Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Just wondering how long you have been doing this and that you have lost 111 pounds is awesome1!! I just started 2 weeks ago and do a good cardio workout everyday that is either kick boxing or zumba as well as workout on weights and exercise bike. :smile:
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    Goals this week are simple - and impossible at the same time! To not over eat at my parents (always a problem there) and to go for a walk/run daily while there!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Everyone! Just caught up on posts. I'm not going to do personals tonight b/c it's already late, but I'm off for the next few days, so I will check back with everyone tomorrow.

    Tuesday Goals:
    Didn't work out at all today. Instead, I went out for drinks and appetizers after work. Even so I was just a bit over goal and still under maintenance, so no worries. May go to the gym tomorrow, but I have my 5k on Thursday, so I don't want to run. We'll see--may just take gunner for a nice long walk.

    My goal over the next few days is to grade my AP papers.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 49/49 AP Tone tests DONE!!
    2. 11/11 AP analysis activities DONE!!
    3. x/22 vocab quizzes
    4. x/59 Scarlet Letter tests
    5. x/22 persuasive ads
    6. x/49 AP essays
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Wed Wish- That all the food I eat for Thanksgiving would make me lose weight :bigsmile: .

    Karen and Laurie- Good luck on your walk/runs on Turkey Day.:flowerforyou:

  • trhjrh06
    trhjrh06 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Wednesday Wish::: My wish is to actually see a loss for the work I have been doing! I thought I found a solution for my stomach issues but even it isn't helping anymore. So frustrating. Either way I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving! I probably wont be on at all tomorrow, have to get my casserole's made for my moms and my in-laws and we have 3 places to go tomorrow. Then my sisters and I are going to see Breaking Dawn Part 2 at 10pm tomorrow eve, I am SOOOOOOO excited!

    Week 3
    Nov 19 - Nov 25
    3/3 Cardio Days
    1307/1200 Calories
    8.10/5 Miles (bike - 15 miles)
    50/50 sit ups/crunches

    Whoo hoo DONE!!!!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tina--I'm not a Twilight fan, but everyone I know who is LOVED the movie, so have fun!

    @holly--your wish made me LOL! :laugh: I'm a little nervous about the run--I've been sick for the past couple of weeks, so haven't trained as much as I would have liked. In addition, I've been having some stomach issues the past few days, so hoping that goes away before tomorrow morning.

    @laurie & kelley--good luck at your 5K!! :drinker:

    @lin--Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

    @vickie--hope your mood picks up. :flowerforyou:

    @christine--that's such a wonderful decrease in clothing sizes! :flowerforyou:

    @ushkii--How was that walk? I sometimes feel the same way about waking up and smelling "the fiber"--I've had a really hard time sticking with the program lately. I will be really good for a few days, and then I go completely off program. Of course, that means no weight loss which then discourages me from staying consistent. I feel like I need something to really motivate me like a goal outfit, or a big event, or a trip that involves a bikini.

    @robin--speaking of bikinis...Wow, your trip to Jamaica sounds like it will be so wonderful!

    @alison--congrats on completing your 5k!!! :drinker:

    @marsha--sounds like you have some great goals in mind! sorry you are having foot problems--as someone who's had them in the past, I know how frustrating that can be.

    Wednesday Wish:
    This may be TMI, so please look away if discussion of bodily functions bothers you. Angelika brought up the need for proficient vitamin D levels, and it reminded me that my doc told me to take supplements, but I've been really bad about taking them. So I started taking my vitamin D/calcium supplements earlier this week, and now I remember why I have given up taking them the past few times I tried--they give me the runs. :embarassed: I googled it to see if that was a side effect, and Livestrong says it should only happen if you are taking too much vitamin D. I am only taking half the recommended daily dose, but it's still awful. I thought maybe my body would adjust, but it's been 4 or 5 days now and it's just getting worse. Needless to say, I will stop taking the supplements. This leads to my Wed Wish that my stomach gets back to normal before I have to run my 5k tomorrow. Actually, if I'm wishing, my wish is that it gets back to normal immediately!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Robin -- Jamaica is so exciting! Daily walking is brilliant exercise.
    @Kelley -- I was really worried when I developed the arthritis that my joints would never work properly again. But really they're fine now.
    @Kaye -- I think it's great when schools make their facilities available to the community. Some of the schools round here have full gyms now.
    @Christine -- I am picturing you in a sled being pulled by a Pomeranian *right now*.
    @Skinnyjeanz -- I've done 5k as a regular run/walk (twice now this week) but I still haven't yet run 5k without stopping (I think that is perhaps 3-4 weeks away) and I haven't done a race this time round (I'm planning to do a parkrun, perhaps on 8 December). So I still have more 5k milestones to hit! Possibly a different brand of vits would work without side-effects?

    I went to Zumba, and felt totally lost. Had fun and got sweaty though so I guess that's ok. I didn't use small weights because I don't really know the moves yet and I thought that slinging bottles of water around was just a bit of a risk. This would have been higher intensity if I hadn't felt lost -- I exercised hardest when I just stopped worrying about stuffing up all the moves and just flailed around to the music. Everyone says that you do get the hang of it in time... Running clearly helped a lot with having the stamina for this class. When the cute young girls were panting and dashing for their water bottles I thought 'huh, guess the running's having an effect'.

    Wednesday wishes -- that all you USians have a happy Thanksgiving surrounded by your loved ones. We all have so much to be thankful for, despite our various troubles.

    -- Alison
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tina - You'll like it I think. It was my favorite Twilight movie so far. The ending was a big.....stressful ..... but Stephanie Meyers was the producer so she didn't let them butcher it too badly.

    I think this Saturday I'm going to treat myself to 'Lincoln'. It looks amazing and I'm a huge history buff.

    NErvous about my 4K tomorrow. I'm struggling with PMS right now so I'm completely exhausted, I don't know how I'm going to get the energy to beat my time when it's all I can do to crawl out of bed in the morning right now. I think I'll get up at my regular work time and do a quick light 1/2 hour yoga to loosen my muscles and wake me up before I head over to the starting area.

    Wednesday wish - ....... menopause so I can stop having PMS..... oh and of course, peace on earth... :wink:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    when i was given this diet by the doctor she told me not to count calories or weigh myself. i am fine with not counting calories, but it's very annoying not to be able to weigh myself. i think i'm going to do it anyway pretty soon. i need to know what's happening :laugh:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    nicholsvj - so glad to see you back!

    ushki - just keep trying, my friend, you will ultimately succeed

    monarch - with KC's weather these recent years I'll bet you get to use that Fitness room more than you think

    Vicki - sorry that black cloud is still dogging you. When you're unhappy, you need to get back to your very basics. Sit down with yourself and START LOVING YOURSELF!

    Boho - your description of Zumba was delightful!

    MowMow - I loved your pix of clothes - way cool idea I think I will steal for myself - I'm terrible about putting "ensembles" together.

    Good luck on the races to everyone & Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans! I am bringing the mashed potatoes to my family get-together and for the second year I am bringing Bob Evans prepared mashed potatoes. They are a gift from heaven! No more peeling and mashing! (I am super lazy!)
  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    Wednesday wish - that I will get through the holidays without feeling lonely for a significant other. I'm not the only friend/family I know that is single, but I am one of the oldest and yet another holiday flying solo isn't the greatest feeling.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @flowersofdawn- I understand your feeling lonely. I myself settle for less at times from a partner because of that feeling. Keep your head up and know that when it is meant to be the right person will be in your life. Until then live it up, laugh and be happy.
    @Tina- I can't wait to see Twilight this weekend too.
    @MyM0wM0w- Good luck with your run and I am going to go see Lincoln with my 16yr old son this weekend. Movies are the best way to get him to spend time with me at 16.
    @Alison- When I first took a zumba class mine was geared more hip hop than anything. It was so hard to keep up and learn but after going 1 time a week for a month I was like a pro. If you enjoyed it stick to it and it will get easier.
    @Robin- As I learn all the work going into hosting this meal. Your mash potatoe idea is the best.
    @Karen- Your stomach story has me a little concerned the doctor wants my teenager to take vitiamn D supplement every day.
  • ushkii
    ushkii Posts: 472 Member
    Wed wish; Keep under or closer to my cal goal. Skinnyjeanz thanks for your input but I would rather not like to have anything to do with a bikini right now, oh the visuial I have...
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    MowMow - I loved your pix of clothes - way cool idea I think I will steal for myself - I'm terrible about putting "ensembles" together.

    That's why I do that, I'm not good at 'thinking on my feet' at the stores. I can't pick up a blouse and tick off the thinks in my closet it will go with. My method put together 3 or 4 basic outfits with some interchangeability so I won't have to shop for clothes now until May/June for some summer stuff.

    Maybe by then I'll have legs that I can show off in shorts!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wed wish; Keep under or closer to my cal goal. Skinnyjeanz thanks for your input but I would rather not like to have anything to do with a bikini right now, oh the visuial I have...

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Thanks for the concerns over my stimach issues. I took some imodium and am feeling much better.

    @alison--I'm not really sure if it's a brand thing, but I'm honestly afraid to try again. This is the 3rd time this has happened with this breand, so I know it's not just a coincidental virus or something. I'm really peeved b/c I bought a huge bottle and now am worried they will go to waste. :ohwell:

    @holly--as alison suggested, it may be an issue with the brand. I bought Walgreens store brand of calcium/vitamin D/magnesium blend. I would suggest buying the smallest bottle possible of whichever brand you go with--that way if they don't agree w/ your son, you can try a different brand without wasting too much money. I think I spent about $20 on this bottle, and now I can't use them.

    I'm at starbucks right now, so I should stop procrastinating on the thread and get to grading. Hope everyone has a lovely evening. :flowerforyou:
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Good Thanksgiving Eve to all my MFP pals! Today was a busy day spent with my youngest son running errands, enjoyed unbelievably (sp) nice day today. Got word my sister in Topeka who was going to go to our sister's home in Holton, KS, was hospitalized today. She has congestive heart failure and has had breast cancer. Please pray for Terri that it isn't either of these and that she is healed soon. Going to take her lots of pumpkin bars and turkey. It's sad she is in the hospital now as she will miss visiting with our sister and her family and her birthday is Friday:frown:

    Safe travels for those who will be on the road and have a wonderful, blessed Thanksgiving!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @christine--sending good thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery for your sister.

    I finished 3/49 AP essays. I know it's not much, but I wasn't planning to grade any today, so it's better than expected.

    Going out with my sister in our old neighborhood. Will see lots of friends from HS, so it should be fun. No cocktails for b/c I'm driving and I have a race tomorrow. Probably won't check in again today. Will try to pop in tomorrow between the race and dinner at my MIL's. If not, hope all of my US friends on here have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
  • lcooper61
    lcooper61 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello all,
    I would love to join your thread as I have over 100 lbs to lose. I was on another thread, but the ladies on the other thread only needed to lose 20 lbs, big difference, different challenges. Anyway, all advice and encouragement is very welcome. I used to be very active in sports and working out, but now I am a couch potato. I have a new treadmill that I haven't even used in 6 months, I need some help.
    You encourage me, I'll encourage you. Together we can do this.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wed wish: that the power surge during the night hadn't blown the power supply to my computer. I am glad that my son is a computer tech and can fix it. Also glad for the grandson's laptop in the meantime, but it is very slow. I won't be doing any personals until my computer is up and running again.
    Happy Thanksgiving to all. Kaye