Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Im sure a lot of them do. And we all might not be in the same time zones too.

    Yes I have a goal of 3500 calorie burn each week so that means I need about 600 a day for 6 days and today was 603.
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    Is slim in 6 similar to Jillian Michaels style of circuit training?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Thats ok 2 makes a group... more SI6ers will post. I am in this for the duration and posting EVERYDAY what ever it takes!

    Sound like a reasonabe plan. What kind of HRM do you have? I bought a Mio last year and have yet to use it. I wanted to figure out how to use by myself ( dont ask me why) and gave up. Guess I should pull it out and ask my DH to help me.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Bella: Yes Slim in 6 in my opinion is similar style to jillian. Go to youtube and find slim in 6 and watch the videos and see what you think. Or even go on beachbody's website.

    Well ladies I am done day 2 and wow am I sore!!! I didnt even wanna get outta bed this morning!

    But I got up and got dressed and did SIU!!! I only burned 219 calories so will be doig the elliptical and slim & limber this afternoon.

    Would like to hear how everyone elses workouts are going!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Bella I have only done 1 w/o, so I cant say.
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    :drinker: Jenn w/o done!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Here's a link to a Slim in 6 product overview video for anyone not familiar with the program:

    About the sore neck doing Slim & 6-Pack: That will get much better once your abdominals get stronger, which they will if you do S&6-P three days a week, I promise! I am so amazed at how much stronger mine are now than when I started. It's crazy!

    Have great workouts today, ladies! I had a rest day yesterday, and today I'm doing the Cool It Off video from Slim Series.
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Jill - I find you everywhere! :tongue:

    I'd like to join on in with you guys. I didn't start yesterday (didn't find you guys until today) but I too am a fellow Slim in 6er who has not completed the full 6 weeks and would like the encouragement to get through this time. I am going to follow Jill's suggestion and do S&6 pack, SIU and S&L. I haven't been working out in quite a while (probably about a month). My shins have been hurting pretty bad when I do work out, so I've been neglecting my workouts. :indifferent: I'm going to buy inserts for my shoes and pray that my shins don't hurt tonight.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    LOL, Lisa. That's because I AM everywhere! :laugh:

    Stick with the full six weeks. You can do it. Some days won't be easy, but do it anyway. It's worth it!
  • LisaC1026
    LisaC1026 Posts: 1,203 Member
    :heart: I know Jill! :wink: I need to get through this shin thing and hopefully having you on my team will help encourage me to make it to the finish line. :happy:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Lisa: Welcome to our group!!!

    Jill: I was wondering how often we should do slim & 6 pack? Would it be good to do it everyday?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi Girls :smile:

    Jill Cant wait to get stronger!! My neck was better today .... No 6pk... though.

    Lisa WELCOME :flowerforyou: Sorry to hear about your shins. Have you Goggled shin pain? I was told tapping your toes helps, sounds simple but might help you? I hope they get better fast.

    I did Start it up and Slim and Limber this morn. I am sorer than I knew... my legs, butt and abs were feeling it.

    Might do S & L again later.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    Lisa, I'm always on your team! I hope your shins heal and you can get going on this very soon!!!

    Sweettart, I wouldn't recommend doing 6-Pack every day. Doing it every other workout (three days a week) would be perfect!

    Callie, I'm so glad you're doing Slim & Limber. It feels SO good, I don't know why anybody would ever want to skip it! It's such a treat.
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272

    Sorry I missed yesterday!

    I was out of town and got back around dinner time last night, so needless to say I didn't get my workout in!

    I will be starting my vids tonight! I will check-in in the morning!

    Hope everyone is having a fantastic day!!
  • itsbella
    itsbella Posts: 1,101
    I know that you are all doing Slim in 6....I'm doing Jillian's workout....I can use support aswell....can I join in this group?
  • ashf828
    ashf828 Posts: 14
    what is it?
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good Morning ....

    Jill Slim & Limber is "the reward" !!

    Hi shagybear33 :smile: How was the w/o?

    Bella Of course you can! Are you doing JM curcuits?

    ashf828 Are you asking What is Slim in 6? Jill left a link earlier .

    Have a GREAT w/o all!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Here's a link to a Slim in 6 product overview video for anyone not familiar with the program:

    About the sore neck doing Slim & 6-Pack: That will get much better once your abdominals get stronger, which they will if you do S&6-P three days a week, I promise! I am so amazed at how much stronger mine are now than when I started. It's crazy!

    Have great workouts today, ladies! I had a rest day yesterday, and today I'm doing the Cool It Off video from Slim Series.

    Here you go ashf828, if thats what you were asking?
  • MandyThomas
    I started SI6 on monday too but just found your group on the message boards. This is my second time trying the program - the first time I lasted just two weeks and then stopped. I have found that in order for me to complete the program I will have to get up early in the AM and do the workouts because there is not enough time in the day to do them in the evening between to two boys and a full time job. I am dedicated this time to sticking with it. I have to be dedicated I have two boys that need me in the life. I am not obsese by any means but just have some extra baggage to lose - so my goal is to lose about 30-40 lbs. I plan to complete SI6 and then move on to Turbo Jam or Insanity to really start losing the weight. I tried P90X but that way to intense for me to start out with so I am slowly moving up the ladder! And what is better motivation than two boys smiling at you saying "I love you mom!" That is great motivation for me! I am so out of shape, the first two days killed me and my back between my shoulder blades feel like a knife was inserted there, but i have to continue. I did Start it Up monday, tuesday and today with 6 pack added in on monday and today. I probably really should do the limber program and that would probably help out my back. For the quesiton on the calories burned. On the teambeachbody website they stated that start it up was burning about 200 - 230 calories, and ramp it up was 350-400 calories burned. I hope that helps!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Richmand: Welcome to our group! I think beachbodys calorie burns are about right.

    This morning I started off with slim & 6 pack and my abs were SCREAMING at me cuz they are still very sore!

    So slim & 6 pack and SIU for a calorie burn of 268. Since we got company yesterday didnt hit my calorie goal of 600 so today going to pump it up!

    Going to do weight loss program on the elliptical for 20mins, slim & limber and then bring the dog for a half hour walk.

    Will be back later to post again!

    Have a great workout everyone!