not losing weight but doing Insanity???



  • leatitiaa
    leatitiaa Posts: 17
    Give it some time. You will notice change but for some it goes fast, for some it takes a little longer. Practice insanity for a minimum of 3 months, stick to your diet, eat your calories back and you will definitely see a massive change. Two weeks is nothing.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member
    I read somewhere that because your body is adjusting to the routine, your muscles may be holding on to water/sugars/etc for a while before the scale starts to show you results. I'm sure you've heard enough of how much you're not eating and wanted to offer that your body is probably going through serious adaptation issues as well. \m/
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    You guys realize this thread is 5 months old and someone bumped it for a question right?
  • secretgirl4611
    secretgirl4611 Posts: 474 Member
    Infact, do you have the nutrition guide it came with? If so workout the math it says to figure out exactly how many calories you need to eat while doin it... I was just like you started out around 1200 calories = NO WEIGHT LOSS AT ALL

    then I did the math part and Insanity wants me to eat 1900 calories and now im losing weight again :)

    Your body is in dire need of fuel.. you have it in starvation mode for sure....

    we easily burn anywhere from 300-1000 calories per Insanity workout so yea...

    Get to eating and keep working out, the weight will come off :)
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    OP, get a heart rate monitor so you know what your burn is per workout, and add that in. The HRM will ask your height, weight, age, and will use that and your heart rate to determine your burn. I would not add in the number of calories that a 6 foot 200lb male needs or suggests, as your burn will never be the same as his. P90x rule of thumb is 600 cal per workout; however even when I do p90x plyometrics I only burn around 350! Don't starve yourself- if you do you will find those workouts to be unmanageable. Eat back your exercise calories, but eat back YOUR exercise calories, and don't guess, use a HRM.

    Also be aware that if you are feeling sore after workouts, your muscles will likely swell as you retain water while they recover. During the first few weeks of training you may actually experience a gain because of this. Don't worry about it; that will go away.

    Weight loss should be a long-term thing for you to be successful. If you are exercising and eating at a deficit, you should lose weight. I have not lost much weight (only 8lbs total) over the last three months, but I have to say that I am fitting into clothes that I should have to weigh 6-8lb less to wear, so I have to believe I am doing some recomposition of my body. Doing Insanity you will become stronger and leaner, and hopefully in time you will worry less about the scale and more about how great you feel and how strong you are becoming.

    You may also want to look at this, an impressive and dramatic transformation where the OP actually GAINED a pound:

    Good Luck!
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    You guys realize this thread is 5 months old and someone bumped it for a question right?

    Oops, nope.

  • Sebnem123
    Sebnem123 Posts: 123 Member
    thank you guys...i am starting 2nd month today and i am going to eat 1600 calories.....
  • Liza20_31
    THANKS ALL... just started and wanted to know what to expect!!!
    <3, L.
  • AyaKara
    AyaKara Posts: 220
    Follow Dan's 'In Place of a Road Map'. I just started eating >1200 (net 800) recently & feel a difference. Eat 1500 net & see how it feels! Adjust every month based on how it feels; no changes, try 1600. Still none? 1700. If you have nothing at 1800, go to 1400 net -lowest-. Better yet, 1450. Good luck! :heart:
  • sugarcrane2
    I've been doing insanity on and off for a year and 2.5 weeks consistently and still not losing weight. I eat 1200-1400 cals a day, I went over 3 times these lats weeks but not more then 1550 those days. I don't want to eat the full 1700 as I suck at insanity and can barley make it through the first 2 sets of the warm ups. I take the oxyelite pro from GNC. Drink 6-8 cups of water and am 4.11 and 145 lbs. No weight loss to speak of, some inches but my fat jeans still fit. It's hard to keep pushing when nothing seems to be happening.
  • khall86790
    khall86790 Posts: 1,100 Member
    ok....i have been doing it for 2 weeks..

    You can't expect to lose a lot in 2 weeks. And you are probably holding water weight too which will adjust in another week or two and you may find you've dropped 3-4lb in week but really it's your body releasing that water weight.
    Also, you have been in starvation mode so now you are eating 1200 calories per day it's going to take your body some time to adjust to the fact you are giving it more food and to stop holding on to everything you give it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I've been doing insanity on and off for a year and 2.5 weeks consistently and still not losing weight. I eat 1200-1400 cals a day, I went over 3 times these lats weeks but not more then 1550 those days. I don't want to eat the full 1700 as I suck at insanity and can barley make it through the first 2 sets of the warm ups. I take the oxyelite pro from GNC. Drink 6-8 cups of water and am 4.11 and 145 lbs. No weight loss to speak of, some inches but my fat jeans still fit. It's hard to keep pushing when nothing seems to be happening.

    Why don't you want to follow the program as designed? Obviously, the designers of the program would know more about caloric needs than you right? Start fulling your body to really push yourself with this program and you will see the results. Eating too little will only make it harder to get the results but you will be able to push yourself harder in the program. I know girls that are 5'2 and 120 lbs eating over 2000 calories which this program so how about trying 1700 calories for a month. I can tell you first hand that I did 1800 calories doing p90x and didn't lose anything but then upped my calories to 2600 and did CLX and lost 16 lbs, and 3% body fat.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    you will be puttting on muscle probably, which weighs more than fat. but will still be losing body fat.

    Is it even humanly possible to add muscle eating 1000 or 1200 calories a day? She must be 80lbs
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    I am 142 lbs. 5'0", female, 33yrs old. I have been doing insanity for almost five weeks now (will be starting month two on Monday). I got the insanity DVDs from someone else so I don't have all the paperwork that came with it. I am not losing much weight. I've lost 3 lbs so far in almost 5 weeks!! I don't seem to be losing inches either, even though I do see my stomach flatter and feel so much better. I am not counting my calories every day, but I eat approximately 1600 on a daily basis and I do my best to keep it clean. Like 1 cup of oatmeal in the morning with 1 cup of milk (2%), and sometimes I add two eggs to my breakfast. Then for a snack I will have a banana and some peanut butter. For lunch a bowl of soup and a turkey sandwich or a can of tuna with a tomato (chopped) and two serrano peppers and some lime juice to it (sometimes I have a few crackers too). then for snack is almonds and some fruit, (orange, pear, grapefruit... etc). I feel great and not lack of energy at all. for dinner, it's chicken or fish, grilled or baked, or a baked potato with tons of broccoli, very little cheese and very very little sour cream... or a bowl of vegetable soup (loaded with green beans, cauliflower, cabbage, celery, tomatoes) and some chicken... anyway, you get my drift. I normally don't eat after dinner, so it's a total of three meals plus two snacks = 5.
    Am I not eating enough calories?

    I do insanity 6 times a week, I run 2.5 - 3 miles three times a week (either run or elliptical), and I do a 30 minute workout three times a week in the afternoon right before my run (or after depending on space), to work my legs, my arms, etc (I alternate days for upper body and lower body and those three days I work my core).

    can anyone guide me?

    I would say you are seriously underestimating your calorie intake. Start using MFP to log your real intake and go from there.
  • t2kburl
    t2kburl Posts: 123 Member
    I wasn't losing much at first either, as my body adapted to the new routine.
    Now I'm in the final week of Insanity and on pace to lose 20 lbs total.
    The losses really kicked in gear when I upped my intake from 1900 to 2400 per day. (I'm a 6'3" male)
    The insanity program works if you put the effort in to it.
    Follow the included nutrition guide or TDEE formulas while on the program, not baseline MFP, unless you can accurately record and eat back your calorie burn every day.
    You HAVE to EAT to succeed at Insanity!
  • sweetmel219
    sweetmel219 Posts: 5 Member
    That is not enough calories!!! U should never go below 1200 without exercise. With insanity depending on your weight you should at least be around 1400 a day.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    That is not enough calories!!! U should never go below 1200 without exercise. With insanity depending on your weight you should at least be around 1400 a day.

    I don't expect you read the rest of the thread, but that original post is over a year old.

    I doubt the original poster is still around to see your answer.
  • jen81uk
    jen81uk Posts: 177 Member
    I ate 1500 calories on p90x. That was last year at this time. I fell off the fitness track and after gaining back almost 10lbs, I am back in it. I also have a condition called PCOS which affects my blood sugars. Although I am not a diabetic, the treatment is a diabetic med. I was told that after I lost some weight I wouldn't have to take it anymore, but this doesn't seem to be the case. This condition makes it hard to lose weight as well. Anyway, it was much easier last time, so I will increase my calories and hope for the best. I was just being stupid and thinking that less calories would equal a fast weight loss. There is never an "easy/quick fix", just time, proper nutrition, and exercise! Lesson learned:)


    My friend thought she had PCOS (luckily she didn't have) and was put onto a low GI diet. She cut out things like bread, red meat and ate a lot of things like chickpeas, lentils and mixed beans. Changed to sweet potatoes as normal (apart from new) harder to digest, basmati rice, wholegrain cereals, feta and edam cheese, had semi skimmed milk etc as these would be easier to digest with PCOS. That's all I can remember off the top of my head. If you're not already doing this it may help with the weight loss?

  • Ssand_257
    Ssand_257 Posts: 90
    You aren't eating enough calories so the calories you are eating are being stored because your body is being stressed through workout and the low number of calories makes it think it needs to prepare for starvation mode. Although you are most definitely gaining muscle from insanity you need to increase your calorie count and the weight will start to melt off!

    I'm also doing insanity too, so if you need any motivation feel free to add me!
  • fyrsjel
    fyrsjel Posts: 2
    I am 250lb, 5'5", female. I just started doing insanity to the best of my ability. I just finished week one with my husband and I haven't lost any weight. I am so discouraged. I haven't counted how many calories I was eating but I would probably guess around 1200-1400.

    Any advice? Thanks!