I'm 5/4 how much do I need to weigh for a thigh gap?



  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    A thigh gap" mmmmmmmmmm um ill never have one , its never crossed my mind
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    Just walk around like you're in the wild west.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    What the H IS a thigh gap? I thought I knew but think I've been confused.

    when your ankles are touching and there is a gap between your thighs, sometimes knees too
  • Kristen_nicole95
    Kristen_nicole95 Posts: 112 Member

  • I am 5'6" and 145lbs and I have a thigh gap (I hate it and have never thought it was attractive on anyone). They seem to be "in style" for all the young, vainity driven teens girls who only care about appearance. It is pretty sad to me when I see young females try to convince themselves that it is ok to starve themselves and get to an unhealthy low weight just to impress others. I just hope they learn their lesson before its to late.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    RavenHersh, don't be hating on yourself! You are who you are - as you said, many women aspire to have one!

    I too have the gap, and it showed up when I hit around the 140 mark. I also have narrow hips, so I can't figure out that part ouit. My thighs are thin, but not scrawny.

    Whatever - I'm not gonna ask questions. I'm just gonna enjoy rocking those skinny jeans...
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Congrats on your 125 lb loss, btw! I know what you mean about never going back...
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Not sure this is the right site to be asking that question... after all, this is a FITNESS website and most people who have read this are shaking their heads in disgust...

    This ridiculous site is probably more your style... http://www.skinnygossip.com/
  • half_moon
    half_moon Posts: 807 Member
    Not sure this is the right site to be asking that question... after all, this is a FITNESS website and most people who have read this are shaking their heads in disgust...

    This ridiculous site is probably more your style... http://www.skinnygossip.com/

  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    just put a cheese wedge between your legs at night. it will make your southern states smell like gouda, but should give you the desired look.
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Please look up the meaning of that word - she is an 18 year old girl and there is nothing to indicate that she is a troll
    Here you go - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet)

    First post? Really your all that gullible?
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    I used to think a thigh gap was a strange euphemism for vagina.
  • TriShamelessly
    TriShamelessly Posts: 905 Member
    Tough to answer. I think muscle mass is more important than actual weight. Not the most satisfying answer, I know, but it's the truth. I would say stop trying to lose weight since your weight is ok, and start focusing on building muscle.

  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    I used to think a thigh gap was a strange euphemism for vagina.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Rynatat
    Rynatat Posts: 807 Member
    If you have kids one day, your body will produce relaxin, a hormone which will allow your tendons and ligaments to loosen somewhat. The arrangement of your femurs and pelvis with respect to each other will likely change, and certainly, if you give birth vaginally, you can expect some distortion of your current physiology in a way that may be permanent. In such instances you probably will have created the gap you seek.


    So THAT's why my husband wants me to start pushing out the kids... JK!

    Seriously - genetics are everything. I'm still working on burning off my fat & building muscle, and at 18.6% BF I have little to no muffin top. On the other hand, my Baby Sister who has 16% BF has a muffin top that she's yet to tone down, no matter how much she works out or changes her diet. Same family, same parents, different genetic coding.

    What you want and what you get are seldom in concert with each other. Learn to love you (and yes, I realize how corny that sounds!). It's taken me over 35 years to figure that out for me and I am finally loving the real me instead of trying to be someone else and NOW is when I'm getting noticed. Learn from others mistakes and avoid being too late to love you. Time flies and truly does pass quicker the older we get. Avoid wasting your time on trivials that are beyond your control and make yourself stronger inside & out - the world will notice.
  • Josie_lifting_cats
    Josie_lifting_cats Posts: 949 Member

    I wish Ron Swanson would marry me....
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    just put a cheese wedge between your legs at night. it will make your southern states smell like gouda, but should give you the desired look.

    LOL LOL LOL and lol some more.
  • jetscreaminagain
    jetscreaminagain Posts: 1,130 Member
    Thigh gap obsession is lame.

    (not thigh gaps. Not lack of thigh gap. Just the ridiculous obsession with this non-measurment of fitness and non-measurement of beauty)

    Just stand with your legs further apart if you want your thighs not to touch, and maybe find a different measurement of success. One that is related to progress.
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I have one...just means I have wide hips. If you look in my pictures, I just put one up to demonstrate. I want the diamond (though I think it looks more like a heart), where the legs touch, except at the top. Very sexy, but it will never happen on me, unless I really bulk up my thighs :sad: Can't have it all!!!
  • c2111
    c2111 Posts: 693 Member
    What the H IS a thigh gap? I thought I knew but think I've been confused.

    when your ankles are touching and there is a gap between your thighs, sometimes knees too

    I just tried this out and i have a gap about 2 inches never knew I had it or that it was something people wanted, my point being Im a lot heavier than OP and have a gap, so maybe try working out and gain some weight. (muscle & tone)
  • RiverDancer68
    RiverDancer68 Posts: 221 Member
    I have one...just means I have wide hips. If you look in my pictures, I just put one up to demonstrate. I want the diamond (though I think it looks more like a heart), where the legs touch, except at the top. Very sexy, but it will never happen on me, unless I really bulk up my thighs :sad: Can't have it all!!!

    And, I am being sarcastic with the last sentence :huh: Just in case it wasn't clear!

    Love your body for what it is! You (OP) are tiny and getting down to your goal weight will make you tinier....but you may never have a thigh gap, so please love yourself enough to be ok with that possiblity!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Ahh to be 18 and your only worry in life is to have a gap between your thighs.....:sad: :laugh:
  • I weigh 91 lbs(with a thigh gap) at 5'4... (used to be 160 last year at 5'2) but as you can probably guess; I am not a healthy person. A thigh gap doesn't define who you are trust me. Don't stress the stupid **** to fit "society's" expectations because you will dig yourself into a hole you may not be able to get out of. Just be you, even if you've heard it a billion times your gorgeous the way you are... I honestly wish I would've listened to everyone when they told me this; because I'm on a downward slope, and it may lead to the death of me. So please don't worry. Ya know Marilyn Monroe used to sponsor a company that helped women to gain weight. I believe if the world stops being so judgemental and crude to each other we can achieve a greatness past our usual brain capacity- to live a life focusing on your true potential instead of body image. So believe me when I say thigh gaps don't make you who you are, all they do is help you succeed in finding others even more judgmental than your mind !

    Ps: sorry I just see these posts alot and it concerns me to know you may care about your image just as much as me. I apologize if I crossed a line I just needed you and the rest of the reading viewers to know the truth.
  • alexrenner2013
    alexrenner2013 Posts: 13 Member
    I believe that it also depends on the exercises you do too. like, doing squats and inner leg exercises will just build the muscle up and make it more difficult. doing ab and arm exercises could be beneficial. the only real way to achieve a thigh gap at your weight would be by surgery or an ED, which isn't something to mess around with. I suggest just keep what youre doing as far as meals the same and just work on the fat. if youre skinny-fat,muscle building would be the best option. if youre already mostly muscle, I don't think theres much you can do.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I don't understand why delusional girls are equating this thigh gap thing with being beautiful. I am pretty sure guys don't care if we have a gap between our thighs just as long as they open.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    How fat do I have to get to have hips? The answere is: never gonna happen. I have weighed 153 lbs and I did not have hips--I had big boobs and a fat gut but no hips, no butt. Why? That is how my body is designed. I am an inverted triangle. I will never look like Marilyn Monroe or Beyonce. But I can look as good as possible for my body style--that is my aim. Don't try to achieve something that isn't in your genetic make up. I am 5'4 132 lbs and I have a thigh gap but no hips.

    Yep , we just have to accept how we are built and learn to love it.

    I have the biggest hips lol - No thigh gap ever - even when I weighed 118 forever ago . big hips, big thighs, big but, little bitty boobies:( I had 42 size hips and 22 inch waist :( I guess it'll still be that way when I lose all this excess fat , but this time I'm going to love it for what it is .

    OP I hope you find what ever you need to make you happy with your body .

  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    I don't understand why delusional girls are equating this thigh gap thing with being beautiful. I am pretty sure guys don't care if we have a gap between our thighs just as long as they open.

    laughed at this !!