The Original Power 90 Check In?



  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I Finally did 7 inside pushups this morning! I hate 777 pushups! They hurt soooo good!! Tomorrow is weigh in!!!! Can't weight!!(wait)
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    cool roy! 777 be damned! I remember the first time i completed 777 pushups, it felt good.

    by the way, wait til you try decline pushups for the first time, I was like WTF! fast forward to today. I did 20 for the first time!!!

    PS. I'll race you to 60 pounds lost young cat! be warned i have a secret strategy!
  • jwilli
    jwilli Posts: 26
    uhh cant sleep.

    I remembered the question about rest days. I think it is more benficial (for me) to do 2 rest days a week (like roy). But I like doing 3 days p90, 1 rest, 2 p90, 1 rest. etc. I think your bod can recover better which is more beneficial than buring out on day 6. REmember though this means you have to work out 15 weeks instead of 13 weeks to hit the full 90 days. I think if you are taking the right supplments though the body can eventually recover enough to do 6 days straight but most of us are not there, and maybe not taking the supplements.

    Has anyone noticed better results with the supplments? Im taking citrimax, various amino acid forms, ZMA, which is supposed to help recovery, and drinking soy protein shakes. I cant tell if its working but I think it is since im now packing heat in my pecs. :drinker:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Oh thats very nice jwilli!!! Your on for a race buddy! Down 6 pounds since last tuesday! Yea I pretty much destroy my self. On my rest days, I probably don't do a whole lot of resting. Always doing something. I just can't seem to sit down anymore! Any way I am really enjoying it!

    Hope all is great with everyone else!! Welcom to Tuesday!!!!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    OK i'm going to give it another go at day one and if I don't make it all the way through without stopping im not going to get down on myself and just keep going with the my official power 90 start date is today the 16th...and i'm going to go weigh myself and update my weight cause i prob put on a few pounds grr lol ....hope everyone is doing better and congrats on the accomplishing the 777 pushups roy....although i dont quite know what that is and im somewhat afraid to find out lol cause it sounds really hard to do
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Oh dear 777 pushups suck bad........... I hate em. But thankful that I can now do them! Stick with it! You can do it!

    I mean, if I can do it, anyone can. I was lazy and addicted to soda and fast food. I ate that junk everyday for a meal. Now I can't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole! Now all I want to do is excercise! I want to sweat it out! I want to scream it to the world! AAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    ok poop I got better but still didnt make it all the way through without stopping...but I improved a whole 5 mins longer than last now i've only got 15 mins left to do woot woot....*taking a quick breathing drinking some water and going back at this damn deathly tape*

    p.s. that should say breather and instead of tape Dvd
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    You really atleast watch the last of the video and atleast attempt the stuff. You can't build a bridge without the placement of the stones! Its worth a shot! I couldn't do half the stuff in there when I started.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    You really atleast watch the last of the video and atleast attempt the stuff. You can't build a bridge without the placement of the stones! Its worth a shot! I couldn't do half the stuff in there when I started.
    I finished my first full day of power 90 and i took the break when they did i just extended it to another minute and a half :bigsmile:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Now remember this program is made so to minimize down time. This is to keep your pulse up. Its the "fat burning zone". I guess its ok if your just starting out. Just don't make a habit out of it. I know its hard. I also know it works.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Oh and are you tired or burned out from excercise when you decide to stop. If you are tired you may not be eating enough to fuel your muscles. Burn deep in those muscles is what you want. You want to be sore when you are through. Its a sign that real damage has been done and your just not "out of fuel". Keep us updated.

    Oh and I just want everyone to excell to the best of their abilities. I hope I don't sound like I'm trying to tell you what to do. I just have a genuine concern in your well being.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Oh and are you tired or burned out from excercise when you decide to stop. If you are tired you may not be eating enough to fuel your muscles. Burn deep in those muscles is what you want. You want to be sore when you are through. Its a sign that real damage has been done and your just not "out of fuel". Keep us updated.

    Oh and I just want everyone to excell to the best of their abilities. I hope I don't sound like I'm trying to tell you what to do. I just have a genuine concern in your well being.
    :smile: I know hun, I used to be a hardcore workout/health nut when I was 17 I know what I'm supposed to be doing, but I havent been getting even close to the right caloric intake....its been a hectic week and my sleep schedules been thrown off so it affects what I eat....butttttt I'm slowly getting back into it...I was doing goo all last summer-late november....and then with the cold weather came the now I'm pretty much restarting from scratch lol well no not really still 14 lbs lighter.... I dont think I'll be taking extended breaks once i start to get back into the swing of things again, but at the same time I dont want to over exert my body with the low cals I've been eating lately and the lack there of sleep ...:flowerforyou: but I do appreciate the concern hun tyvm :flowerforyou:
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Come on guys! Where you at? I wanna hear your progress!!!!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Come on guys! Where you at? I wanna hear your progress!!!!
    did my days backwards lol...I had no problem doing the circuit sculpting today...its the cardio i have trouble with...damn're u doing with it hun?
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I upped the ante on tuesday. Now I'm feelin and paying for it. Im tired as crazy. I also added a little more to compensate for the added caloric burn. Man I am tired. Still losing weight like a madman. Oh and my arms are poppin now! Its cool! And I can see my hip bones. Nice. I think I'll continue with this workout!
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    So I put Logan down for a nap and did the FBU workout for the first time...I made it 20mins in until my legs were all wobbley....And I still have the 1-2 circuit training to do later tonight...but on a good note I weighed myself today out of pure curiosity and I'm 3 lbs down from tuesday....I just want to drop another 1 pound before its tuesday again and the weeks over...woot!
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Ummm... Had my first screw up today. Woke up two and half hours late to an alarm clock going off. What a feeling I got after that. It was anger and disappointment. I couldn't work out this morning. I was two hours late for work. They were cool but it screwed up my day really bad. As a result my entire day sucked. Hope everyone else had a great day!
  • WrenLynn
    WrenLynn Posts: 213
    Sorry to hear about your bad start to the day! I had a bad morning as I found out my mom had a heart attack in the middle of the night. So spent good portion of day at the hospital and probably heading back there tonight so I might not get my work out in although I am going to do my best! When I did make it in to work I had wonderful news waiting for me. I got a big raise! I thank the Lord as he always provides and blesses more than I can even imagine. Hope everyone has a good night.
  • eguerrette
    eguerrette Posts: 27 Member
    Today was day 6 for me on the original Power 90- I've been alternative cardio and sculpting but doing the ab ripper everyday. I get a little winded during the cardio but nothing crazy.
    Should i be doing other cardio besides the dvd for weight loss? I still want to see results; will I get results with just the dvd's?
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    Don't worry too much about it day wont hurt anything just get back on track tomorrow....

    sorry to hear about your mom wren :frown: hopefully all goes well ...I'll keep her in my thoughts and say a prayer for her :flowerforyou:

    eguerrette ....I think the DVDs do the magic although it wont hurt to incorporate other cardio workouts if u want...did u get the fatburner disc with the set? I find that to be a good extra work out....I did that this morning and then the cardio later on in the night progress is going good...I'm only on day 3 but I've improved so much already....I went through the whole cardio work out without stopping except for the break that tony allows us.....But at this moment I have a love/hate relationship with Mr. Horton... lol :laugh: