

    I'm in SoCal, I'm 5'1"

    Currently looking for someone who has Resident Evil 6 so I can go play it :P
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I only play Call of Duty and MLB games. :(

    waatt???? But there's so many other games in which to shoot and hit things!! :P
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    I only play Call of Duty and MLB games. :(

    waatt???? But there's so many other games in which to shoot and hit things!! :P

    Go on..
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I only play Call of Duty and MLB games. :(

    waatt???? But there's so many other games in which to shoot and hit things!! :P

    Go on..

    Hitting things: Tiger Woods games....boxing?

    Shooting things: There's SOOOOOOO many.....
  • 31993703
    31993703 Posts: 1,144
    Yea but I'm only good at call of duty and baseball. I've tried BF3 and I suckkkkkkkk. RAGE QUITTTT
  • petstorekitty
    petstorekitty Posts: 592 Member
    I only play Call of Duty and MLB games. :(

    waatt???? But there's so many other games in which to shoot and hit things!! :P

    Go on..

    What about Halo or Resident Evil? Ok I'm a fan of the more sci-fi stuff...
    Gears of war? I liked Army of Two. Mostly because of the cheesy lines. Cheese is always good.
  • shell22holmes
    You can add me. I'm a gamer. Mostly Resident Evil. I can't play first person shooter games, get dizzy....