Obese mannequin offends some...



  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    The mannequin just looks, weird.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member

    Also that article is a disgusting piece of vomit.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Yeah.... Design fail. I have no qualms about having plus size mannequins. That ones just freaky though.
    Cold hard truth.... People are getting bigger. Sort of leads to larger display models
  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    I think maybe there was an accidental head swap that happened with these 2 stores.

    This is at a "Big size" store in South Korea that I saw the other day. A bit of a different approach lol.

  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    Some stores have used "plus size" mannequins for years, but they're proportioned correctly--this one looks weird because the head is so small.

    If people are offended, *kitten* em...I mean, really? We should treat all people with respect...having a plus size mannequin or doll or whatever doesn't mean that we're saying that being significantly overweight is healthy, because for many of us it's not. It's just acknowledging that there ARE all different types of people in this world.
  • feistyhorsegal
    feistyhorsegal Posts: 109 Member
    yeah the head is too small, it looks bizzarre
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I think maybe there was an accidental head swap that happened with these 2 stores.

    This is at a "Big size" store in South Korea that I saw the other day. A bit of a different approach lol.


  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    yeah the head is too small, it looks bizzarre

    The head obviously was not made to go with the body, however fat people do not magically have any larger heads than thin people so I get why they wouldn't make a plus-sized head o_O
    QTRARO Posts: 75 Member
    hahaha it's ridiculous the size of the head to the body.. it's all mismatched.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Yeah, I'm torn.

    On the one hand, I think that overweight and obese people should be able to see how the clothes look on them.

    On the other hand, I don't think that society should modify itself to make sure that people living unhealthy lifestyles are accepted. And while I dislike grown adults making poor health choices, I really really don't like them passing these habits on to their children.

    So, overall, I'm pro having the obese mannequins, but I think we still need to do something to promote healthy lifestyle choices at the society level.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Yeah, I'm torn.

    On the one hand, I think that overweight and obese people should be able to see how the clothes look on them.

    On the other hand, I don't think that society should modify itself to make sure that people living unhealthy lifestyles are accepted. And while I dislike grown adults making poor health choices, I really really don't like them passing these habits on to their children.

    So, overall, I'm pro having the obese mannequins, but I think we still need to do something to promote healthy lifestyle choices at the society level.

    Because not having mannequins in our size has made fat people any thinner?
    Like I'm gonna go out and have 10 big macs the moment I see a mannequin in my size saying "THE MANNEQUIN MADE BEING FAT LOOK SO MUCH FUN"

    Ps Fat doesn't equal unhealthy kthxbai.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    yeah the head is too small, it looks bizzarre

    The head obviously was not made to go with the body, however fat people do not magically have any larger heads than thin people so I get why they wouldn't make a plus-sized head o_O

    I don't think the problem is so much that the mannequin needs to have a plus size head.....it just doesn't look good. Maybe if they did a better job of making it look like a normal fat/big person then it wouldn't look so weird.

    I do like the idea of different sized mannequins. We're not all a size 0
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    yeah the head is too small, it looks bizzarre

    The head obviously was not made to go with the body, however fat people do not magically have any larger heads than thin people so I get why they wouldn't make a plus-sized head o_O

    I don't think the problem is so much that the mannequin needs to have a plus size head.....it just doesn't look good. Maybe if they did a better job of making it look like a normal fat/big person then it wouldn't look so weird.

    I do like the idea of different sized mannequins. We're not all a size 0

    Agreed. If they want to represent fat people, they shouldn't do such a half-assed job of it.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    yeah the head is too small, it looks bizzarre

    The head obviously was not made to go with the body, however fat people do not magically have any larger heads than thin people so I get why they wouldn't make a plus-sized head o_O

    I don't think the problem is so much that the mannequin needs to have a plus size head.....it just doesn't look good. Maybe if they did a better job of making it look like a normal fat/big person then it wouldn't look so weird.

    I do like the idea of different sized mannequins. We're not all a size 0

    Agreed. If they want to represent fat people, they shouldn't do such a half-assed job of it.

    I'm resisting the urge to make a comment about "half assing" it. :laugh: :laugh:
    But yes, that's exactly what they did in this situation.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    yeah the head is too small, it looks bizzarre

    The head obviously was not made to go with the body, however fat people do not magically have any larger heads than thin people so I get why they wouldn't make a plus-sized head o_O

    I don't think the problem is so much that the mannequin needs to have a plus size head.....it just doesn't look good. Maybe if they did a better job of making it look like a normal fat/big person then it wouldn't look so weird.

    I do like the idea of different sized mannequins. We're not all a size 0

    Agreed. If they want to represent fat people, they shouldn't do such a half-assed job of it.

    I'm resisting the urge to make a comment about "half assing" it. :laugh: :laugh:
    But yes, that's exactly what they did in this situation.

  • celshade
    celshade Posts: 131 Member
    People weren't offended that there was a fat mannequin. The title was copying a post that actually DID offend many people, which can be found here : http://www.reddit.com/r/WTF/comments/13polk/anyone_else_disgusted_that_theyre_now_making/ The obese mannequin was posted to /WTF/ because it looks freaking weird with it's huge body, tiny head, and itty baby hands.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Yeah, I'm torn.

    On the one hand, I think that overweight and obese people should be able to see how the clothes look on them.

    On the other hand, I don't think that society should modify itself to make sure that people living unhealthy lifestyles are accepted. And while I dislike grown adults making poor health choices, I really really don't like them passing these habits on to their children.

    So, overall, I'm pro having the obese mannequins, but I think we still need to do something to promote healthy lifestyle choices at the society level.

    Because not having mannequins in our size has made fat people any thinner?
    Like I'm gonna go out and have 10 big macs the moment I see a mannequin in my size saying "THE MANNEQUIN MADE BEING FAT LOOK SO MUCH FUN"

    Ps Fat doesn't equal unhealthy kthxbai.

    Actually, 1) most people who are fat are actually living an unhealthy lifestyle, and 2) just carrying extra weight is unhealthy to a degree in that it effects your internal organs, like stressing the heart.

    And apparently I missed the point anyways. I really don't think the mannequin looks any more awkward than. The tiny sized mannequins, which I think often look funny and are always nipping weirdly.
  • everything offends reddit users. but as far as manequins go, the ones that offend me are the big booty ones in mexican stores. I think they are hot, but raise unreachable goals because not everyone has an apple bottom. :)
  • I don't think that society should modify itself to make sure that people living unhealthy lifestyles are accepted.

    Being rail thin is equally as detrimental to one's health.
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    "It's not fat, it's just big foamed."

    Ahhh, political correctness meets the marketing faux-pas. I find the entire article truly bizarre but this comment made me laugh. I know when I was THAT size, it was almost impossible to find clothes that 'fit'. I mostly wore elastic, stretchable sweat pants... not exactly the kind of clothing you would find on a mannequin in the first place.