Dear 16 year old me...

What would you tell yourself, if you had the chance?

Dear 16 year old me, mindless eating gets you nowhere... "he ate more than I did" is not a good excuse... it's not because your mother taught you to finish your plate that you have to finish this HUGE helping...


  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    Dear 16 year-old-me, you have by now escaped some serious life issues, but you are about to make some horrible decisions that will haunt you for the rest of your life. Between now and about age 22, what you need to do is stay focused on what you love. Never ever stray from it. No matter what happens, even if you are homeless and sleeping in your car. Just do that, and keep focused on your goal and why you are doing that. You will be a better man for it, and you will be happy and not live with regret. No matter what, stick with what you love. Never stray.
  • katrwal
    katrwal Posts: 336 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:
    - smoking is not a good weight control program
    - neither is eating only lettuce
    - 16 year old boys who tell you you're not skinny enough (at a size 8) are probably looking.... for other boys to date :happy:
    - you'll have a lot more fun if you remember that you are not the center of the universe - so every random comment or glance is not a judgement of you... LIGHTEN UP!

    thanks. that was fun!
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Dont date the girl from band class, she has crabs

    And kill drake so the phrase YOLO never exists.

    Also stock up on twinkies, use your left hand during alone time more, and dry to remember that cocaine is a hell of a drug.

    k thanx
  • Dear 16 year old me:

    It's okay that all those girls thought you were gay, and wanted to date you! Complements!
    Guys are stupid and they don't know what they missed out on.
    Great job on beginning to lose weight on your own.
    Life is too short to worry about anything but school, do better next time!
    Please please please please don't go after that 28 year old again...when you're 17/18 he was and still is a worthless piece of crap!
  • CincinnatiDEIFan
    CincinnatiDEIFan Posts: 188 Member
    Dear 16 year old me - pick a different undergraduate school. Work more; take out less student loans. PLEASE! They will haunt you.
  • Skinny_minny_mo
    Skinny_minny_mo Posts: 1,272 Member
    Dear 16yr old me

    You are unique and special. STOP COMPARING yourself to others.
    love yourself more and worry less :smile:
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    - don't screw up in college and blow your chances of a 100% scholarship just because you want to go out and drink with your friends

    - don't go to homecoming, because you will spend it in the bathroom with your friend on the other side crying, because her date stood her up!
  • kcoburn327
    kcoburn327 Posts: 111 Member
    Dear 16 yeard old me,

    Go out and live. Do not try and escape who are you because who you are is just who you need to be.

    Do not be afraid to step outside your box and embrace things you love instead of hiding them because you are afraid of what everyone will say.

    Do not lose your virginity next year because you are the only one in your friends who still had it (yes that is true sadly).

    Enjoy college more and the guy who you end of making fun will become your husband. So laugh now because he is one of the best things to happen to you.

    Be proud of what you do because you can do so much more than you realize.

    Don't run from the challenges that life gives you but embrace them.

    Spend more time with your dad because he will be gone in 2 years and you don't realize that your kids will never get a chance to meet their grandfather.

    Love me! love you :)
  • Dear 16 year old me:

    - Invest in a flat iron. You will thank me later.

    - Of all the styles that were "in," why on earth did you stick with the grunge look?

    - Never date someone you meet online. Especially don't marry them.

    - "Online" is the internet. Believe it or not, you can chat with people on there. You will find this out in a couple of years.

    - See that upperclassman walking down the hall? He will end up being the love of your life in 10 years. Not the short dude you will meet online when you're 18.

  • Dear 16 year old me,

    GO TO COLLEGE!! Don't focus so much on boys that you lose your own future. Call your Grandparents more because they will die very shortly after your 18th birthday and you will miss them more than words. Remember that nothing is forever and very soon you will be FREE. Oh, once you turn 20-you will get start eating healthy now so that it won't be so hard to lose weight.

    Your 16 year old self
  • nturner612
    nturner612 Posts: 710 Member
    oh how i wish....

    dear 16yr old me,
    the world is a hard nasty place and u think u know it all but U DONT & u have No clue! while it may seem pointless, b the best u can b in school. be nice to people, be forgiving and b loving. love ur family all the time and dont be so mean. sigh. dont stop exercising.
  • Dear 16 year old me,

    * Dont stop training, yes you reached youre perfecct weight but it wont last without hard work
    * Study hard! Failing As level PE isnt funny and studying Sport and Exercise Science is HARD work
    * Continue to have fun...but cut down on the booze, you'll get wasted at Univerisity, throw up on youre bed and then swear off hard drinking
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    Dear 16 year old me:
    When you start college, sign up for, train for and run a marathon. Don't wait until you're nearly 40.
  • Dear 16 year old me,
    Being a hell raiser will only be cool for a little while longer and you are smarter than that. Ditch the douche bag. Turn your back now on the back stabbers. Stop expecting more from people who are and always will be incapable. People will always remember what you have done so fly right, they will never forget and always judge. Pull your head out of your *kitten*, smile because you get to keep your most awesome friends and never settle. You will be great but you don't have to go through hell to get there.

    Me xoxo
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Dear 16-year-old me,

    I am so proud of you.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Please don't hurt me. I realize I've gone soft. No I am not as hard core as you were. You don't need to prove it to me. Enjoy yourself.


    Ima gonna go lift now, in case that 16 y.o. me shows back up sometime. I wanna be able to take her if she starts *kitten*.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Dear 16 year-old-me, you have by now escaped some serious life issues, but you are about to make some horrible decisions that will haunt you for the rest of your life. Between now and about age 22, what you need to do is stay focused on what you love. Never ever stray from it. No matter what happens, even if you are homeless and sleeping in your car. Just do that, and keep focused on your goal and why you are doing that. You will be a better man for it, and you will be happy and not live with regret. No matter what, stick with what you love. Never stray.

    This. That was my experience. Even the ages. This is beautiful
  • bboogle
    bboogle Posts: 189 Member
    Dear 16 year old Me,
    Believe in yourself. Don't be so afraid of succeeding. You can succeed, and you will!
    Go to college and own it, don't give up!
    Start to run before you hit the age of 40!
    But never run away from yourself or your life or any of the things that matter.
    Set boundaries. Take care of yourself not just everyone else. You will soon find that truly taking care of others will require some serious self care.
    You ARE worth it,
    Love from Me to You.
  • darthmolly
    darthmolly Posts: 26 Member
    Dear 16 year old me,

    Good choices around deciding to be who you are - never loose site of that again, pretending to be something you are not is why you ended up where you did.
    Be grateful for what you have instead of resenting it - things are not so bad in Utah, and you will get out eventually - you'll even miss it!
    Just be honest, fair, and friendly.
    You're about to find yourself in the middle of an eating disorder. I won't rob you of that experience because it has made you a kick *kitten* counselor - and at the age of 26 you will finally start developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise again, and it is going to feel good. Things will feel better - and this too shall pass.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 627 Member
    16 year old me,

    Please let 24 year old me know to keep working out when you see him. Let him know that when he gets 30, he wont look like you anymore if he doesnt and that 32 year old me would have a much easier time looking like 16 year old me again.