Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,754 Member
    If I could make a suggestion, it would be to skip the elliptical and do Slim & Limber all six days. Doing Slim & 6-Pack three days is perfect. It's my favorite ab workout ever — even better than Ab Ripper X from P90X, in my opinion. Have fun!
  • bbgirl
    bbgirl Posts: 49 Member
    I'll join you. Like you I have tried to get through this program several times and never had. Maybe with a little motivation from friends I can do it.
  • daniellevargas
    I would like to join. I have done sli in 6 three times this week. My only problem is I dont know what to record under exercise. I have those days as showing I did nothing and it driving me nuts. How do you calulate the calories burned???? Having workout buddies is gonna be great!:happy:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hello Girls

    I received my dvd's in the mail yesterday :bigsmile:

    I'm watching them today.. to see what I am in for .

    Thinking about the commitment.... ( I always give up ) The SI6 Simple Steps says-

    "Do you think that you can devote an hour to reshape your body for 36 days? That is all it will take to change your body and your life" Is it that simple????? I hope so I'm ready to give it a shot!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Danielle: I have a heart rate monitor so I wouldnt know what to put it under..sorry :(

    Callie: Awesome that you got your dvds now you can start with us on monday! Since we have all failed alone that means we are going to succeed together!!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,754 Member
    I always recorded my minutes as "Aerobics, general" for everything but the Slim & Limber, which I counted as "Stretching, hatha yoga." I had my daily activity set at lightly active (even though I have a desk job) and my weight-loss goal set to lose 1 pound a week. I don't know how that would work for someone else, but that combination had me losing about a pound a week. Whatever you do, choose a method and stick with it for a bit to see if it's working for you (both in results and how you feel; they are equally important in my opinion).

    Good luck, and have fun!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Danielle: I have a heart rate monitor so I wouldnt know what to put it under..sorry :(

    Callie: Awesome that you got your dvds now you can start with us on monday! Since we have all failed alone that means we are going to succeed together!!!

    I agree.... there is strength in numbers!!!

    I viewed Start it up... it looked easy naturally but I know it 's NOT gonna be. Debbie Siebers is a little mono tone through it. But gives good cues on form.. it definitely looks like a sound w/o!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jill and you also Scoobie

    PLEASE keep sharing advice... we want to have the super success you have had w/ SI6.

    Can you give us a run down of your 1st week on the program?

    What did you add w/ Start it up?

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,754 Member
    My first day, I did Slim & 6-Pack, Start It Up, and Slim & Limber. I like to do 6-P first on the days I do it (three a week) so that when I'm done with my regular workout, I can go straight to the relaxing Slim & Limber (which I did six days a week).

    I moved to Ramp It Up my third or fourth day (but I was already working out regularly, so some might do well to stay with Start it Up the entire first week). Then I finished out that first week and did another week of Ramp It Up (still doing 6-Pack three times a week and S&L six times).

    Then I did four weeks of Burn It Up hell. It was hard, but I'm glad I did it. Do not discouraged if it's hard for you too. It's supposed to be. It's as challenging as any P90X workout I've ever done, and I'm not kidding.

    After the six weeks, I took a week off. In hindsight, I would definitely take a recovery week, but I wouldn't take it off completely. I'd probably do a combo of Start It Up and Slim & Limber, alternating days for a week.

    After my week off, and for several months, I did S&6-Pack/Cardio Core Express/Slim & Limber one day and Ramp It Up/Slim & Limber the next. It's less grueling than the initial six weeks, but it's still enough to keep burning the fat.

    Now I'm doing Slim Series, which gives me more variety and challenges me a little more, but I could have easily stuck to the above rotation for a long time. I just wanted to mix things up after doing the same things for basically six months, and I didn't feel like doing P90X again, although I probably will once I get to my goal, which to be below 20% body fat (about 135 pounds probably).

    Hope that was more helpful than confusing!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Wow.... Jill.. what a plan... and best of all IT'S WORKING for you!!

    Once I get more familiar w/ SI6 and actually do the w/o's it will be more clear.

    Thanks for sharing and inspiring us. P90X here you come!! :smile:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689

    Yip-ee :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    I did Start it Up for only the first 2 days because I'm a regular exerciser - I know others perfer to stick with that the first week and that's cool, too. Once I got comfortable with Ramp it Up, I added Cardio Core Express to those days also. Every now and then, I'd throw in Slim & 6 pack or Slim & Limber - but not nearly enough! S&L would have helped SO much with all that muscle soreness.

    I moved on to Burn it Up after 2 weeks; and whoa...that is STILL a great workout for me. I didn't follow the SI6 schedule though (my bad) as I rotated a day of BIU with my regular gym workouts every other day. Or I would do RIU & Cardio Core Express instead. I figured if I didn't prevent that boredom, I might not make it through lol.

    After that I was chomping at the bit for MORE of Debbie (imagine that??) and ordered her Slim Series program. And thanks to Jill here whose posts I was checking out in the other Slim in 6 thread who had just started that series. After reading how much she was liking them - I ordered them right away and have been doing them since. 6 different workouts, amazing! Great variety and I am continually challenged for sure! Right now, I am rotating the Slim Series dvds and gym workouts still. I would totally be at goal by now if I could QUIT eating junk. :ohwell: For me, exercise is the easier part; clean eating is soooo hard for me.

    Tomorrow is your day! Go for it!!! Good luck!
    SLUNDIN1 Posts: 5
    Okay ladies here we go, day #1, I am excited, slept in this morning so I will have to start tonight I did get my weight but I also want to do measurements and take a photo so I have lots to do tonight after work. =) I usually prefer to work out in the morning I tend to find to many excuses at night not to so today should be interesting but I know with the support of a great group we can do this!! Check back in later after my work out.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well day 1 complete!!!

    I did Slim & 6 Pack and then Start it up. I remembered all the moves which was good but I really hate lunges and push ups!!!! I need to improve on my push ups not very good at them. I burned 269 calories.

    I forgot last night to get my measurements and pic done so Ill be doing that tonight.

    I want to burn 3500 calories a week so working out 6 days a week that means I need to burn 600 calories per day. I think I might do the elliptical and then slim & limber.

    Hope everyday got through day 1 ok. Cant wait to hear how your first workout went!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    I did Start it Up for only the first 2 days because I'm a regular exerciser - I know others perfer to stick with that the first week and that's cool, too. Once I got comfortable with Ramp it Up, I added Cardio Core Express to those days also. Every now and then, I'd throw in Slim & 6 pack or Slim & Limber - but not nearly enough! S&L would have helped SO much with all that muscle soreness.

    I moved on to Burn it Up after 2 weeks; and whoa...that is STILL a great workout for me. I didn't follow the SI6 schedule though (my bad) as I rotated a day of BIU with my regular gym workouts every other day. Or I would do RIU & Cardio Core Express instead. I figured if I didn't prevent that boredom, I might not make it through lol.

    After that I was chomping at the bit for MORE of Debbie (imagine that??) and ordered her Slim Series program. And thanks to Jill here whose posts I was checking out in the other Slim in 6 thread who had just started that series. After reading how much she was liking them - I ordered them right away and have been doing them since. 6 different workouts, amazing! Great variety and I am continually challenged for sure! Right now, I am rotating the Slim Series dvds and gym workouts still. I would totally be at goal by now if I could QUIT eating junk. :ohwell: For me, exercise is the easier part; clean eating is soooo hard for me.

    Tomorrow is your day! Go for it!!! Good luck!

    Hi Scoobee

    Thanks for your imput !!! I completely understand...... the crappie junk food gets in my way also. But your doing something right..... 61.1 lbs down ... AMAZING!!! Congatulations :flowerforyou: I hope to get hooked on DS... the Slim series sounds great!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Well day 1 complete!!!

    I did Slim & 6 Pack and then Start it up. I remembered all the moves which was good but I really hate lunges and push ups!!!! I need to improve on my push ups not very good at them. I burned 269 calories.

    I forgot last night to get my measurements and pic done so Ill be doing that tonight.

    I want to burn 3500 calories a week so working out 6 days a week that means I need to burn 600 calories per day. I think I might do the elliptical and then slim & limber.

    Hope everyday got through day 1 ok. Cant wait to hear how your first workout went!

    GOOD JOB Sweettart :smile:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Well I got my 1st SI6 w/o done this am!!

    I really- really liked it : I did Slim & 6 pk, Start it up & then Slim & Limber as suggested by Jill.

    I cant beleive how out of shape I am!! The crunches were to much for my neck so I rested it down every now and again. I could of done the Slim & Limber... AGAIN!!! Think thats going to be my favorite!!!

    Onto to tomorrow for round 2!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Callie: I felt the same way about my neck after slim & 6 pack.

    This afternoon I did 20mins on the elliptical and then slim & limber and it felt awesome!!!

    Usually after the first day of all the squats and lunges I can hardly walk for the rest of the week but Im sure I will be ok tomorrow!!!

    Where is everyone?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Jenn Doing those double w/o will burn the calories you want this week. Keep going, your doing GREAT!

    Well see on the soreness.. hope I am a bit.... knowing its working. Dont know... maybe most do in the evening?!?!