I don't "look" like I lost 50 lbs, so no one believed me.



  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member

    People are going to hate or be jealous of what they don't understand. You have done an amazing job of losing 50lbs!!!!!!!!!! So what if they think otherwise? Don't let them define you!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    you can't let your feelings hinge on what a bunch of strangers think. The masses are cruel, mob rule is callous and unforgiving, if you put yourself out there, expect the harshest judgement you can think of, then make it worse.

    Allow those you love to be your real support, all the others out there should be tiny little marshmallow balls thrown at you, if you like them, have a few (but not to many) and enjoy, if you don't like them, let them bounce off you; because their commentary is only as important as you let it be.


    “Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”
    ― Bernard M. Baruch
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member

    You are AMAZING!!! 50 pounds is an ENORMOUS achievement! And, like you said, 30 pounds is STILL better than where you started! People are just dumb and never think before they open their big dumb mouths. Do your thing and dont even bother with them. Don't let their fear of your success stand in your way. I think you just found out who your REAL friends are. Nice to find out this early in the game, eh? :D
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    I went from 165 to 135 and size 14 pants to size 6 in four months. Not one single person has commented other than my husband and an employee. Not even my daughter said anything at Thanksgiving. To give everyone credit, they didn't comment when I was fat. Now I try to notice and compliment if someone has lost weight. What I don't want to do is what my former mother inlaw used to do. She would ask me every time she saw me if I had lost weight. When I said no, she would say that she remembered me much heavier. NOT a compliment. She was VERY rotund.
  • hamonk
    hamonk Posts: 42 Member
    I'm still curious as to how you lost the weight.
    Not everyone's MFP join date is the day they started losing weight.

    Very true! I started my lifestlye change two weeks before I found MFP but wanted to be able to see ALL my progress on MFP so I did my start weight the first day and the second day I weighed in with my two week loss. I like to be able to see my total progress all at once.
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    I went from 165 to 135 and size 14 pants to size 6 in four months. Not one single person has commented other than my husband and an employee. Not even my daughter said anything at Thanksgiving. To give everyone credit, they didn't comment when I was fat. Now I try to notice and compliment if someone has lost weight. What I don't want to do is what my former mother inlaw used to do. She would ask me every time she saw me if I had lost weight. When I said no, she would say that she remembered me much heavier. NOT a compliment. She was VERY rotund.

    Don't feel bad about people not commenting, especially people at work. Some people simply look at the inner person and truly don't notice the outer person.Others don't want to comment on weight loss since it implies you didn't look good or weren't worthy before you lost weight.
  • puddy29
    i mean no harm but everyone is saying "who cares what people think" but the truth of the matter is we do care. we don't want to gawked at, ridiculed, laughed at or any of that. we shouldn't care but we do i think it's absolutely amazing that she's lost 50lb what she should have said is believe or not but i have lost 50lbs rather you can see it or not.
  • ncahill77
    ncahill77 Posts: 501 Member
    You still kick *kitten*, don't ever give up! And fack all those pretentious @ssholes in LA, you are definitely a cut above them.
  • 77tes
    77tes Posts: 7,937 Member
    You HAVE to do this for yourself! Impress yourself because you are the one who is doing this thing! I sympathize that you have to face people in the media. I can't imagine how hard that has got to be!

    I had a similar situation when my husband didn't notice and even scoffed that I had lost 30 lbs. I let it totally derail me and I gained 50 to punish him. (Pretty dumb, I know.) I used to blame him for sabotaging me, but I have since realized that I was the one who sabotaged myself by reacting stupidly. This time around, I let his jerky statement, "Don't get rid of your fat clothes," inspire me to SHOW him. Thanks honey, for the inspiration!

    Make a list of your NSV's. Post them on your bedroom mirror. Get a T-shirt that celebrates every milestone. Celebrate here where everyone will be cheering your achievements. These things will happen. People will say mean, thoughtless things. Love yourself and take care of yourself.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • pamelak5
    pamelak5 Posts: 327 Member
    It's tough. FWIW - people don't notice weight changes unless they are really dramatic. I've gone from 240 to 198 (I am 5'11") since I last saw my family and no one said a word. Honestly, I don't think they ever thought about my weight as much as I do, so it makes sense now.

    What I think about your situation - people are jerks and, because you are in the entertainment industry, your body is considered fair game for public comment. People are making rude comments about you, and they are also making rude comments about how some singer/model/actress is "fat" because she gained five pounds after a breakup. It's incredibly mean and that is one reason I don't look at People or any of those celebrity magazines.

    People also want a dramatic change, thanks to shows like Biggest Loser and whatnot. They want you to look like a gastric bypass patient who has dropped 200 pounds before returning to the public eye. So when you advertise your weight loss, they expect something incredibly unrealistic.

    Continue working on making changes for yourself. It sounds like for you, getting your binge eating under control has been really important and you've had success. Once you have some more success, start focusing on the quality of what you're eating. Add some healthier foods, foods that will fuel your body the way it deserves! Focus on adopting a healthier lifestyle - exercise throughout the week for fun and stress relief, not just to balance out what you ate. One step at a time. Feel free to add me if you'd like support. Take care!
  • XXbrendaXX
    I completely understand. I have lost 71 lbs in the last 4 months, going from 320 to 249. A great achievement I know, but 249 is still big. I am still obese. People ask how much weight I've lost and I've gotten to the point that I hate to tell them. I'd say 71 lbs! and feel I'm getting a look like "really...but you're still fat"?! I am sure they don't realize that I needed to lose 150 lbs. Now when someone comments that I've lost weight, I just say "I'm working on it". How much weight have you lost? "Oh, a pound or two." I know the numbers. I know what they mean, how hard I have worked. I don't need to share that to feel good about what I have accomplished. Don't let what others think/say get to you. YOU know what you have accomplished...be proud!! :happy:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
  • MissFitee
    MissFitee Posts: 106 Member
    .... MONSTERS! >.< That just pisses me off sooo bad. Why are there so many sick people out there, and why can't they just keep it to themselves???

    Must be hard to be so public. I feel bad enough about myself and the only one picking on me is myself!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    .... MONSTERS! >.< That just pisses me off sooo bad. Why are there so many sick people out there, and why can't they just keep it to themselves???

    Must be hard to be so public. I feel bad enough about myself and the only one picking on me is myself!


    you want a position in the public eye? you dont get to be upset about them judging you. You want a job in the public eye? You have to have thick skin. You want a job in the public eye? You want that little bit of fame? Then you trade in privacy and protection from meanies to have it.

    You cant have a little bit of celebrity without having everything else that goes with it. You gave that up.

    Not saying this is right, Im saying its the job.

    you just have to have a stronger character than everyone else so it wont get to you.

    practice tougher skin.
  • toxicsgrl
    its the same for me. i have lost 40lbs and have another 200+ to go so obviously im very very heavy, but no one is noticing my loss except my partner coz hes the only one who sees me naked.

    i liken myself to a beach near to where i live. newgale, pembrokeshire. it has a massive pile of pebbles all along the 1 mile beach and i say to people, if you took 3 stones off newgale beach you wouldnt notice, but once you take half away you would. once ive lost half of my weight i know people wil defo notice and im looking forward to that!

    just keep going, you'll get there xx
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    So nobody is speculating on the identity of Miss Sweetalker. If she really is a famous actress, I'm guessing Rebel Wilson despite a 7 year age gap/weight gap between the profile and the star. I mean, how many fat actresses have films out now and also would be likely slip between lbs and kg?
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    i dont care - whining is whining
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    The entertainment industry is brutal, isn't it? Congratulations on your weight loss, 50 pounds is an amazing accomplishment!!

    Not to be negative, but I think you need to work on tuning all of that crap out and focus on building your self-esteem. In your profession your are going to get blasted from every tabloid, news source, and public forum available.

    I am also a binge eater, and yes, I still have setbacks. During Thanksgiving week, I ate and drank booze pretty much nonstop for four days straight...gained about six pounds. (That weight is gone now, thank goodness.) But what I did to get back on track was allow myself to "get it out of my system" and I started fresh on Sunday. I didn't wait until Monday or after Christmas, I forced myself to get back to better eating and working out. And now I am back to my lifestyle change. What I DON'T do is berate myself for it. I show myself grace for the holiday, the visit from my family, being out of routine, etc., and I move forward.

    It's not easy, but it is possible. Change your mind about yourself, and you can change your body and your health. Best of luck to you.
  • yogsvr4
    yogsvr4 Posts: 149 Member
    That being said, there's some ugly truths you need to recognize. About 10% of people will genuinely care about your weight loss and be supportive. 40% will hate you for it, or be jealous of you, and the other 50% could care less unless there is something in it for them.

    Did you also know that 92.45% of all statistics are made up on the spot :tongue:

    Aside from that tidbit. You put to much stock in what other people have to say. You need to put a little bit of focus on the very few people who's opinions actually matter. 50 is great and if you let other peole define it as something else, just visually stamp the word '*kitten*' on their face. That way, when you see them again, you can properly file their opinion.
  • goldenday
    goldenday Posts: 204 Member
    They are simply horrible people, try to stay away from them. Look at your old photos and see how far you've come.

    50 pounds is awesome and you should be so proud of yourself.

    Do the opinions of these people even matter?