Marathon Newbies Group week three!!!



  • littlelisa24
    Does anyone have an idea for training for a marathon? I looked at the CH marathon training and i think i have to build up to 6miles to start. any other segestions?
  • princesspurple
    hi littlelisa24....I am training for the half using hal higdons training schedule. It is a really great one, I think anyway:) Runners World has training programs also.
  • littlelisa24
    Ya i noticed that too but i really can't decide. That's my problem! :happy:
  • AmyDoesIt
    AmyDoesIt Posts: 46
    Lisa, I used Hal's Higdon's program and think it has been pretty good- but of course this is my first race..... in less than 2 DAYS now!!! Good Luck to you.

    OMG.... Chrissy- I'm so excited- I hope I can sleep the next two nights. I think the rain is going to hold off till the afternoon- at least that is what I'm praying for.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Lisa - have you done any races yet? If not start with a 5k - how much running are you currently doing? I think you need to start with a shorter race and build to a marathon...thus my first Half this coming sunday (with AmyDoesIt---we're gonna meet for the first time and push each other!) I've got the butterflies fluttering already!
  • littlelisa24
    Thanks Chris and Amy! I'm running a 5K comfortably right know. I ran a 5K last summer across the golden gate bridge. I ran a 5K tuesday at 35.30 mins. I want to run the bay to bakers in may and then the dipsea in June both are 12K's. I'm not thinking about running the marathon untill Nov. So i can have ample time to train. I have been running since high school but had drop it for a while. High school was 5K's races weekly. I also ran track in college. So i have no problem with pushing the mileage it's just a matter of doing it. Thank's guys.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Another option for training progams is Smartcoach program. You type in your race time and distance, current weekly mileage, race goal, and time before race and it will create a customized training program for you. Once thing I likes is that it uses your race time to set up pacing so you have a goal for easy pace, interval pace, etc..

    Good Luck with the training littlelisa24.

    Chrissy and AmyDoesIt, I hope you had a wonderful race experience.
  • littlelisa24
    Thank you soo much! I just checked it out Chem!
  • princesspurple
    I am waiting to hear from Chrissyh and AmyDoesIt ! How did it go!?!?!?!?!!?!?:drinker:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    It was awesome!!!!! We set our goal and joined the Mizuno 2:45 pace team. Started out together for the first few miles and AmyDoesIt scooted on ahead of me - can't remember her official time but I think under time was 2:43:53. My original goal was under 3 hours so we did great. FANTASTIC experience!
  • princesspurple
    You 2 did amazing! Great job! What an accomplishment! That gives me hope for mine coming up! I hope you are proud of yourselves!
  • AmyDoesIt
    AmyDoesIt Posts: 46
    It was AMAZING crossing that finish line with the thousands of people running! I loved every minute (even most of the hills and the light rain) It was perfect for a first time experience! I ended up at 2:24 chip time which I felt very comfortable running. However my body is feeling it today. I'm researching IT band injuries which I found out at the expo I've been having problems with for the past month and just didn't know what it was.
    I'm going to slow up and take it easy for a few weeks with shorter runs to let this heal properly and start planning my next HALF somewhere this fall.

    The rest of you keep up the good training (it is well worth it to be prepared)... you are all going to do fine! I can't wait for you to experience it.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Amy's husband took this at about 1.5 miles into our race....we were trucking along.....Awesome job Amy!!!!!


    ~Amy-hope it's ok with you that I'm posting!
  • AmyDoesIt
    AmyDoesIt Posts: 46
    Sure, of course!

    How are you feeling today?

    I'm much better... Knee feels good again but my hips are still sore. Yesterday was a rest day and I plan to do some walking today.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Sure, of course!

    How are you feeling today?

    I'm much better... Knee feels good again but my hips are still sore. Yesterday was a rest day and I plan to do some walking today.

    Right hip is sore but otherwise I am great. I too hope to walk or jog today.

    Did you get any of the IT band brace things they sell---I had a runner tell me one time when my knee was hurting that it worked great for him.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Awesome job ladies.
  • AmyDoesIt
    AmyDoesIt Posts: 46
    Thanks Cheno- and when is yours again?


    I haven't heard about a brace but have read to back off on mileage (to heal) and stretch. Feels much better today. I think I'm going to focus on strength training, stretching and shorter runs for awhile. I have a 10K coming up in 3 weeks. I do want to find a good half to plan on for the fall.

    Have you decided on a full yet?
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    Thanks Cheno- and when is yours again?

    My half isn't until december. Since I had injured myself in training for it last year, it didn't end up making it, I decided to go slower. Right now I am going to maintain 19 miles a week with 8 miles being my longest, until it is more comfortable. Then I plan on building up again. I am also consider switchinig to minimalist running (instead of running shoes, wearing Vibrant 5 fingers). Just having fun with running at the moment without training.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Thanks Cheno- and when is yours again?


    I haven't heard about a brace but have read to back off on mileage (to heal) and stretch. Feels much better today. I think I'm going to focus on strength training, stretching and shorter runs for awhile. I have a 10K coming up in 3 weeks. I do want to find a good half to plan on for the fall.

    Have you decided on a full yet?

    As of right now....I am thinking of working on speeding up a bit...doing 5ks and at least 1 more half (maybe Greenville SC in Sept)....then do the Rock and Roll Marathon in April 2011. Those just sound SO fun and it seems to work well into our family budget and schedule. This past weekend with meals gas, entry fee...added up pretty quickly! Of course it didn't help that our dinner Saturday night cost $200....someone recommended the restaurant and we went during 1/2 price hour ($200 was half price cost)....I guess I should've asked about the cost being that it was in Lennox/Buckhead! Oh well-it was good and we had a great time.

    Where is your Cheerio's challenge?
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    I hope you guys dont mind me posting in your thread, its interesting to read your experiences and tips. I have my first half marathon on May 30th and I started my training about two weeks ago.

    Congrats on your run girls!! Sounds like you had an amazing experience!! It makes me excited for mine.:bigsmile:

    I have a question if you dont mind, I started getting some pain in my left hip joint the last time I went out for my run. Could I have prevented this by stretching more before and after my runs?? or is there something else that I could have done? Yesturday was my rest day, and I do feel quite a bit better so I figured I would go for my next run today. Any tips or ideas?? Thanks!:flowerforyou: