Losing weigh to get pregnant!



  • AverageAngel
    AverageAngel Posts: 123 Member
    I am going to post, and then go back through and re read.. I am excited to see this. I am 30, married for 5 , together for 7 years. I want to lose 40 # before I get pg so that it isn't so hard to lose, POST baby. Well .. *maybe baby*.. I have Mirena, and it is done 08/13. I figure which ever comes first, the weight loss, or the mirena.. will try for 6 months.. then go back on mirena.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    That is sort of me...Getting pregnant is not in my ideal immediate future but it will be sometime down the road and I am TERRIFIED of gaining weight of any type, especially baby weight. I want to lose a lot before getting pregnant that way if I do end up gaining it back it won't be totally out of control. However, I know surprises come along, so I won't be floored if everything doesn't go according to plan...that's life.
  • ah27205
    ah27205 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm excited to see this post! I'm 26, with my fiance for 10 years now. I'm working on losing weight to hopefully help our chances of getting pregnant. I have PCOS, endometriosis as well as a bicornuate uterus..so my chances are slim but I want to drop as much weight as I can to help our chances.

    Feel free to add me...I've lost weight before and gained it back, hoping this time I have enough motivation to stick with it!
  • AnaVerasGettingFit
    AnaVerasGettingFit Posts: 109 Member
    I am also planning on ttc once I lose weight. Many tell me I should just start trying while I'm at this bigger weight because I will be gaining anyway.... but is it selfish of me that I want to lose weight, first, even though I know I'm not getting any younger? Feel free to add me, ladies!
  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Keep in mind that you should likely get in to see an OB/GYN to make sure everything's ready to go.

    I had trouble conceiving and even if I had gotten to a healthy weight, I still wouldn't have been able to conceive because I have auto-immune antibodies that make my blood clot too quickly - so if by some miracle, the egg went down the tube that ISN'T blocked and tried to implant, my blood would clot all around it and it would auto-abort before even really getting a chance to start growing. No amount of weight loss would change that or keep it from happening.

    I also have a hormone imbalance and wasn't ovulating. Most doctors will have you do a BBT chart (Basal Body Temperature chart) for 2 months. That's where you take your temperature each morning before getting out of bed, before going to the bathroom, and chart it. The chart should look like a standard bell curve. If it looks like the rocky mountains (mine did), it usually means something's up. Not trying to scare you - just there's a lot of things that most people don't realize can affect trying to conceive - hormone imbalances, blocked tubes, autoimmune issues, thyroid issues, annovulation, etc. etc. etc.

    (After I did 2 months of the BBT, I went in for a blood test, and they discovered a hormone imbalance too. Everything they found with me that was preventing me from getting pregnant was something they could do something about, and I now have two beautiful daughters.)

    If I can answer any questions or help further, let me know.
  • JennyV2013
    JennyV2013 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm late to this post but also working to lose 30-60 pounds before TTC. I'm anxious to start trying but will hold out until April at the earliest. I really need to focus and get this weight off before then!
  • shinesunfish
    shinesunfish Posts: 93 Member
    My husband and I have been ttc for about 5 months (though we haven't started being aggressive about it yet...) Nice to know so many people are in the same boat, especially since I don't really want to talk about it with most friends/family members because I feel like it's enough pressure with just the two of us knowing! But even though I don't have any wieght-related health issues yet, I am very fearful that it is a reason we haven't conceived yet. This isn't the best sentance, but, yes, I am in the exact same boat!
  • suckerlove
    It is the reason I am on this journey. We have been TTC for 6 years and have suffered 1 miscarriage. I am 38 and on a mission to get pregnant by the time I am 39. Feel free to add me.
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    I have very normal periods. I haven't been diagnosed with anything like PCOS yet but I'm sure it could be a possiblity given how heavy I am.

    If you have normal periods while on birth control you don't really know if you have normal periods. If you have normal periods not on birth control you are probably fine and don't have anything to worry about.

    That being said, I am just barely in the "overweight" category but my husband and I want to start TTC soon and everything I have read says that it is easier to get pregnant if you are in good health and that labor is easier if you are a healthy weight and in good shape so while yes I want to look a certain way I also have decided that I need to be more active and work on muscle tone etc more so that I can do everything in my power to make sure I am as healthy as possible when I do get pregnant and continue that way as much as possible to make sure that the entire pregnancy and labor go as smoothly as possible and to get my self back to healthy shape as quickly as possible after labor so my baby has a healthy mommy.
  • justjenny
    justjenny Posts: 529 Member
    Bumping to read later