Didn't go over cal limits THXGIVING DAY success stories



  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    We treat Thanksgiving here like any other day, so I'm still under 1200 -- my calorie goal is 1650 because I'm takin' it slow. I'm usually considerably under that -- have gone over just once since I started in mid-September. Workout (at least an hour on the mini-bike) is still to come.

    Today's foods: my usual ginormous and very satisfying salad (lettuce and tuna with a dressing made from extra virgin olive oil, white vinegar, and powdered garlic and paprika); canned free-range chicken, WASA multigrain crispbread, microwaved cabbage (nothing added), and my bow to Thanksgiving: pure pumpkin puree mixed with honey (yum!). I've got a banana waiting for me for after my workout. If I'm still hungry I'll probably hit the V-8 (low sodium, but I give it a kick with hot sauce). If my body craves carbs I'll have more crispbread.
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    168 calories left as of 8:06 p.m. on Thanksgiving night. Enjoyed a VERY satisfying and filling Thanksgiving dinner (my diary is open in case you're curious). Do not intend to eat for the rest of tonight.

    Why keep track on Thanksgiving? Why stay under calories on Thanksgiving? Simple. Because it is the single biggest eating trigger of my entire year. I believed (and still believe) that if I could celebrate Thanksgiving, NOT feel deprived, EAT all of my traditional foods, and STILL stay under calories, I could do it ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANY DAY. I have defeated the enemy, and the enemy was me.

    P.S. I watched my equally overweight brother-in-law stuff his face with two heaping platefuls of fatty foods, two platefuls of assorted desserts, and handful after handful of party mix, nuts, and candy. Did NOT miss it a bit.

    This is awesome! I hear ya though- especially cause its family, you love them, you want them to feel better. So knowing what all that extra food is doing to them hurts- but, all nothing is more motivating than success. Hopefully when your brother is ready, he'll reach out for support :)
  • msshiraz
    msshiraz Posts: 327 Member
    I had some pieces of fruit and a handful of pecans for breakfast since I was cutting up a bunch for the fruit salad.

    Lunch was a couple tablespoons of homemade spinach dip with tortilla chips.

    For dinner, I had a bunch of turkey, a little scoop of potatoes with no butter (they had milk in them), green beans, a roll, and a piece of sugar-free cherry pie. I drank water during dinner and had coffee with Splenda with my pie.

    I ended up under my calories by 300, and we're going out dancing with some friends later, so I'm pretty pleased. :) We might get some snacks around 2:00 AM since I'm going to burn a bunch of calories and I'm under my goal anyway. We're in Albuquerque, and the night wouldn't be complete without a drunken trip to Frontier for some tacos and lemonade. :)

    Do you live in Albuquerque? I do! And yes, I love Frontier- who doesn't? But, I haven't been in a long time (one of my weekly staples was taking home their flour tortillas each week................seriously melt in your mouth fantastic..........which is why I don't go )
  • Stayed within calorie limits. I prepared the meals for four of us - ham, baked potatoes, corn, crescent rolls, carrots, cranberry sauce. I used portion control enjoyed it all. No wine today!

    Baked a cherry/apple pie -- sent most of it home with son.

    We hand washed the pickup truck this afternoon, as well as yard and animal chores around the farm.

    Best part was telling son he could drive the truck (1950 Chev) but if he tore it up he'd be buying it!!!! hehe! He's not old enough to drive it yet - except in the driveway! hehe!

    I still have a 30 minute bike ride planned before I go to bed! Ah, but the reclincer is sooooo comfy after being on my feet all day!
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
  • fg8585
    fg8585 Posts: 110 Member
    Had a bit of turkey meat no skin, a bit of corn and some mashed potatoes with the skin in it. Didn't go over my calorie limit and really don't want to get more food at this point.
  • I went way over. Between my mother's Thanksgiving and my sister-in-laws, I ate way too much. Plus, with having to work, I was unable to exercise. I still had a wonderful day though, so its not a total loss.
  • tidesong
    tidesong Posts: 451 Member
    Yep, I stayed under my calorie limit. I took small (even tiny) portions of everything I wanted. Drank only water. Had everything I wanted, just in small portion sizes. I'm very proud of myself!

    Also got in my 30 Day Shred workout this morning, and went for a 1.2 mile walk after dinner. :)
  • Those stories are sad :cry:
  • I stayed under in my calories which seemed like it was going to be hard since I did all the cooking. I was so proud of myself I stayed under on everything including sodium. I had a small breakfast and then for lunch I ate vegetables and almonds with a small piece of cheese. Then I had my dinner which was light but still getting in my turkey. As for dessert which use to be a Huge down fall I had a pumpkin pie protein shake which was AMAZING and really helped with the craving for dessert.
  • Yes!! We went to my aunt's for Thanksgiving as usual, and she does a buffet style dinner... I picked white turkey meat, mashed potatoes and tons, TONS of parsnips (I love parsnips) and carrots.. It was so satisfying and I was so full my tummy actually literally hurt. I was so full, that I didn't even fall for my aunts yummi pumkin pie. Before dinner, I made a "plan" to first go for the more healthy stuff and see how full it gets me, but if I crave any other stuff on the table Im not going to say no, I mean, its Thanksgiving. But hey, my plan worked and I was super stuffed.

    After dinner, brought my daughter to bed and head to the gym and burned 463 cals. Yay me :))

    Usually Thanksgiving is my downfall, this year was a success in my book. :)) Im really proud of myself that I actually was under my daily allowance... ON THANKSGIVING. :D

    Hope everyone had a great time and enjoyed their Thanksgiving!
  • rozeltf
    rozeltf Posts: 23 Member
    Ran a race this morning and never even considered tracking today.
  • Lady_Bane
    Lady_Bane Posts: 720 Member
    Tons of veggies and turkey. Tiny portions of taters and stuffing. Plus I slammed it hard at the gym this morning.....
  • I thought I was under until I realized I hadn't included the appetizers, over by 610. Managed to stay way under with the fat and carbs so that's good. Had a great day, no drama :)

    Back on the wagon tomorrow!
  • murphette2
    murphette2 Posts: 75 Member
    My plan was to stick with 1/2 cup (guessing) servings at the family Thanksgiving and not go back for seconds. I had extra yams instead of mashed potatoes and gravy because that's my favorite! I ended up being a little over but not too bad and I didn't have that TOTALLY SICK feeling that usually happens on Thanksgiving so I am pretty happy with my day
  • BroiledNotFried
    BroiledNotFried Posts: 446 Member
    I came in under, vut was on my feet the whole day.
  • reid95
    reid95 Posts: 18 Member
    Nope I didnt really care too much today, everyone needs a splurge and today was mine. I'll hopefully be on a very strict diet until Feb. if i make varsity wrestling
  • Stayed under by living in Australia. hehe ;)
  • I started my morning with some of cardio to give me extra calories. I had a coffee for breakfast and nothing else. I went all out pig style around three, not feeling hungry now and under :-)
  • MaryRegs
    MaryRegs Posts: 272 Member
    I stayed under my limit-and ate mostly vegetables. Roasted the sweet potatoes instead of saucing and sugaring them...ate one roll as a treat, but limited my portions and did not feel the least bit deprived. YES...I am proud of myself!
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