Anybody who has gone off sugar completely ???



  • RDawn7
    RDawn7 Posts: 38
    I have been reading about the pros and cons of honey vs sugar. In my opinion , everyone is different, and if you feel better using honey, then go for it. If you are trying to lose weight, you just have to watch the caloric intake. I have been sugar free, but that is only because I am diabetic. I substitute fruit when I'm getting a bad craving for sugar, but I don't eat bananas. Also, I use Stevia, which is sugar substitute. Good luck sweetie.
  • paperhawk
    paperhawk Posts: 26 Member
    Anytime you can replace sugar with a natural form over a processed one is good. I'd read up on raw honey too. I have cut way back on sugar and after a 222 days, an apple feels like a delicious sweet treat. If I really need a sugar fix which is not often, I eat a 1/3 cup of raisins or Crasins. 120 cals.

    Rather than beat up Honey, look at someone credible Dr. Lustig on sugar: Long version) More to weight loss than just cals in and cals out.....(though that is most of it).

    1 min:

    Most will get enough sugar in the processed foods, yogurt for me, and as someone below pointed out it is in many things.

    Have a great day. Dr. Lustig is a MD at UC San Francisco Med Center I believe.

    Jon Hanson
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I did abstain during my first month on MFP, just to kinda "reset" my mindset regarding my diet. After the first month, I began to gradually add them back into my diet. There is no way that i will avoid sugar the rest of my life, so instead I just eat it in moderation and stick to my calorie goals.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    This is just so typical of me . . .I am such sucker for tryin out new stuff :frown:
    But nobody here seems to buy the idea of honey aiding weight-loss

    Honey is awesome! But you still have to use it sparingly, just like white sugar or brown sugar or powdered sugar or fructose, or ____ (insert sweetener here)____ ! :flowerforyou:
  • caseysexton5
    caseysexton5 Posts: 27 Member
    As for the honey benefits over sugar, I'm not sure. But personally, I don't keep any sugar in my house strictly because I get the sweet cravings too! I don't buy sweet stuff, so when my cravings hit I always end up baking. So for 4ish months now my house has been sugar free (with the exception of honey and stevia) but I rarely use them. I drink my tea plain, it takes getting used to, but you could get there!
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    I am trying to hard to stop eating sweets and it's good for a day then next day I eat it. Any help on how to stop! I have cut way back. Just want it gone for sure. I think that's my main problem why I can drop pounds. Sweet are like a drug..
  • tikikris
    tikikris Posts: 81 Member
    I haven't used any sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners in two years. I've never felt better.

    I will use honey, molasses, agave nectar, and stevia sparingly. If you buy good tea, it tastes great unsweetened either hot or cold!
  • Jessicao33
    Jessicao33 Posts: 189 Member
    I haven't used any sugar, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup or artificial sweeteners in two years. I've never felt better.

    I will use honey, molasses, agave nectar, and stevia sparingly. If you buy good tea, it tastes great unsweetened either hot or cold!

    What did u find the hardest for u to stop? I am trying my hardest
  • afoz1990
    afoz1990 Posts: 89 Member
    Well I've got me a squirty bottle of honey :bigsmile:
    So I'm gonna experiment . . .
    and keep u guys posted . . .
    See right now Im on a sorta plateau so if substituting sugar with honey cud help I'm game . . .
    also any tips on going sugar free

    If you are at a plateau - why not look at how many calories in total you are consuming and not try to pin it on one specific food?
    bcos im doin about 1000 cals/day so i cant go lower than that> The idea is to improve the quality of the calories I take in
    so substituting empty calories with more wholesome ones (something like that)

    Why are you only on 1.000 calories a day?

    Edited to try to fix quotes

    I'm pretty short at 5'1" so 1000 cals give me a deficit of 550 cals per day . .so I do between 1000-1200 calories per day

    Being 5'1 wouldn't give you 1000 cals a day.... If you like the honey keep it! It probably won't be doing what you are expecting it do but if you like it more then just keep using it!!
    I AM going to say though you should for sure be consuming way more calories! I am 5'0 and I eat between 1590 - to 1620 everyday that I can (TDEE)
    My BMR alone is over 1240

    But to each his own
  • sapphireswi
    sapphireswi Posts: 583 Member
    Well It's been a month and a half since I posted the topic . . .and since then I have upped my calories . . .
    I consume about 1300 calories now . . looking back I feel a bit naive taking in 1000 per day . . .
    But I had just joined the site and was super excited to start losing weight . . .hence the madness:laugh:

    As for sugar . . . I have almost eliminated it completely:blushing:
    So I'd say it's very doable . . .occasionally when I need to sweeten my tea or my cup of porridge I add in a spoon of honey!
    If honey does have the great benefits then that's awesome
    But I use it cos I have come to like it's nice woody-fragrant taste
    My squirty bottle has still got 10 tsps of honey in it . . . so I guess I am not using all that much.:flowerforyou:
  • elisha8685
    I guess I misinterpreted the original post. Going off of sweets and table sugar completely is a great idea and takes a lot of discipline. I don't think any doctor would recommend going off of natural fruits etc all together though. Almost all of the sugar I ingest is through fresh fruits and vegetables, my very favorite being the pomegranate!