Embarrassing Moments



  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    There are many, many, many moments that have happened... but, I'll just name one more.

    I decided to confront my fear of rejection to write this guy that I had "loved" for years to tell him my feelings. Still cowardly, I know... but, I was terrified of hearing rejection in person or on the phone. Anyway... within a week, I received a call. When I picked up, it was him... telling me that he never realized how I felt, and I was a great friend, but he didn't feel the same way.

    Surprisingly... that's not the extremely embarassing part.

    We continued talking for several months. I was actually starting to get my hopes up again... because he would call me, and I would call him. While serving tables at another place of employment, I was waiting on a mutual friend. We were talking, and in the conversation, he just happened to mention how he was about to be in the wedding for this other guy. Apparently, this guy had been engaged the entire time we had been talking. I was shocked, speechless, and embarassed. I'm not sure which emotion was strongest.

    A couple of days later, the first guy called again. He is trying to start up a conversation and ask me how I'm doing, when I just blurt out... "So... how's the wedding plans going." His response.... "Um.. Um... Good, I guess." I proceed to say... "Yeah... that's nice. Well, I guess I need to go now."

    I haven't talked to him since.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    so I was sitting in my philosophy class trying to crack my back in my chai, and this hot girl saw me. Really, really hot. I kind of had a thing for her for a couple of months, and we smiled at each other and stuff but she sat pretty far away so we didn't say much more than "hi". Anyways, she saw me doing that and offered to crack my back for me, and I thought it was kind of weird, but I accepted. So I stand up and she crosses my arms in front of me and stands right behind me and sort of picks me up onto her and bounces me (have you ever seen people crack backs this ways?) I have seen it, but it is weird to explain)

    Anyways, it wasn't working, so she tried a huge bounch. Something popped really loudly, but then when she set me down I couldn't feel my legs. It was like they were totally asleep. So I collapsed in a heap on the gorund, my legs going off in weird directions. Then I heard a hella loud farting noise and proceeded to diarrhea in my pants, I was so embarrassed and I look up at her face and she was just disgusted and everybody was like, what the hell is going on. So I tried to get up and run away, but my legs didn't work. I couldn't move, and over the next thirty seconds or so my colon emptied really loudly. My teacher was hella mad and thought I was just being a freak crapping on the floor, but after a while they realized I wasn't kidding around and they called an ambulance

    So I went to the hospital, and it turns out when she cracked my back somehow my spinal cord got pinched in between my vertebrae and they straightened it out with some emergency surgery and now I'm completely fine.

    So.... I never went back to that school

    source: random internet forum

    This made me laugh so hard I had tears streaming down my face.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I have so many. I embarrass myself on a daily basis lol

    But my most recent one was when I was clothes shopping with my friend. We found stuff we wanted to try on and went into the dressing room. We were trying stuff on, and we would show each other. Well, she came out in this UGLY shirt. I saw it, made a face, and told her how hideous it was. I guess I didnt realize that that was the shirt she had been wearing when we arrived at the store....

    hahahaha Oh I have totally done stuff like that.
  • liesevanlingen
    liesevanlingen Posts: 508 Member
    One of my most embarrassing moments involved one of my three sons(I promised not to identify him personally). We were selling our house and the real estate lady, a lovely grandmotherly type, had just come over to talk about some of the details. My three-year-old son and I were standing on the porch as she arrived. She said "Hello" to us and my son just gazed at her for a minute. The he said to her, with a condescending air, "YOU don't have a p----." (Yes, he said the actual word for that particular body part)

    I seriously wished the ground would open and swallow me up.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member

    I went to a roller rink with a friend of mine for her 13th birthday and there was a kid there that I didn't know. He was SUPER awesome at roller skating, and I well...sucked.

    So my friend and I are sitting down talking and having a drink, and this same guy comes over with his friends joking and laughing, wanting to make friends with us. Well as he was walking he was more or less wobbling back and fourth with his legs bent out the opposite direction they were supposed to be. I thought he was just joke walking for the sake of a cheap laugh so I do it back at him. and notice as we all get up to skate again that he has crutches that he didn't have before, turned out he had a leg disorder like what ricketts would look like. Felt like the worst person ever.
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    I was teaching high school math (or was it science? I can't remember what class it was) in an extremely dry climate and my pens would regularly dry up. I got into a (very bad) habit of sucking on the end of the pen to get the ink flowing again. Well one day in class I went to do this so I could take attendance, and my entire mouth filled with black ink!

    I had to go and find another teacher to watch my class while I went to the bathroom to spit out the ink. My whole class, and all the late students in the halls along with other teachers who came out to see what was going on were all laughing pretty hard at me. To make it worse, my teeth stayed stained grey/black for the rest of the day!

    I wish I could say this is the FIRST time I did that, but I did the same thing with a marker when I was in Junior high.
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    My most embarrassing moment hands down was the first time I met my boyfriend's parents... they're divorced but his dad went to his mum's just to meet me, it was tremendously awkward, and to make it more awkward my boyfriend's mum's dog managed to sneak a tampon out of the box in my bag and ran away with it. My boyfriend's dad was like 'what has he got in his mouth?' and when everyone couldn't stop laughing when they found out. I still die a bit inside when I think about it haha.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    ok, this embarrassing moment came before i was into kicking *kitten* and becoming sexy.

    i was at walmart one day wearing my schluby clothes, the outfit consisted of a pair of cutoff sweats and a tank top....

    well i was walking around with my sister when i heard a little boy ask his mother: mom, is that a boy or a girl?
    i still don't see how he didn't know...my top was cut low enough to see my ample bosom and i had my hair down...

    there are many more embarrassing stories...but here is one for now.

    Did you knock the little kids teeth out?

    If it helps you to laugh at someone else, when I was 8 months pregnant and working at walmart folding clothes, there was a little boy who was hiding in the racks whisper-yelling Hey fat lady! HHEEEEEEY FAT LADDYYYYYY. Since he was hiding in the clothes rack I really wanted to pretend like I didn't hear him, walk to the rack and kick him in the teeth.
  • BethanyTL
    I used to work in a call center at my college. Every time I answered the phone I said "Hi, thank you for calling SMCC, this is Bethany, How can I help you? Well this one day I was typing an email between calls and was about to type the word "have". I answered the phone, "Hi, thank you for calling SMCC, this is Bethany, How can I have you?" I quickly realized what I said, was mortified, and stuttered "I mean, how, how can I HELP you?". He said "uuuummmmm........" and then laughed.
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    I was at a paint store waiting for the guy behind the counter to stir my paint.

    I was just standing there, waiting patiently, sipping my drink from Del Taco.

    Then I thought to myself, "hey, I didn't I come in here with a drink". And I spit it out of my mouth onto the counter.

    So gross. Especially for a germaphobe like myself.

  • cutiee518
    cutiee518 Posts: 4 Member
    My most embaressing moment was...

    I went to fill up my tank with gas and was talking to a friend on the phone in my car while waiting for the pump to turn off. I thought it was taking forever so I looked at the pump and it said $75 of gas so i ran out as two workers were coming from the building to tell me. Gas was everywhere! So I shut off the pump (paid with debit in the pump) and said i was sorry the two very cute guys said no problem they would take care of the spill and as I'm getting into my car I smack the corner of my eyebrow on my car door. Ended up bleeding down the side of my face but since I was embaressed enough I found napkins and held it up to my eye the remaining of the trip. I now have a scar there to always remind me of that day.
  • kimbolay7
    kimbolay7 Posts: 96 Member
    I used to work in a call center at my college. Every time I answered the phone I said "Hi, thank you for calling SMCC, this is Bethany, How can I help you? Well this one day I was typing an email between calls and was about to type the word "have". I answered the phone, "Hi, thank you for calling SMCC, this is Bethany, How can I have you?" I quickly realized what I said, was mortified, and stuttered "I mean, how, how can I HELP you?". He said "uuuummmmm........" and then laughed.

    I work as a receptionist in a care home and one day someone phoned and after the generally how can I help you she asked how are you then she said how's mum and dad? Really puzzled I said errr yeah they're really great thanks!? And she said no darling not your mum and dad MY mum and dad. Yup both her parent live in the care home.. Just wanted to put the phone down lol! I'm always doing embarrassing things! That's just an alright one!
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    First time I went drag racing last year I was very nervous to say the least. When I pulled up to make my first pass, I did my burnout and one of my heater hoses broke loose spraying coolant all over the starting line. They sent me back to the pits and had to spend 15 minutes cleaning up the track before anyone could make another pass. Very embarrassed to say the least. I put an extra clamp on the hose and went back to racing though. :)
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    I had surgery on my hand and a fingertip several years ago. I don't remember it, but I was told that right after the surgery as I was waking up the Dr. happened to be there and asked me how I was feeling. To which I replied "it feels like someone ripped off my MFing fingernail". Each time I had a checkup I was embarassed to face him :)
  • jerbear1962
    jerbear1962 Posts: 1,157 Member
    I thought of another one, when I was about 6 years old my parents and I was watching TV and my mom got a hankering for a doughnut. We had a new place just open in town and my mom asked me to call them. The phone rang, they answered and
    I said," Is Mister Doughnut there?" Not realizing that is was a business name, not a mans name...my parents are laughing their butts off and I'm turning red. The employee is thinking it's a prank call...oh well. He wasn't there by the way.
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    Hah bet beat you all hands down on this one..

    I was 13 years old and had just gotten home from school and I was already busting to go to the toilet.. (majorally) My aunt came up and said can you go up to the supermarket and grab some pencils.. I'm like ok didnt go to the toilet im like i can hold... at the supermarket standing in the isle trying as hard as i can to squeeze my cheeks and hold it in.. and them BAM I peeded myself in the middle of the shopping center in the isle... I went bright red ran up and down all the isles till i had stopped peeing myself which felt like an eternity all whilst trying to hide my embarrassment from other shoppers.. got to the checkout and said um i think somebody spilled some juice down the isles you'll need to clean it up LOL went home in a soggy underpants and socks
  • JustANumber85
    JustANumber85 Posts: 644 Member
    LOL at the moments.
  • sirthickness
    I was at the grocery store with my daughter, who was 3 or 4 at the time (she's now 18). The trip was full of, "daddy, can I get this?", "daddy, can I get that?". Enough already! We made our way to the check-out line and waited. As we waited, my lovely daughter pointed to the candy rack and exclaimed (loud enough for the checker to hear), "daddy, if you buy candy I'll stop eating my booggers!". She got the candy and has since stopped eating her boogers - unlike her mother, my ex-wife:laugh: . JK!
  • momshorses
    momshorses Posts: 376 Member
    Thanks for the laughs!! I am going to continue to read these later. :)
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    We live in a small town, we were checking out at walmart and the cashier who knows us fairly well just from our visits to the store who also is a very nice, super friendly black woman. My daughter who was about three at the time told her "My mom says we can't have brown baby's and I want one." Me mortified and pregnant was shocked while the cashier said "Well why not" They both looked at me and I had to explain yet again to my daughter that because momma and daddy were both white we would have a white baby. Still today 10 years later when I go to walmart the same cashier remembers and laughs about it.